Yu, Xiaolong; Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Martin, Adrian P; Buckingham, Christian; Brannigan, Liam; Su, Zhan. |
Numerical simulations suggest that submesoscale turbulence may transform lateral buoyancy gradients into vertical stratification, and thus restratify the upper ocean via vertical flow. However, the observational evidence for this restratifying process has been lacking due to the difficulty in measuring such ephemeral phenomena, particularly over periods of months to years. This study presents an annual cycle of the vertical velocity and associated restratification estimated from two nested clusters of meso- and submesoscale-resolving moorings, deployed in a typical mid-ocean area of the Northeast Atlantic. Vertical velocities inferred using the non-diffusive density equation are substantially stronger at submesoscales (horizontal scales of 1-10 km) than at... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean; Atlantic Ocean; Ageostrophic circulations; Frontogenesis; Frontolysis; In situ oceanic observations. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00489/60076/63398.pdf |
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Su, Zhan; Torres, Hector; Klein, Patrice; Thompson, Andrew F; Siegelman, Lia; Wang, Jinbo; Menemenlis, Dimitris; Hill, Christopher. |
he rate of ocean heat uptake depends on the mechanisms that transport heat between the surface and the ocean interior. A recent study found that the vertical heat transport driven by motions with scales smaller than 50 km (submesoscales) and frequencies smaller than one day‐1 is upward. This transport competes with the other major components of the global heat transport, namely the downward heat transport explained by the large‐scale wind‐driven vertical circulation and vertical diffusion at small scales, and the upward heat transport associated with mesoscale eddies (50‐300 km size). The contribution from motions with small spatial scales (< 50 km) and frequencies larger than one day‐1, including internal gravity waves, has never been explicitly... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean heat transport< /AUTHOR_KEYWORD> High frequency< /AUTHOR_KEYWORD> Ocean front< /AUTHOR_KEYWORD> Eddies< /AUTHOR_KEYWORD> Eddy transport< /AUTHOR_KEYWORD>. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00643/75508/76354.pdf |
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Klein, Patrice; Lapeyre, Guillaume; Siegelman, Lia; Qiu, Bo; Fu, Lee‐lueng; Torres, Hector; Su, Zhan; Menemenlis, Dimitris; Le Gentil, Sylvie. |
Satellite observations of the last two decades have led to a major breakthrough emphasizing the existence of a strongly energetic mesoscale turbulent eddy field in all the oceans. This ocean mesoscale turbulence (OMT) is characterized by cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies (with a 100‐‐300 km size and depth scales of ~500‐‐1000 m) that capture approximatively 80% of the total kinetic energy and is now known to significantly impact the large‐scale ocean circulation, the ocean's carbon storage, the air‐sea interactions and therefore the Earth climate as a whole. However, OMT revealed by satellite observations has properties that differ from those related to classical geostrophic turbulence theories. In the last decade, a large number of theoretical and... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00488/59951/63202.pdf |
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Su, Zhan; Wang, Jinbo; Klein, Patrice; Thompson, Andrew F.; Menemenlis, Dimitris. |
Recent studies highlight that oceanic motions associated with horizontal scales smaller than 50 km, defined here as submesoscales, lead to anomalous vertical heat fluxes from colder to warmer waters. This unique transport property is not captured in climate models that have insufficient resolution to simulate these submesoscale dynamics. Here, we use an ocean model with an unprecedented resolution that, for the first time, globally resolves submesoscale heat transport. Upper-ocean submesoscale turbulence produces a systematicallyupward heat transport that is five times larger than mesoscale heat transport, with wintertime averages up to 100 W/m2 for mid-latitudes. Compared to a lower-resolution model, submesoscale heat transport warms the sea surface up to... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00449/56019/57535.pdf |
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Torres, Hector S.; Klein, Patrice; Menemenlis, Dimitris; Qiu, Bo; Su, Zhan; Wang, Jinbo; Chen, Shuiming; Fu, Lee-lueng. |
Internal gravity waves (IGWs) and balanced motions (BMs) with scales < 100‐km capture most of the vertical velocity field in the upper ocean. They have, however, different impacts on the ocean energy budget, which explains the need to partition motions into BMs and IGWs. One way is to exploit the synergy of using different satellite observations, the only observations with global coverage and a reasonable spatial and temporal resolution. But we need first to characterize and understand their signatures on the different surface oceanic fields. This study addresses this issue by using an ocean global numerical simulation with high‐resolution (1/48o). Our methodology is based on the analysis of the 12,000 frequency‐wavenumber spectra to discriminate these... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Oceanic surface motions; Satellite observations; Balanced motions; Internal gravity waves. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00464/57568/59746.pdf |
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Yu, Xiaolong; Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Martin, Adrian P; Evans, D. Gwyn; Su, Zhan. |
Mooring and glider observations and a high‐resolution satellite sea surface temperature image reveal features of a transient submesoscale front in a typical mid‐ocean region of the Northeast Atlantic. Analysis of the observations suggests that the front is forced by downfront winds and undergoes symmetric instability, resulting in elevated upper‐ocean kinetic energy, re‐stratification and turbulent dissipation. The instability is triggered as downfront winds act on weak upper‐ocean vertical stratification and strong lateral stratification produced by mesoscale frontogenesis. The instability's estimated rate of kinetic energy extraction from the front accounts for the difference between the measured rate of turbulent dissipation and the predicted... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00514/62521/66828.pdf |
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