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Duplex nested-PCR for detection of small ruminant lentiviruses 58
Marinho,Rebeca C.; Martins,Gabrielle R.; Souza,Kelma C.; Sousa,Ana Lídia M.; Silva,Sabrina Tainah C.; Nobre,Juliana A.; Teixeira,Maria F.S..
Abstract Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) have high genetic variability which results in different viral strains around the world. This create a challenge to design sensible primers for molecular diagnosis in different regions. This work proposes a protocol of duplex nested-PCR for the precise diagnosis of SRLV. The technique was designed and tested with the control strains CAEV Co and MVV 1514. Then, field strains were submitted to the same protocol of duplex nested-PCR. Blood samples of sheep and goats were tested with AGID and nested PCR with specific primers for pol, gag and LTR. The AGID results showed low detection capacity of positive animals, while the nested PCR demonstrated a greater capacity of virus detection. Results demonstrated that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Standardization; Multiplex; Viruses; CAEV; MVV.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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