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Oxidative stress and differential antioxidant enzyme activity in glyphosate-resistant and -sensitive hairy fleabane in response to glyphosate treatment 53
Piasecki,Cristiano; Carvalho,Ivan Ricardo; Cechin,Joanei; Goulart,Francisco A. P; Maia,Luciano Carlos da; Agostinetto,Dirceu; Caverzan,Andréia; Stewart Jr.,C. Neal; Vargas,Leandro.
ABSTRACT Biochemical assays in a time-course were employed to evaluate stresses induced by glyphosate treatment in resistant and sensitive biotypes of Conyza bonariensis. Two experiments were conducted assessing glyphosate doses and time-course after treatment. The doses of glyphosate ranged from 0 to 11840 g ae·ha–1 and assessments performed until 552 h after glyphosate treatment (HAT). The objectives of this study were to evaluate the oxidative stress and differential antioxidant enzyme activity in glyphosate-resistant and -sensitive biotypes of hairy fleabane after glyphosate treatment. After treatment, both studied biotypes accumulated similar levels of shikimic-acid until 96 h. The sensitive biotype died at192 HAT. Shikimic-acid and hydrogen peroxide...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conyza bonariensis; Lipid peroxidation; Shikimic-acid; Herbicide resistance.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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