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Diao, Xinshen; Elbehri, Aziz; Gehlhar, Mark J.; Gibson, Paul R.; Leetmaa, Susan E.; Mitchell, Lorraine; Nelson, Frederick J.; Nimon, R. Wesley; Normile, Mary Anne; Roe, Terry L.; Shapouri, Shahla; Skully, David W.; Smith, Mark; Somwaru, Agapi; Trueblood, Michael A.; Tsigas, Marinos E.; Wainio, John; Whitley, Daniel B.; Young, C. Edwin.
Agricultural trade barriers and producer subsidies inflict real costs, both on the countries that use these policies and on their trade partners. Trade barriers lower demand for trade partners' products, domestic subsidies can induce an oversupply of agricultural products which depresses world prices, and export subsidies create increased competition for producers in other countries. Eliminating global agricultural policy distortions would result in an annual world welfare gain of $56 billion. High protection for agricultural commodities in the form of tariffs continues to be the major factor restricting world trade. In 2000, World Trade Organization (WTO) members continued global negotiations on agricultural policy reform. To help policymakers and others...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Agri-Environmental Policy at the Crossroads: Guideposts on a Changing Landscape AgEcon
Claassen, Roger; Hansen, LeRoy T.; Peters, Mark; Breneman, Vincent E.; Weinberg, Marca; Cattaneo, Andrea; Feather, Peter; Gadsby, Dwight M.; Hellerstein, Daniel; Hopkins, Jeffrey W.; Johnston, Paul V.; Morehart, Mitchell J.; Smith, Mark.
Agri-environmental policy is at a crossroads. Over the past 20 years, a wide range of policies addressing the environmental implications of agricultural production have been implemented at the Federal level. Those policies have played an important role in reducing soil erosion, protecting and restoring wetlands, and creating wildlife habitat. However, emerging agri-environmental issues, evolution of farm income support policies, and limits imposed by trade agreements may point toward a rethinking of agri-environmental policy. This report identifies the types of policy tools available and the design features that have improved the effectiveness of current programs. It provides an indepth analysis of one policy tool that may be an important component of a...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Conservation programs; Environmental policy; Agricultural policy; Policy instruments; Agricultural program design; Soil erosion; Nitrogen runoff; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Community Response to Forestry Transition in Rural Canada: Analysis of Media and Census Data for Six Case Study Communities in New Brunswick and British Columbia AgEcon
Smith, Mark; Parkins, John R..
The forest economy is in transition across Canada. Faced with high dollar values, increasing competition within the global market, high input costs for energy, labour and fibre, and growing expectations for environmental performance, the forest sector is undergoing significant economic transitions as companies across the country cut costs, close mills and shed jobs. This report contributes to our understanding of community response to mill closure with a detailed description of six case study communities during a period of forest industry mill closures. Three communities are in British Columbia (Mackenzie, Quesnel and Fort St. James) and three communities are in New Brunswick (Dalhousie, Nackawic and Mirimachi). Empirical information is derived from...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Media analysis; Rural sociology; Community development; Rural development; Social change; Community/Rural/Urban Development; R52; R58; Q33.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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