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A distal 140 kyr sediment record of Nile discharge and East African monsoon variability ArchiMer
Ehrmann, Werner; Schmiedl, Gerhard; Seidel, Martin; Krueger, Stefan; Schulz, Hartmut.
Clay mineral assemblages in a sediment core from the distal Nile discharge plume off Israel have been used to reconstruct the late Quaternary Nile sediment discharge into the eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS). The record spans the last ca. 140 kyr. Smectite abundances indicate the influence of the Blue Nile and the Atbara River that have their headwaters in the volcanic rocks of the Ethiopian Highlands. Kaolinite abundances indicate the influence of wadis, which contribute periodically to the suspension load of the Nile. Due to the geographical position, the climate and the sedimentary framework of the EMS is controlled by two climate systems. The long-term climate regime was governed by the African monsoon that caused major African humid periods (AHPs) with...
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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Advancing Santorini’s tephrostratigraphy: new glass geochemical data and improved marine-terrestrial tephra correlations for the past ∼360 kyrs ArchiMer
Wulf, Sabine; Keller, Jörg; Satow, Christopher; Gertisser, Ralf; Kraml, Michael; Grant, Katharine M.; Appelt, Oona; Vakhrameeva, Polina; Koutsodendris, Andreas; Hardiman, Mark; Schulz, Hartmut; Pross, Jörg.
The island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea is one of the world’s most violent active volcanoes. Santorini has produced numerous highly explosive eruptions over at least the past ∼360 kyrs that are documented by the island’s unique proximal tephra record. However, the lack of precise eruption ages and comprehensive glass geochemical datasets for proximal tephras has long hindered the development of a detailed distal tephrostratigraphy for Santorini eruptions. In light of these requirements, this study develops a distal tephrostratigraphy for Santorini covering the past ∼360 kyrs, which represents a major step forward towards the establishment of a tephrostratigraphic framework for the Eastern Mediterranean region. We present new EPMA glass geochemical data...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Santorini; EPMA glass chemistry; Proximal tephra deposits; Marine tephrostratigraphy; Land-sea correlations; Eastern Mediterranean region.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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