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A Critique of the Use of the Balanced Scorecard in Multi-Enterprise Family Farm Businesses 31
Shadbolt, Nicola M.; Beeby, N.; Brier, B.; Gardner, John W.G..
Business strategy is very important to small and medium family businesses as many are both fragile and vulnerable; strategy provides a solid foundation for survival. Various studies have identified that businesses that engage in strategic management outperform those that do not. Despite this knowledge the uptake of many aspects of strategic management by farm businesses has been slow. Although the development of business plans is now common there is often a disconnect between monitoring and strategy. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) was applied to case study farms during both the planning process and as they implemented and controlled their strategic choices to determine areas of difference that restrict or enhance it as a management tool for both family and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Adopting New Zealand Dairy Farm Principles and Practices in Argentina 31
Peluffo, Matias; Shadbolt, Nicola M..
The dairy sector is important to Argentina because it creates genuine wealth and employment. Milk production at competitive costs is crucial for the endurance of the Argentine dairy sector; therefore the development of competitive dairy farm systems is important for Argentina. New Zealand (hereafter NZ) dairy farm systems are internationally known for their competitiveness without the presence of subsidies. Though Argentine dairy farmers have been attracted to NZ systems for more than 40 years and despite the fact that the NZ knowledge appears to be beneficial to Argentine farms, NZ practices have been rarely adopted. This seemingly fruitless effort in extending this technology shapes the research question of the present study: Can Argentine dairy farmers...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Argentine dairy farm systems; New Zealand innovations for Argentina; Argentine dairy industry; Argentine dairy systems; Diffusion of innovations; Adoption of innovations; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Drivers of Risk in New Zealand Dairy Systems 31
Pinochet-Chateau, Rene; Shadbolt, Nicola M.; Holmes, Colin; Lopez-Villalobos, Nicolas.
Much research have been focused on the importance of physical parameters on the profitability of New Zealand pastoral systems, however not many efforts have been addressed from a financial perspective. As farms get bigger, the identification of the main drivers on farm economical viability becomes more important. The objective of this study was to identify important factors affecting Return on Equity (ROE) as a measure of risk in pastoral systems. A 5-years database of owner operated New Zealand dairy farms with seasonal milk supply pattern was analysed. A logistic regression model was used to examine the effects of several variables on ROE. The analysis was undertaken between farms and within seasons to account for the effect of milk payout on risk. The...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Factors for Successful Development of Farmer cooperatives in Northwest China 31
Garnevska, Elena; Liu, Guozhong; Shadbolt, Nicola M..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Chinese cooperatives; Successful factors; Cooperative development; Northwest China; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Farm Management; Health Economics and Policy; International Development.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Farm Investments: Alternative Ownership Structures that Address the Liquidity versus Profitability Conundrum 31
Shadbolt, Nicola M.; Gardner, John W.G..
Investing in farmland is fraught with conflicting signals. Oltmans (2001) concludes that while investing in land may generally be profitable it is seldom, if ever, feasible on a cash flow basis. He argues that the non-depreciable nature of land and long-term capital gains are incompatible with the capital recovery terms sought by investors and lenders. He also notes that literature on this subject tends to focus on either the returns (profitability) or the cash flow (feasibility) but not on both simultaneously. To assist in the debate it is helpful to split the farm into two businesses that are often, but not necessarily, linked - the property business, where success is measured by changes in asset values over time and is driven by smart purchase and sale...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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How Best to Compare Low and High Input Pastoral Systems 31
Shadbolt, Nicola M.; Holmes, Colin; de Machado, Maria Buron; Silva-Villacorta, David.
New Zealand dairy farm systems are changing. The traditional seasonal all-pasture system reliant on rainfall for success is now but one of a range of systems adopted by farmers, others include various levels of nitrogen fertiliser and introduced feed, both on and off farm, split calving systems and once-a-day milking. Despite these changes pasture is a critical input to almost all systems so pasture growth and utilisation are still key factors in successful dairy farm businesses. The dilemma for the dairy industry is whether or not such changes are threatening New Zealand's coveted position as a low cost producer of milk able to compete in global markets. There is also some confusion of how to define a high input system due to the fact that all the current...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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New Zealand Agribusiness Success: An Approach to exploring the role of strategy, structure and conduct on firm performance 31
Scrimgeour, Frank G.; McDermott, Alan; Saunders, Caroline M.; Shadbolt, Nicola M.; Sheath, Gavin W..
This paper presents a framework to explore agribusiness success in New Zealand. The framework provides the basis for historical analysis. It draws on existing theory based on the structure-conduct-performance paradigm but expanded to take account of firm strategy and the analysis of value chains.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Structure; Conduct; Performance; History; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Organic dairy farming: cost of production and profitability 31
Shadbolt, Nicola M.; Kelly, Terry; Holmes, Colin.
Organic milk production in the European Union (EU) costs more than conventional production and therefore requires a price premium (15-25%) and an increase in direct payments to ensure the same level of profitability. In European comparisons, milk yields per cow are lower (9-30%) and stocking rates are also 20-40% lower due to lower yields in forage production. The International Farm Comparison Network (IFCN 2003), comparison between organic and non-organic farms in the EU calculated 22-37% higher costs of production. Similarly the cost increase measured in California ranged from 13-23% for organic versus conventional milk production. However comparisons between low producing and low cost systems as described by MafPolicy (2002), and for the Argentinean...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Production costs; Organic dairy farming; Farm business management; Farm Management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Risk - An Opportunity or Threat for Entrepreneurial Farmers in the Global Food Market? 31
Shadbolt, Nicola M.; Olubode-Awosola, Femi; Gray, David I.; Dooley, Elizabeth.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Uncertainty; Farm management; Opportunities; Threats; Agribusiness; Q12.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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