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A methodological framework for characterizing fish swimming and escapement behaviors in trawls ArchiMer
Robert, Marianne; Cortay, Aurore; Morfin, Marie; Simon, Julien; Morandeau, Fabien; Deneubourg, Jean Louis; Vincent, Benoit.
Knowledge about fish behavior is crucial to be able to influence the capture process and catch species composition. The rapid expansion of the use of underwater cameras has facilitated unprecedented opportunities for studying the behavior of species interacting with fishing gears in their natural environment. This technological advance would greatly benefit from the parallel development of dedicated methodologies accounting for right-censored observations and variable observation periods between individuals related to instrumental, environmental and behavioral events. In this paper we proposed a methodological framework, based on a parametric Weibull mixture model, to describe the process of escapement attempts through time, test effects of covariates and...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Development of a model for flexural rigidity of fishing net with a spring mass approach and its inverse identification by metaheuristic parametric optimization. ArchiMer
Vincent, Benoit; Di Cesare, Noëlie; Simon, Julien.
The assessment of mesh resistance to opening is a key factor when coming to fishing gear design to study or optimize the fishing selectivity process. Different authors proposed methodologies to achieve twine flexural rigidity identification and mesh opening angle at rest. Their experimental protocols could rely on complex installations and instrumentation, and identification needs dedicated models or software with possible important set up time. Sometimes, different flexural rigidity and rest angle values for a given netting type were proposed depending on identification or experimental conditions, leading to difficulties to choose a value for implementation in netting structures simulation software. The new methodology proposed in this article is based on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing net mechanics; Twine flexural rigidity; Numerical simulation; Selectivity; Fishing.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Essais de dispositifs sélectifs par les flottilles chalutières du golfe de Gascogne. Programme REDRESSE ArchiMer
Mehault, Sonia; Larnaud, Pascal; Rimaud, Thomas; Cuillandre, Jean-pierre; Morandeau, Fabien; Simon, Julien; Vacherot, Jean-philippe.
The landing obligation implemented under the Common Fisheries Policy promoted the development of fishing gear selective devices. The REDRESSE project conducted in the Bay of Biscay was the opportunity for trawl fleets targeting cephalopods, Nephrops and demersal fish to continue to test various selective configurations to reduce their discards levels. The sea trials were carried out onboard of commercial fishing vessels and the experimental tows were sampled by an observer. Most of the selective devices were tested under the twin trawl method, with on one side the gear to be tested and on the other, the standard commercial gear. Other devices were tested with the parallel or alternate haul method. The data obtained were used to describe the catch species...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêcherie langoustinière; Pêcherie poisons/céphalopode; Grande Vasière; Golfe de Gascogne; Sélectivité; Chalut; Rejets; Nephrops fishery; Fish/cephalopods fishery; Grande Vasière; Bay of Biscay; Trawl selectivity; Discards.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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LANGOLF-TV 2019 ArchiMer
Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Butler, Rosemarie; Coupeau, Yann; Garren, Francois; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques; Simon, Julien; Marc, Emilie; Fifas, Spyros.
La campagne annuelle Langolf-TV a pour but l’estimation de l’abondance de langoustine (Nephrops norvegicus) du Golfe de Gascogne (FU23-24) par comptage de leurs terriers, en utilisant une caméra vidéo sous-marine. Elle est pilotée par le CNPMEM, mise en oeuvre par l’IFREMER, et financée par la mesure 38 du FEAMP et FFP.  
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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Lorient Flume tank ArchiMer
Vincent, Benoit; Simon, Julien; Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Morandeau, Fabien; Larnaud, Pascal; Kopp, Dorothee; Mehault, Sonia; Morfin, Marie; Savina-rolland, Marie; Marc, Emilie.
The Lorient flume tank is an hydrodynamic facility available for any qualification and observation of submerged objects in still or moving water. It is a closed loop circulating tank filled with fresh water.  The fluid is moved with a 70 kW pump-motor with a velocity between 0 and 1 m/s and homogenized with a series of pressure drop systems. The overall dimensions are 24.50 m long, 7.50m wide and 3.30 m high. The part where experiments can be set up is 12m long, 2.6 m wide and 1.5 m deep.  A mobile bottom belt can be synchronized with the water flow velocity and enables to simulate the seabed velocity relatively to a towed object. The overall process of the facility is controlled by a user friendly interface.
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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Projet CELSELEC. Amélioration de la sélectivité des chalutiers hauturiers en mer Celtique ArchiMer
Lamothe, Julien; Larnaud, Pascal; Fiche, Marion; Robert, Marianne; Morandeau, Fabien; Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Scavinner, Marion; Simon, Julien.
In the context of the new European Common Fisheries Policy and in particular the Landing Obligation, this report synthesizes the trials which were carried out between 2014 and 2016 on French bottom trawlers operating in the Celtic Sea and Western Channel, to decrease their discards. All the detail of the experiments and their results are attached in the voluminous appendices. After a state of the art and various workshops organized in partnership between fishermen, equipment manufacturers and scientists, 3 basic devices were selected for the trials, according to the main fisheries: - 100 mm square meshes cylinder - SMC - (in addition to the mandatory 100mm and 120 mm square mesh panels - SMP) with or without scaring floats ; - Extension + codend in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sélectivité; Mer Celtique; Cylindre à mailles carrées; T90; Grille à baudroie; Rejets; Églefin; Merlan; Sanglier; Selectivity; Celtic Sea; Square mesh cylinder; T90; Monkfish grid; Discards; Haddock; Whiting; Boarfish.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Protocole de collecte de données sur le stock de concombre de mer (Curcumaria frondosa) à St-Pierre et Miquelon ArchiMer
Vigneau, Joel; Goraguer, Herle; Foucher, Eric; Simon, Julien.
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Rapport d’étude final du projet REJEMCELEC - Réduction des Rejets en Manche et mer Celtique par la Sélectivité des engins de pêche ArchiMer
Lavialle, Gael; Morfin, Marie; Simon, Julien; Morandeau, Fabien; Vimard, Mathieu; Larnaud, Pascal.
In the context of the new European Common Fisheries Policy and in particular the Landing Obligation, the two Producers Organisations, COBRENORD and  OPN launched the REJEMCELEC project in partnership with IFREMER and net suppliers. It was set in a complementary way to the CELSELEC project. The main goal is to reduce whiting, haddock and pelagic discards for single bottom trawlers fleets targeting whiting, squids, cuttlefish and monkfish within the Western Channel. A specific fleet targeting hake and John Dory in Celtic Sea during summer (around Scilly Island) was also studied in order to reduce discards of small haddock, hake and boarfish. After a state of the art, an analysis of quantitative data and various workshops organized in partnership between...
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Ano: 2018 URL:
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Scenarios of fish waste deposition at the sub-lagoon scale: a modelling approach for aquaculture zoning and site selection ArchiMer
Chary, Killian; Callier, Myriam; Coves, Denis; Aubin, Joel; Simon, Julien; Fiandrino, Annie.
Spatial planning, including zoning and site-selection steps, is necessary to determine locations that minimize environmental impacts of aquaculture and respect ecosystem carrying capacities. This study aimed to analyse potential benthic waste deposition in a broad range of fish farming situations to facilitate zoning. To this end, we simulated waste dispersion for 54 aquaculture scenarios combining three red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) farm types (Small, Medium, and Large) based on real farm characteristics and 36 sites with contrasting hydrodynamics in Mayotte’s North-East Lagoon. Key forcing variables and parameters of the particle-dispersion model for farms (layout and solid waste fluxes), species (feed- and faeces-settling velocities) and sites (depth...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture zones; Carrying-capacity; Environmental impact; Hydrodynamics; NewDEPOMOD; Particle dispersion; Red drum; Scenario analysis.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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The low impact of fish traps on the seabed makes it an eco-friendly fishing technique ArchiMer
Kopp, Dorothee; Coupeau, Yann; Vincent, Benoit; Morandeau, Fabien; Méhault, Sonia; Simon, Julien.
Besides understanding the effects of fishing on harvested fish stocks, effects on non-target species, habitats and seafloor integrity also need to be considered. Static fishing gears have often been mentioned as a lower impact fishing alternative to towed gears, although studies examining their actual impact on the seafloor are scarce. In this study, we aimed to describe fish trap movements on the seafloor related to soaking time and trap retrieval. Impacts on the seafloor of lightweight rectangular traps and heavier circular traps were compared. We used 3D video cameras to estimate sweeping motion on the seabed and penetration into the sediment during soaking time. The area and distance swept by each type of trap during retrieval was determined by a...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Using acoustic telemetry to estimate post-release survival of undulate ray Raja undulata (Rajidae) in northeast Altantic ArchiMer
Morfin, Marie; Simon, Julien; Morandeau, Fabien; Baulier, Loic; Méhault, Sonia; Kopp, Dorothee.
The landing obligation introduced in the reform of the European Union Common Fisheries Policy requires landing all catches of species under quota. However, exemptions may be granted for species for which “scientific evidence demonstrates high survival rates”. Captivity experiments are often used to determine fish survival rates, but they are difficult to perform for large species such as rays due to the limited storage capacity of tanks. Thus, little information is available on ray survival after release despite an identified potential for high survival. We used acoustic telemetry to study rays discarded from a coastal bottom trawl fishery in their natural environment and present a new ad hoc approach to derive a minimum survival rate. After capture under...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tagging; Discard survival; Trawl fishery; Elasmobranchs; Bay of Biscay.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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We can reduce the impact of scientific trawling on marine ecosystems ArchiMer
Trenkel, Verena; Vaz, Sandrine; Albouy, Camille; Brind'Amour, Anik; Duhamel, Erwan; Laffargue, Pascal; Romagnan, Jean-baptiste; Simon, Julien; Lorance, Pascal.
The negative impacts that scientific monitoring may have on marine ecosystems has been a neglected topic, mainly on the basis that its magnitude is minor compared to commercial fisheries, even though this raises ethical and, in certain cases, conservation issues. We argue that ethical principles should lead us to reconsider marine wildlife resource monitoring such as the fish and shellfish trawl surveys providing the science-based evidence needed for fisheries management and assessment of how environmental change impacts marine shelf communities worldwide. Recent scientific and technological progress has provided methods and tools which might now be harnessed to reduce the impact of marine monitoring. We review these alternative methods, consider...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Monitoring ethics; Marine surveying; Impacts of bottom trawling; Genetic methods; Ecosystem-based management.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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