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A taxonomic revision of Mallotus section Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae) in Malesia 16
Sierra, S.E.C.; Welzen, P.C. van.
A revision of Mallotus section Mallotus in Malesia is given. Descriptions, distribution maps, habit drawings and a key to all species are provided. The diagnostic characters for the section are briefly discussed. Four species (M. barbatus, M. macrostachyus, M. mollissimus, M. paniculatus) and one variety (M. paniculatus var. formosanus) are recognised.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Euphorbiaceae; Rottlerinae; Mallotus; Malesia; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A taxonomic revision of Mallotus section Philippinenses (former section Rottlera – Euphorbiaceae) in Malesia and Thailand 16
Sierra, S.E.C.; Welzen, P.C. van; Slik, J.W.F..
A revision of Mallotus section Philippinenses (former section Rottlera) in Malesia and Thailand is given. Descriptions, distribution maps, habit drawings, and a key to the species are provided. The diagnostic characters for the section are briefly discussed. Five species (M. kongkandae, M. leptostachyus, M. pallidus, M. philippensis, and M. repandus) are recognised. Mallotus chromocarpus is excluded from the section because it has more shared characters with the monospecific genus Octospermum, like the presence of indehiscent fruits, absence of stipules, marginal extrafloral nectaries on the upper side of the leaf blade, broad connectives (shaped umbrella-like), and its occurrence in New Guinea, and is therefore probably closely related to it.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Euphorbiaceae; Rottlerinae; Mallotus; Philippinenses; Rottlera; Octospermum; Malesia; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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How to tackle revisions of large genera: lessons from Macaranga and Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae) 16
Welzen, P.C. van; Kulju, K.K.M.; Sierra, S.E.C..
Two approaches to revise large genera are discussed. The first approach can be done by a single person, who revises the genus area after area. The other approach is by a team that revises per infrageneric taxon (preferably a single person per infrageneric group). The two approaches have their positive and negative sides, but both give good results. One problem with both approaches is to keep an overview of a possible infrageneric classification. The latter problem can be tackled by performing phylogenetic analyses based on molecular markers (providing core phylogeny) in combination with morphological, palynological, and anatomical data (providing apomorphies for infrageneric taxa).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Euphoriaceae; Macaranga; Mallotus; Phylogeny; Revision; Species rich genera.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Key to the Malesian species of Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae) 16
Welzen, P.C. van; Kulju, K.K.M.; Sierra, S.E.C.; Slik, J.W.F..
An identification key to all Malesian species of Mallotus was still lacking. So far, only keys per section of Mallotus or keys per island were generated. This is the first attempt to create a key for all species of Mallotus in Malesia.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Euphorbiaceae; Identification key; Malesia; Mallotus.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Lasiococca brevipes (Euphorbiaceae): a new combination 16
Welzen, P.C. van; Sierra, S.E.C..
Lasiococca brevipes (Merr.) Welzen & S.E.C. Sierra is a new combination based on Mallotus brevipes Merr. The new combination replaces Lasiococca malaccensis Airy Shaw, which appears to be a later synonym. The species is very rare, but widespread and seemingly with a very disjunct distribution, found in Sumatra, the Philippines, Sulawesi, and the Lesser Sunda Islands.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Lasiococcus; Euphorbiaceae; Malesia; Philippines.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mallotus kongkandae (Euphorbiaceae): new record for China 16
Sierra, S.E.C.; Welzen, P.C. van.
Mallotus kongkandae Welzen & Phattar. was thought to be endemic to Thailand, but it also occurs in China, though known under other names. The new list of synonyms, a distribution map, notes on habitat and ecology, and collector details are included.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Re-shaping Mallotus [Part 1]: Expanded circumscription and revision of the genus Cordemoya (Euphorbiaceae) 16
Sierra, S.E.C.; Aparicio, M.; Kulju, K.K.M.; Fišer, Ž.; Welzen, P.C. van; Ham, R.W.J.M. van der.
A recent phylogenetic study based on DNA sequence data detected a well-supported clade of a number of Mallotus species together with the genus Cordemoya. This clade is distinct from the large Mallotus s.s. clade. In this paper, Cordemoya (formerly monotypic with C. integrifolia from the Mascarene Islands) is expanded with sixteen additional species previously assigned to Mallotus. Taxa transferred to Cordemoya are: Mallotus sections Hancea and Oliganthae from Asia and M. baillonianus, M. capuronii, and M. spinulosus from Madagascar. The genus Cordemoya can be distinguished from Mallotus s.s. by the presence of pollen with areolate ornamentation with scabrae (perforate/microreticulate ornamentation with scabrae in the sample of Mallotus s.s. studied up to...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Euphorbiaceae; Cordemoya; Deuteromallotus; Mallotus; Malesia; Madagascar; Mauritius; Réunion.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Re-shaping Mallotus [Part 2]: inclusion of Neotrewia, Octospermum and Trewia in Mallotus s.s. (Euphorbiaceae s.s.) 16
Kulju, K.K.M.; Sierra, S.E.C.; Welzen, P.C. van.
A recent molecular phylogenetic study of Mallotus and related genera showed that three small Asiatic genera are clearly part of a strongly supported main Mallotus clade (Mallotus s.s. clade), rendering the genus paraphyletic. In this paper these genera, Neotrewia, Octospermum and Trewia, are merged with Mallotus. The monotypic Neotrewia and Octospermum were originally described within Mallotus and are now transferred back to it. Trewia was never included in Mallotus; it has two distinct species, for which new combinations within Mallotus are made. A full taxonomic treatment with descriptions, distribution maps and drawings is given for the species transferred, and a new generic description for Mallotus is provided. The morphology of the newly transferred...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Rottlerinae; Mallotus; Neotrewia; Octospermum; Trewia; Malesia; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Resurrection of Hancea and lectotypification of Adisca (Euphorbiaceae) 16
Sierra, S.E.C.; Kulju, K.K.M.; Veldkamp, J.F.; Welzen, P.C. van.
Based on phylogenetic studies with DNA sequence data, the formerly monotypic genus Cordemoya was recently expanded with 16 additional species previously assigned to Mallotus. However, the earliest legitimate generic name available is Hancea, and, therefore, Cordemoya is here reduced to Hancea (20 new combinations are proposed). Subsequently, the subgenus and section Diplochlamys from Asia are renamed to Hancea. Additionally, the genus Adisca is lectotypified with Adisca floribundus (= Mallotus floribundus).
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Euphorbiaceae; Adisca; Cordemoya; Diplochlamys; Hancea; Mallotus; Madagascar; Malesia; Mascarenes.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Revision of Coelogyne section Verrucosae (Orchidaceae): a new sectional delimitation based on morphological and molecular evidence 16
Sierra, S.E.C.; Gravendeel, B.; Vogel, E.F. de.
Section Verrucosae Pfitzer & Kraenzl. of the genus Coelogyne Lindl. is revised using morphological and molecular data. Eight species are recognized, including two new ones ( C. marthae and C. verrucosa). One name is reduced to synonymy. Four species formerly included by several authors in sect. Verrucosae (C. brachyptera, C. papillosa, C. parishii and C. virescens) are excluded. A total evidence analysis of morphological characters and ITS and matK sequence data supports the monophyly of the section as here recognized. Coelogyne virescens (sect. Brachypterae) is identified as nearest neighbour to the species of sect. Verrucosae. The number of sterile bracts on the rhachis and the shape of the ornamentation on the epichile appear to be phylogenetically...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Coelogyne sect. Verrucosae; MatK; Orchids; Phylogeny; Ribosomal ITS; Systematics.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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The distinction of five Mallotus species formerly in section Hancea (Euphorbiaceae) 16
Welzen, P.C. van; Sierra, S.E.C.; Gebraad, M.J.H.; Kulju, K.K.M..
Mallotus concinnus Airy Shaw, M. havilandii Airy Shaw, M. insularum (Airy Shaw) Slik, and M. miquelianus (Scheff.) Boerl. are very similar in appearance, with opposite leaves of which one large and elliptic, and the other reduced and more or less obcordate. However, a detailed look revealed enough differences to regard them as distinct species.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Euphorbiaceae; Hancea; Mallotus.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The Mallotus wrayi complex (Euphorbiaceae) 16
Welzen, P.C. van; Sierra, S.E.C..
The Mallotus wrayi King ex Hook.f. complex on the Sunda Shelf of the Malay Archipelago (Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo) appeared to comprise four species instead of a single, very heterogeneous one. Two synonyms (M. caudatus Merr. and M. lancifolius Hook.f.) are resurrected and a new species, M. spinifructus, is described. Important characters can be found in the density of the hairs (glandular scale-like, simple or stellate), type of stellately bundled hairs, lengths of inflorescences, bracts, and bracts of the terminal bud, and in the stigma width and hairiness.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Euphorbiaceae; Mallotus; Sunda Shelf; Malesia.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The morphological range in Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae) and a taxonomic revision of its section Rottleropsis (including Axenfeldia) in Malesia, Thailand and Africa . 16
Sierra, S.E.C.; Aparicio, M.; Gebraad, M.J.H.; Kulju, K.K.M.; Welzen, P.C. van.
The range of diagnostic morphological features in the whole genus Mallotus is reviewed as background to the taxonomic treatment of section Rottleropsis s.l. Special emphasis is given to the indumentum, habit, stipules, leaves, extrafloral nectaries, domatia, inflorescences, flowers, pollen and fruits. Notes on the geographical distribution, ecology, pollinators, fruit and seed dispersal, and uses of the genus are also presented. The section Axenfeldia is reduced to sect. Rottleropsis on account of the absence of suitable morphological characters to distinguish them. A taxonomic revision of 38 species of sect. Rottleropsis s.l. from Malesia, Thailand and Africa is presented, together with regional and synoptical identification keys, distribution maps and...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Euphorbiaceae; Axenfeldia; Mallotus; Rottleropsis; Malesia; Thailand; Africa.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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