Krause, Gesche; Brugere, Cecile; Diedrich, Amy; Ebeling, Michael W.; Ferse, Sebastian C. A.; Mikkelsen, Eirik; Perez, Jose; Stead, Selina M.; Stybel, Nardine; Troell, Max. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Socio-economic assessment; Human dimensions; Integrated analysis framework; Public participation. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00252/36301/34830.pdf |
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Krause, Gesche; Billing, Suzannah-lynn; Dennis, John; Grant, Jon; Fanning, Lucia; Filgueira, Ramón; Miller, Molly; Perez, Jose; Stybel, Nardine; Stead, Selina M.; Wawrzynski, Wojciech. |
Until very recently, governments of many countries, as well as their supporting organizations, have primarily addressed the biological, technical and economic aspects of aquaculture. In contrast, social and cultural aspects of aquaculture production have taken a backseat. Drawing on the observation that aquaculture development in Western Societies has largely failed to address these social effects across different scales and contexts, this paper offers a new way of capturing and visualising the diverse social dimensions of aquaculture. It does so by testing the ability to operationalise a set of social dimensions based on categories and indicators put forward by the United Nations, using several case studies across the North Atlantic. Local/regional... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Social dimensions; Aquaculture; Indicators; Operationalisation; Sustainability; Finfish production; Mussel farming. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00630/74170/73770.pdf |
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