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Instability of the Mediterranean Water undercurrents southwest of Portugal: effects of baroclinicity and of topography 5
Cherubin, Laurent; Carton, Xavier; Paillet, Jerome; Morel, Yann; Serpette, Alain.
Southwest of Portugal, in situ data show that part of the mesoscale variability of the Mediterranean Water undercurrents is triggered by topographic effects (near capes and submarine canyons), and is driven by a dominantly baroclinic instability. The vertical alignment of these undercurrents observed at sites of eddy formation is indeed favorable to baroclinic instability. This instability is materialized by the formation of filaments and of small eddies in the Portimao canyon and of meddles near Cape Saint Vincent and near the Estramadura Promontory. Hydrological data and float trajectories reveal that these eddies have a baroclinic structure. Near Portimao canyon, the variation of the potential vorticity of the undercurrents again proves their...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eau méditerranéenne; Sous-courants; Instabilité barocline; "meddies"; Atlantique nord-est; Mediterranean Water; Undercurrents; Baroclinic instability; Meddies; NE Atlantic.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Interactions of surface and deep anticyclonic eddies in the Bay of Biscay 5
Carton, Xavier; Le Cann, Bernard; Serpette, Alain; Dubert, Jesus.
In 1990, satellite observations revealed that an anticyclonic surface eddy (a SWODDY, for Slope Water Oceanic eDDY) followed a cycloidal trajectory north of the Iberian coast in the Bay of Biscay. To understand the mechanisms underlying such a trajectory, we study the evolution of an idealized surface eddy in a two-layer flat-bottom quasi-geostrophic model. The effect of several processes is studied, notably the presence of deep anticyclonic vorticity. This deep vorticity may result either from the tilting of the swoddy itself, or from the presence of an anticyclonic eddy of different origins, such as a meddy (Mediterranean Water EDDY). We also study the influence of a zonal coast south of the swoddy, via the "mirror effect". Firstly, a point-vortex model...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Anticyclonic eddies; Swoddy; Meddy; Point vortex dynamics; Trajectory; Quasi-geostrophic model; In-situ observations.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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PROTEVS-MED field experiments: very high resolution hydrographic surveys in the Western Mediterranean Sea 5
Garreau, Pierre; Dumas, Franck; Louazel, Stephanie; Correard, Stéphanie; Fercocq, Solenn; Le Menn, Marc; Serpette, Alain; Garnier, Valerie; Stegner, Alexandre; Le Vu, Briac; Doglioli, Andrea; Gregori, Gerald.
From 2015 to 2018 four field experiments (seven legs) were performed in the Western Mediterranean basin during winter or early spring. The main objectives were the assessment of high-resolution modeling and the observation of mesoscale structure and associated ageostrophic dynamics. Thanks to the intensive use of a towed vehicle undulating in the upper oceanic layer between 0 and 400 m depth (SeaSoar), a large number of very high resolution hydrographic transects (total length about 10 000 km) were measured, observing mesoscale dynamics (slope current and its instabilities, anticyclonic eddies, submesoscale coherent vortices, frontal dynamics, convection events, strait outflows) and submesoscale processes like stirring, mixed-layer or symmetric...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Refroidissements locaux aux abords du talus continental Armoricain 5
Langlois, Gilbert; Gohin, Francis; Serpette, Alain.
Infrared measurement at the sea surface, which constitutes an operational technology in remote-sensing, has become essential for the study of ocean dynamics. Nevertheless, observations are only usable when clouds do not mask infrared radiation coming from the ocean, a condition which rarely pertains in the Bay of Biscay as a whole. lt is consequently a matter of primary concern to have at one's disposai an effective method which permits the computation of mean SST fields from a chronological succession of incomplete images. In the case under consideration, "kriging" is the most widely practised method of performing geostatistical estimates. Before mapping isotherms, temperatures are estimated by interpolation on a regular gridnet. The process was applied...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ondes internes; Talus continental; Température superficielle; Télédétection; Analyse objective; Internal waves; Continental shelf; Sea-surface temperature; Teledetection; Objective analysis.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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