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Overview of the Arctic Sea State and Boundary Layer Physics Program ArchiMer
Thomson, Jim; Ackley, Stephen; Girard-ardhuin, Fanny; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Babanin, Alex; Boutin, Guillaume; Brozena, John; Cheng, Sukun; Collins, Clarence; Doble, Martin; Fairall, Chris; Guest, Peter; Gebhardt, Claus; Gemmrich, Johannes; Graber, Hans C.; Holt, Benjamin; Lehner, Susanne; Lund, Bjorn; Meylan, Michael H.; Maksym, Ted; Montiel, Fabien; Perrie, Will; Persson, Ola; Rainville, Luc; Rogers, W. Erick; Shen, Hui; Shen, Hayley; Squire, Vernon; Stammerjohn, Sharon; Stopa, Justin; Smith, Madison M.; Sutherland, Peter; Wadhams, Peter.
A large collaborative program has studied the coupled air‐ice‐ocean‐wave processes occurring in the Arctic during the autumn ice advance. The program included a field campaign in the western Arctic during the autumn of 2015, with in situ data collection and both aerial and satellite remote sensing. Many of the analyses have focused on using and improving forecast models. Summarizing and synthesizing the results from a series of separate papers, the overall view is of an Arctic shifting to a more seasonal system. The dramatic increase in open water extent and duration in the autumn means that large surface waves and significant surface heat fluxes are now common. When refreezing finally does occur, it is a highly variable process in space and time. Wind and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arctic; Waves; Autumn; Sea ice; Beaufort; Flux.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Wave Attenuation Through an Arctic Marginal Ice Zone on 12 October, 2015: 1. Measurement of Wave Spectra and Ice Features From Sentinel-1A ArchiMer
Stopa, J. E.; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Thomson, Jim; Smith, Madison M.; Kohout, Alison; Doble, Martin; Wadhams, Peter.
A storm with significant wave heights exceeding 4 m occurred in the Beaufort Sea on 11 to 13 October, 2015. The waves and ice were captured on 12 October by the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) on board Sentinel‐1A, with Interferometric Wide swath images covering 400 × 1100 km at 10 m resolution. This dataset allows the estimation of wave spectra across the marginal ice zone (MIZ) every 5 km, over 400 km of sea ice. Since ice attenuates waves with wavelengths shorter than 50 m in a few kilometers, the longer waves are clearly imaged by SAR in sea ice. Obtaining wave spectra from the image requires a careful estimation of the blurring effect produced by unresolved wavelengths in the azimuthal direction. Using in‐situ wave buoy measurements as reference, we...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wave-ice interaction; Arctic Ocean marginal ice zone; Sentinel-1A SAR; Arctic Sea State Boundary Layer Physics Program; Remote sensing; Wave attenuation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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