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A numerical model for the entire Wadden Sea: skill assessment and analysis of hydrodynamics 5
Graewe, Ulf; Floeser, Goetz; Gerkema, Theo; Duran-matute, Matias; Badewien, Thomas H.; Schulz, Elisabeth; Burchard, Hans.
A baroclinic three-dimensional numerical model for the entire Wadden Sea of the German Bight in the southern North Sea is first assessed by comparison to field data for surface elevation, current velocity, temperature, and salinity at selected stations and then used to calculate fluxes of volume and salt inside the Wadden Sea and the exchange between the Wadden Sea and the adjacent North Sea through the major tidal inlets. The model is simulating the reference years 2009–2011. An overview of tidal prisms and residual volume fluxes of the main inlets and their variability is given. In addition, data from an intensive observational campaign in a tidal channel south of the island of Spiekeroog as well as satellite images and observations of sea surface...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wadden Sea; GETM; Coastal ocean modeling; Tidal straining; Estuarine circulation; Total exchange flow.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Influence des conditions hydrométéorologiques sur les flux et bilans sédimentaires en estuaire de Seine 5
Grasso, Florent; Schulz, Elisabeth; Le Hir, Pierre; Verney, Romaric; Thouvenin, Benedicte.
La dynamique sédimentaire à l’embouchure de l’estuaire de Seine est principalement contrôlée par les forçages hydrométéorologiques (débit, vent, vagues, marée) et les fortes pressions anthropiques (endiguement, dragage, clapage). La compréhension et la quantification de la dynamique des flux sédimentaires en suspension (sable/vase) est un enjeu majeur, autant d’un point vu écologique (ex. turbidité, envasement) que financier (ex. gestion des chenaux de navigation). La mise en place de réseaux de mesure in situ permet une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique sédimentaire de l’estuaire, mais leur caractère local rend difficile toute estimation des flux et bilans sédimentaires. Pour répondre à ces questions, cette étude s’appuie sur la modélisation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dynamique hydro-sédimentaire; Sable/vase; Estuaire de Seine; Modélisation numérique; Mesures in situ; Dragage; Flux résiduels et bilans; Année/trimestres.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Modélisation environnementale de l'estuaire de la Seine 5
Bacq, Nicolas; Cugier, Philippe; Grasso, Florent; Le Gendre, Romain; Le Hir, Pierre; Lemoine, Jean-philippe; Riou, Philippe; Schulz, Elisabeth; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Verney, Romaric.
Dans le cadre du programme de recherche Seine-Aval 5, différentes stratégies de modélisation numérique sont mises en place pour aider à répondre aux questionnements scientifiques et sociétaux associés au fonctionnement physique, biologique, chimique et écologique de l'estuaire de la Seine (ex. projets RESET et HYMOSED). Les forçages météo-marins (vent, vague, marée) et hydrologique (débit) contrôlent le fonctionnement hydro-morpho-sédimentaire et biogéochimique de l'estuaire, modifiant ainsi les paramètres environnementaux de l’estuaire amont jusqu’à la baie de Seine (ex. nature des fonds, courant, turbidité, salinité, température, oxygène dissous, chlorophylle-a). La modélisation de ces paramètres, ainsi que leur évolution face à différents scénarios...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Suspended Sediment Dynamics in the Macrotidal Seine Estuary (France) - Part 1: Numerical Modeling of Turbidity Maximum Dynamics 5
Grasso, Florent; Verney, Romaric; Le Hir, Pierre; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Schulz, Elisabeth; Kervella, Youenn; Fard, I. Khojasteh Pour; Lemoine, J. -p.; Dumas, Franck; Garnier, Valerie.
Tidal pumping, baroclinic circulation and vertical mixing are known to be the main mechanisms responsible for the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) formation. However, the influence of hydro-meteorological conditions on ETM dynamics is still not properly grasped and requires further investigation to be quantified. Based on a realistic 3-dimensional numerical model of the macrotidal Seine Estuary (France) that accounts for mud and sand transport processes, the objective of this study is to quantify the influence of the main forcing (river flow, tides, waves) on the ETM location and mass changes. As expected, the ETM location is strongly modulated by semidiurnal tidal cycles and fortnightly timescales with a high sensitivity to river flow variations. The ETM...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Estuary; Mud; Sand; Hydrodynamics; Turbidity maximum; Waves; Measurement; Modeling.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Suspended Sediment Dynamics in the Macrotidal Seine Estuary (France) - Part 2: Numerical Modeling of Sediment Fluxes and Budgets Under Typical Hydrological and Meteorological Conditions 5
Schulz, Elisabeth; Grasso, Florent; Le Hir, Pierre; Verney, Romaric; Thouvenin, Benedicte.
Understanding the sediment dynamics in an estuary is important for its morphodynamic and ecological assessment as well as, in case of an anthropogenically controlled system, for its maintenance. However, the quantification of sediment fluxes and budgets is extremely difficult from in-situ data and requires thoroughly validated numerical models. In the study presented here, sediment fluxes and budgets in the lower Seine Estuary were quantified and investigated from seasonal to annual time scales with respect to realistic hydro- and meteorological conditions. A realistic three-dimensional process-based hydro- and sediment-dynamic model was used to quantify mud and sand fluxes through characteristic estuarine cross-sections. In addition to a reference...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Macrotidal estuary; Sediment fluxes; Numerical modelling; Mud/sand; Wind/waves; River discharge.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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