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Carcass characteristics and fatty acid profile of Santa Inês lamb fed banana leftovers Scientia Agricola
Menezes,Adriana Morato de; Tanure,Candice Bergmann Garcia e Silva; Peripolli,Vanessa; Esteves,Geisa Isilda Ferreira; Kindlein,Liris; Louvandini,Helder; Souza,Jurandir Rodrigues de; McManus,Concepta.
ABSTRACT: The use of new feed resources, particularly local agroindustrial byproducts, such as banana, may be an option for replacing those traditionally used for sheep feed to reduce production costs. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the dietary effects of replacing corn bran with banana leftovers on performance, carcass, non-carcass components, meat traits, and fatty acid profile of Santa Inês lambs. Twenty-four Santa Inês female lambs with an average weight of 23.73 kg were fed diets containing 60 % coast cross hay and 40 % concentrate (30 % corn bran and 10 % soybean meal). Treatments consisted of corn bran replaced by banana leftovers at rates of 0, 25, 50, and 75 % on a dry matter basis. The experiment lasted 120 days. Animals were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Byproducts; Meat quality; Non-carcass components; Sustainability.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Feeding effects of cottonseed and its co-products on the meat proteome from ram lambs Scientia Agricola
Paim,Tiago do Prado; Viana,Pauline; Tilburg,Mauricio Fraga van; Moura,Arlindo de Alencar; Souza,Jurandir Rodrigues de; McManus,Concepta; Abdalla,Adibe Luiz; Louvandini,Helder.
ABSTRACT: Gossypol easily pairs with lysine side chains and enzymes involved in the cellular growth process. The effect of gossypol (a compound present in cotton co-products) in ruminant metabolism and meat quality is not yet clear. This study was undertaken in order to evaluate the effects of cotton co-products in lamb muscle proteome. Twenty-four Santa Inês ram lambs, 5-months old (20.6 ± 1.9 kg), were randomly assigned to four treatments: control (without cottonseed), whole cottonseed, cottonseed meal and high oil cottonseed meal. At 95 days into the experiment, lambs were slaughtered and samples from Longissimus dorsi were collected. Proteins were extracted and analyzed by 2-D electrophoresis. Spots showing a significant effect from the treatment (the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gossypol; Dehydrogenase; Skeletal muscle; Sheep; Feedlot.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Impact of feeding cottonseed coproducts on reproductive system of male sheep during peripubertal period Scientia Agricola
Paim,Tiago do Prado; Viana,Pauline; Brandão,Eduardo; Amador,Samara; Barbosa,Tatiana; Cardoso,Caio; Lucci,Carolina Madeira; Souza,Jurandir Rodrigues de; McManus,Concepta; Abdalla,Adibe Luiz; Louvandini,Helder.
ABSTRACT Cottonseed coproducts contain gossypol which can have specific effects upon the male reproductive system. We evaluated the reproductive development of male lambs close to puberty fed on three cotton coproducts. Twenty-four 5-month old male lambs received four diets: 20 % of dry matter intake of whole cottonseed (WCS), high oil cottonseed meal (CSC), cottonseed meal (CSM), and a control group (CTL) without any cottonseed coproducts. Free gossypol intake was 16.32, 6.98, 5.47 and 0 mg kg−1 BW−1 d−1 for WCS, CSC, CSM and CTL, respectively. Every 15 days, the animals were weighted and serum and semen samples were collected. After 95 days, testis samples were collected for analysis under light and transmission electron microscopes. The CTL group had...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gossypol; Sperm; Testis; Testosterone; Lamb.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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