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A Classification Framework for Running Adaptive Management Rapids 7
Harm Benson, Melinda; University of New Mexico;; Morrison, Ryan R.; University of New Mexico;; Stone, Mark C.; University of New Mexico;
While adaptive management (AM) is becoming a preferred natural resource management approach, the conditions necessary to engage in AM are not always present. In order for AM to work, there must be an ability to engage in experimentation and then incorporate what is learned. Just as few rivers are unequivocally either “runnable” or “unrunnable” by a whitewater boater, successful AM depends on a number of factors, including legal frameworks and requirements, resource allocation regimes, and existing infrastructure. We provide a classification framework for assessing the physical and institutional capacity necessary for AM using the international classification for whitewater. We then apply this classification framework...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Adaptive management; Conceptual model; Rio Chama; River restoration.
Ano: 2013
Registros recuperados: 1
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