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Three-dimensional Characteristics of the Interface Epithelium-Connective Tissue Surface of Fingeres Lamina Propria of Cebus apella Monkey: Scanning Electron Microscopy Study 77
Watanabe,Ii-sei; Guimarães,Juliana Plácido; Iyomasa,Mamie Misuzaki; Miglino,Maria Angélica; Lopes,Marília Gabriela de Oliveira; Consentino,Márcia; Sosthines,Kronka; da Silva,Marcelo Cavenaghi Pereira.
In the present paper were analysed the three-dimensional characteristics of the interface epithelium-connective tissue surface of finger prints of Cebus apella monkey employing the scanning electrón microscopic methods. The connective tissue core (CTC) and epithelial papillae were examined verifying the three-dimensional configuration of the tissue projections. The samples were fixed in Bouin solsution for histologic preparations and in modified Karnovsky for examine to observe in scanning electrón microscopy. After treatment in the 10% NaOH solution during 3 to 5 day s, the surface of finger prints revealed a distribution of CTC of lamina propria in situ showing original three-dimensional SEM images. The linear and circular dispositions CTC, and the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Skin; Finger; Collagen fibers; Cebus apella; Scanning electron microscopy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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