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Cytokine and antibody production during murine leptospirosis J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis.
Marinho,M.; Silva,C.; Lima,V. M. F.; Peiró,J. R.; Perri,S. H. V..
The aim of the present study was to investigate the kinetics of humoral and cellular responses during leptospirosis. We observed that the presence of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) was associated with antibody production and bacterial recovery, and the compromising of both TNF-alpha and IL-6 in the immunopathogenesis of leptospirosis during an experimental infection of BALB/c mice inoculated with Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola was verified. Results showed higher levels of TNF-alpha and IL-6 in the initial phase of infection, in which the greatest bacterial clearance was observed. However, when the bacterial recovery was compared with the kinetics of the production of antibodies, the results revealed a kinetics...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cytokines; Cellular immune response; BALB/c mice; Leptospirosis.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Ecología de Vibrio cholerae en relación al Fitoplancton y variables fisicoquímicas en ríos de Tucumán (Argentina) Boletín de la Sociedad
Mirande,V.; Tracanna,B. C.; Seeligmann,C . T.; Cangemi,R.; Aulet,O.; Cecilia,M.; Silva,C.; Binsztein,N..
Vibrio cholerae muestra gran diversidad serológica en base a su antígeno somático O, conociéndose al menos 200 serogrupos. De éstos, solamente O1 y O139 son causantes de epidemias o pandemias. En Latinoamérica el serogrupo O1 reapareció en 1991, tras cien años de no presentar brotes en el continente. Esta bacteria sobrevive y se multiplica asociada al plancton, independientemente de la aparición de infecciones humanas. Desde la década del noventa, en Tucumán, se detectaron casos esporádicos de diarrea por Vibrio cholerae no-O1. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar la posible relación entre la presencia de especímenes de fitoplancton, variables fisicoquímicas y aislamientos de Vibrio cholerae en ríos de Tucumán. Se realizaron 18 campañas en los...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fitoplancton; Reservorio; Vibrio cholerae; Fisicoquímica; Ríos; Tucumán.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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HBV vaccination of HCV-infected patients with occult HBV infection and anti-HBc-positive blood donors BJMBR
Pereira,J.S.F.; Gonçales,N.S.L.; Silva,C.; Lazarini,M.S.K.; Pavan,M.H.P.; Fais,V.C.; Gonçales Júnior,F.L..
Anti-HBc positivity is a frequent cause of donation rejection at blood banks. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection may also occur in HBsAg-negative patients, a situation denoted occult infection. Similarly, very low levels of HBV-DNA have also been found in the sera of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, even in the absence of serum HBsAg. Initially we searched for HBV-DNA in serum of 100 blood donors and 50 HCV-infected patients who were HBsAg negative/anti-HBc positive by nested-PCR and by an HBV monitor commercial test for HBV-DNA. Anti-HBs seroconversion rates were measured in 100 blood donors and in 22 patients with chronic HCV infection after HBV vaccination to determine if the HBV vaccination could eliminate an occult HBV infection...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Polymerase chain reaction; Anti-HBc-positive patients; HCV co-infection; HBV vaccination; Occult HBV infection.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Impaired protamination and sperm DNA damage in a Nellore bull with high percentages of morphological sperm defects in comparison to normospermic bulls Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Carreira,J.T.; Trevizan,J.T.; Kipper,B.H.; Perri,S.H.V.; Carvalho,I.R.; Rodrigues,L.H.; Silva,C.; Koivisto,M.B..
The routine semen evaluation assessing sperm concentration, motility and morphology, does not identify subtle defects in sperm chromatin architecture. Bulls appear to have stable chromatin, with low levels of DNA fragmentation. However, the nature of fragmentation and its impact on fertility remain unclear and there are no detailed reports characterizing the DNA organization and damage in this species. The intensive genetic selection, the use of artificial insemination and in vitro embryo production associated to the cryopreservation process can contribute to the chromatin damage and highlights the importance of sperm DNA integrity for the success of these technologies. Frozen-thawed semen samples from three ejaculates from a Nellore bull showed high...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Bovine; Chromatin integrity; Protamine; Sperm morphology.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Yáñez,E.; Silva,C.; Nieto,K.; Barbieri,M.A.; Martínez,G..
A work of gathering historical fishing (catch, fishing effort, CPUE, characteristics and operation of purseiner fleet) and satellite (NOAA, SeaStar and SeaWind) database of northern Chile, and fishing and oceanographic in situ sampling for validation purpose is made. With this information and the use of geographical information system (GIS) the distribution of pelagic resources and the associated environmental conditions (sea surface temperature, thermal gradients, chlorophyll concentration and wind fields) are analysed in order to develop a probable fishing ground (PFG) index prediction model. A PFG model of anchovy (Engraulins ringens) is operative for the northern Chile. The impact of the use of PFG charts was evaluated analyzing the operational...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Pelagic fisheries; Northern Chile; Remote sensing; GIS; PFG index and model.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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