Desmit, Xavier; Lacroix, Geneviève; Thieu, Vincent; Menesguen, Alain; Dulière, Valerie; Campuzano, Francisco; Billen, Gilles; Neves, Ramiro; Lancelot, Christiane; Gypens, Nathalie; Dussauze, Morgan; Garnier, Josette; Silvestre, Marie; Passy, Paul; Lassaletta, Luis; Guittard, Gabriel; Théry, Sylvain; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Garcia, Carla; Pinto, Ligia; Sobrinho, Joao; Mateus, Marco; Ascione Kenov, Isabella. |
One of the leading challenges in marine science and governance is to improve scientific guidance of management measures to mitigate eutrophication nuisances in the EU seas. Too few approaches integrate the eutrophication process in space (continuum river-ocean) and in time (past, present and future status). A strong need remains for (i) knowledge/identification of all the processes that control eutrophication and its consequences, (ii) consistent and harmonized reference levels assigned to each eutrophication-related indicator, (iii) identification of the main rivers directly or indirectly responsible for eutrophication nuisances in specific areas, (iv) an integrated transboundary approach and (v) realistic short term and long term nutrient reduction... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00292/40301/38750.pdf |
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Romero, Estela; Le Gendre, Romain; Garnier, Josette; Billen, Gilles; Fisson, Cedric; Silvestre, Marie; Riou, Philippe. |
The Seine River is a highly artificialised catchment in Europe, comprising both productive agricultural areas and intense industrial and commercial activity. Due to its strategic importance, monitoring programs in the river started as early as the 1970s. The present study compiles and analyses this valuable data set (1970–2014), thoroughly describing the riverine section downstream of Paris and the estuary. We identify long-term trends and shifting patterns in nutrients and oxygen, and pay special attention to the river’s evolution after the year 2000, when the European Water Framework Directive came into force. The study has a manifest management perspective, and the results are discussed on the basis of the environmental quality standards proposed in... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Seine River; Water quality; Nutrients; Long-term trends; WFD; Policy. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00311/42202/41541.pdf |
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Billen, Gilles; Garnier, Josette; Ramarson, Antsiva; Romero, Estela; Thieu, Vincent; Le Noe, Julia; Silvestre, Marie; Thery, Sylvain; Barles, Sabine; Bognon, Sabine; Castaings, Jerome; Legendre, Romain; Riou, Philippe; Bacq, Nicolas; Fisson, Cédric. |
Le système agro-alimentaire du bassin de la Seine est aujourd’hui caractérisé par une extrême spécialisation en grandes cultures céréalières de sa partie centrale, l’élevage étant repoussé vers sa frange orientale où domine la polyculture-élevage, et celle occidentale dont les systèmes se rapprochent du modèle d’élevage intensif du Grand Ouest. Cette spécialisation s’inscrit dans le mouvement historique de «modernisation» de l’agriculture qui s’affirme au milieu du XXe siècle, et est accentué en ce début de XXIe siècle par les politiques publiques et privées qui visent à renforcer la concentration de population le long de l’axe Paris-Le Havre («Le Grand Paris») au détriment des zones amont du bassin, et à accroitre la place de la France comme exportatrice... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00416/52796/53695.pdf |
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