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Calibration of the carbon isotope composition (C-13) of benthic foraminifera 5
Schmittner, Andreas; Bostock, Helen C.; Cartapanis, Olivier; Curry, William B.; Filipsson, Helena L.; Galbraith, Eric D.; Gottschalk, Julia; Carlos Herguera, Juan; Hoogakker, Babette; Jaccard, Samuel L.; Lisiecki, Lorraine E.; Lund, David C.; Martinez-mendez, Gema; Lynch-stieglitz, Jean; Mackensen, Andreas; Michel, Elisabeth; Mix, Alan C.; Oppo, Delia W.; Peterson, Carlye D.; Repschlaeger, Janne; Sikes, Elisabeth L.; Spero, Howard J.; Waelbroeck, Claire.
The carbon isotope composition (C-13) of seawater provides valuable insight on ocean circulation, air-sea exchange, the biological pump, and the global carbon cycle and is reflected by the C-13 of foraminifera tests. Here more than 1700 C-13 observations of the benthic foraminifera genus Cibicides from late Holocene sediments (C-13(Cibnat)) are compiled and compared with newly updated estimates of the natural (preindustrial) water column C-13 of dissolved inorganic carbon (C-13(DICnat)) as part of the international Ocean Circulation and Carbon Cycling (OC3) project. Using selection criteria based on the spatial distance between samples, we find high correlation between C-13(Cibnat) and C-13(DICnat), confirming earlier work. Regression analyses indicate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbon; Isotopes; Benthic; Foraminifera; Calibration.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Meridional shifts in the marine ITCZ and the tropical hydrologic cycle over the last three glacial cycles 5
Schmidt, Matthew W.; Spero, Howard J..
Paleoproxy studies show a strong correlation between tropical climate and high-latitude temperature variability recorded in the Greenland ice cores over the last glacial cycle. In particular, abrupt cooling events in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project II delta(18)O ice record appear synchronous with a southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the Atlantic, a weakening of the Indian and East Asian monsoon systems, and a strengthening of the South American monsoon system. Because this high-to-low-latitude climate teleconnection significantly alters the tropical hydrologic cycle around the globe, it plays a critical role in regulating global climate on glacial-interglacial time scales. We compare delta(18)O(seawater) reconstructions (a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrologic cycle; Mg/Ca; Quaternary; Tropics; Salinity; ITCZ.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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