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Etude de quelques données historiques relatives au proche Atlantique faite en liaison avec la climatologie-Rapport N°4-Etude statistique de l'ensemble des données hydrologiques recueillies depuis le début du siècle en mer celtique ArchiMer
Servain, Jacques.
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Ano: 1976 URL:
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Etude statistique de l'ensemble des données hydrologiques recueillies depuis le début du siècle en mer celtique ArchiMer
Servain, Jacques.
L.H.N. COOPER rapporte (1949) que c'est E.W.L. HOLT qui pour la première fois employa le terme "Mer Celtique". Ceci se passait à Dublin en 1921 lors d'une réunion d'experts de la Pêche Maritime. Rarement peut-être un terme géographique ne fut aussi approprié. En effet, la Mer Celtique est une mer épicontinentale, largement ouverte vers l'Océan Atlantique, qui s'étend entre l'Irlande, le Pays de Galles, la Cornouaille britannique et la Bretagne armoricaine. Ses limites au sens strict sont arbitrairement fixées par : - à l'Est, la droite joignant l'Ile d'Ouessant au cap Land's End, Cornwall, la côte britannique entre Land's End et Hartland Point et la droite reliant Hartland Point et St David's Head, Pembrokeshire. - au Nord, la droite reliant St David's...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1976 URL:
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Oceanic Indices for Forecasting Seasonal Rainfall over the Northern Part of Brazilian Northeast ArchiMer
Hounsou-gbo, Gbèkpo Aubains; Servain, Jacques; Araujo, Moacyr; Martins, Eduardo Sávio; Bourlès, Bernard; Caniaux, Guy.
A relationship between oceanic conditions in the northwestern equatorial Atlantic (NWEA) and the seasonal rainfall over the northern part of Brazilian Northeast (NNEB) allows large climate events to be forecasted with a delay of a few months. Observed sea surface variables (sea surface temperature, wind stress and latent heat flux) and reanalyzed temperature and salinity profiles at depths of 0 - 150 m are used during 1974-2008. Perturbations in the Wind-Evaporation-SST mechanism over the NWEA during the last months of the year and the first months of the following year are of primary importance in evaluating the risk that strong climate events will affect the subsequent seasonal rainfall (in March-April) over the NNEB. Especially interesting are the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Brazilian Northeast; Seasonal Rainfall; Barrier Layer Thickness; Oceanic Heat Content.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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SST Indexes in the Tropical South Atlantic for Forecasting Rainy Seasons in Northeast Brazil ArchiMer
Hounsou-gbo, Gbekpo Aubains; Servain, Jacques; Araujo, Moacyr; Caniaux, Guy; Bourles, Bernard; Fontenele, Diogenes; Martins, Eduardo Savio P. R..
May-to-July and February-to-April represent peak rainy seasons in two sub-regions of Northeast Brazil (NEB): Eastern NEB and Northern NEB respectively. In this paper, we identify key oceanic indexes in the tropical South Atlantic for driving these two rainy seasons. In Eastern NEB, the May-to-July rainfall anomalies present a positive relationship with the previous boreal winter sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in the southeast tropical Atlantic (20 degrees-10 degrees S; 10 degrees W-5 degrees E). This positive relationship, which spread westward along the southern branch of the South Equatorial Current, is associated with northwesterly surface wind anomalies. A warmer sea surface temperature in the southwestern Atlantic warm pool increases the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Brazilian Northeast; Rainfall; Predictability; Tropical Atlantic.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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