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Forest Conservation and Slippage: Evidence from Mexico's National Payments for Ecosystem Services Program 31
Alix-Garcia, Jennifer Marie; Shapiro, Elizabeth N.; Sims, Katharine R.E..
Incentive-based programs to reduce deforestation are expected to play an increasingly important role in global efforts to protect ecosystems and sequester carbon but their environmental effectiveness is not clear. We investigate program effectiveness and slippage in the context of Mexico's national payments for hydrological services program, which pays private and communal landowners to maintain forest cover on enrolled lands. To measure program impacts, we use matched controls drawn from the program applicant pool to establish counterfactual deforestation rates in the absence of payments. We find statistically significant but small to moderate avoided deforestation impacts. To examine slippage of deforestation to nonenrolled lands, we develop a model of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Payments for environmental services; Payments for ecosystem services; Program evaluation; Slippage; Leakage; Incentive-based mechanisms; Mexico; Land use; Deforestation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q12; Q24; Q57; R14; O13.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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