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Analysis of the nonlinear behavior of adhesives in bonded assemblies - Comparison of TAST and Arcan tests ArchiMer
Cognard, J; Creac' Hcadec, R; Sohier, L; Davies, Peter.
This paper describes a study in which the shear behavior of a structural epoxy adhesive has been measured using the standard thick adherend shear test (TAST) specimen and a modified Arcan test A. numerical study of the TAST test taking into account the nonlinear behavior of the adhesive and the finite deformations of the adhesive joint, shows that there is a localization of plastic zones close to the adhesive-substrate interface near the free edge of the adhesive. Experimental tests carried out with steel and aluminum substrates and with various adhesives also show that failure initiates in this region. These edge effects in the TAST fixture can lead to an incorrect analysis of the behavior of the adhesive (for instance, underestimation of the shear stress...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adhesive testing; Mechanical properties of adhesives; Stress distribution; Epoxy/epoxides.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Development of an improved adhesive test method for composite assembly design ArchiMer
Cognard, Jean Yves; Davies, Peter; Gineste, B; Sohier, L.
This study is concerned with improving performance of composite structures through the use of adhesive bonding, particularly for marine and underwater applications. Some preliminary results from tests on simple composite/composite assemblies are given first. Difficulty in modelling the failure of even these simple joints highlighted the need for more reliable constituent input data. The first objective was to define an experimental methodology enabling the adhesives of interest to be characterised up to failure. A metal metal assembly was considered, in order to concentrate on the analysis of the behaviour of thin adhesive films. The aims were to characterise the adhesive, analyse its non-linear behaviour, and study the influence of parameters such as film...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Finite element analysis; Adhesion.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evolution de la communaute bacterienne heterotrophe de l'eau de mer lors d'une experience d'aquaculture de crevettes peneides en systemes clos ArchiMer
Sohier, L; Bianchi, M.
The quantitative and qualitative evolution of the heterotrophic bacterial community of sea water was studied throughout an experimental rearing of Penaeus japonicus in closed systems. Cluster analysis was realised on 417 strains coming from water sampled at different moments of the experiment. This collection includes 40 strains coming from a mussel used for diet and 40 strains coming from the digestive tract of one prawn after six months rearing. Quantitative and qualitative studies have both shown a similar evolution of heterotrophic microflora whatever the initial animal load was. The dendrogram obtained led to a description of characteristics of the various populations constituting the heterotrophic bacterial community of the water environment...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus japonicus; Malacostraca; Bacteria; Recirculating systems; Numerical taxonomy; Temporal variations; Microorganisms; Shrimp culture; Heterotrophic organisms.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Mechanical Behavior of Syntactic Foams for Deep Sea Thermally Insulated Pipeline ArchiMer
Choqueuse, Dominique; Davies, Peter; Perreux, Dominique; Sohier, L; Cognard, Jean Yves.
Ultra Deep offshore oil exploitation (down to 3000 meters depth) presents new challenges to offshore engineering and operating companies. Flow assurance and particularly the selection of insulation materials to be applied to pipe lines are of primary importance, and are the focus of much industry interest for deepwater applications. Polymeric and composite materials, particularly syntactic foams, are now widely used for this application, so the understanding of their behavior under extreme conditions is essential. These materials, applied as a thick coating (up to 10-15 cm), are subjected in service to: - high hydrostatic compression (up to 30 MPa) - severe thermal gradients (from 4°C at the outer surface to 150°C at the inner wall), and to high bending...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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