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A Sectoral Model for Analyzing Alternative Technologies in Pig Farming AgEcon
Helming, John F.M.; Surry, Yves R..
This paper develops a demand-augmented positive mathematical programming model to analyze the relationship between environmental pollution from animal manure, manure policies and different pork production systems in the Netherlands. The model features substitution of conventional and alternative pork from the demand side and endogenous manure prices. It is found that policies that put restrictions on environmental pollution from manure decreases the conventional pork production systems, but increases organic pork production systems. The latter is considered an improved system from both an animal welfare and environmental point of view.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Societal concerns; Positive mathematical programming; Pork; Markets; Policies; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Agricultural Productivity Growth in the Euro-Med Region: Is there Evidence of Convergence? AgEcon
Galonopulos, K.; Surry, Yves R.; Mattas, Konstadinos.
This paper measures agricultural productivity growth by means of the sequential Malmquist Total Factor Productivity (TFP) index among a set of thirty-two countries including West European, Central and East European (CEE) and Middle East and North African (MENA) countries for the period 1961-2002. At a second stage it is also investigated whether this measure is converging among the countries, by employing cross-sectional tests for absolute and conditional β-convergence as well as for club convergence. Results suggest that despite the fact that the CEE and MENA countries exhibit a high rate of productivity growth after the 1990s, absolute convergence cannot be accepted. Still, evidence for conditional convergence is found and the formation of two separate...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Productivity growth; Sequential Malmquist TFP; Convergence.; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Agricultural productivity growth in the Mediterranean and tests of convergence among countries AgEcon
Galanopoulos, Konstantinos; Lindberg, Emma; Surry, Yves R.; Mattas, Konstadinos.
This paper measures agricultural productivity among a set of thirteen Mediterranean countries which includes two EU- 15 countries (Greece and Spain), another two EU- 25 (Cyprus and Malta) one country under accession negotiations (Turkey) and eight Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia) from 1961 to 2002. The objective of the paper is twofold: Firstly, to analyse agricultural productivity growth in the Mediterranean countries by means of the sequential Malmquist Total Factor Productivity (TFP) index and secondly, to investigate whether this measure is converging among these countries. In terms of the first objective, TFP indices are decomposed into efficiency changes and technical...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Productivity growth; Sequential Malmquist TFP; Convergence.; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Agriculture’s inter-industry linkages, aggregation bias and rural policy reforms AgEcon
Lindberg, Gunnar; Midmore, Peter; Surry, Yves R..
As agricultural policy reform and its effects have become increasingly territorialised, analyses which attempt to explain or predict impacts need to be more localised but also identify spillover effects. In addition to the predictions of policy shocks predicted by sectoral partial equilibrium models, local and regional general equilibrium approaches which establish the wider effects of such policy shocks have become popular. However, these neglect a major, underexplored difficulty: agriculture is usually described as a single sector in input-output accounts, whereas policy shocks with differential impacts have effects on other industries which are different to those implied by average input-output coefficients. Regionalisation of aggregated input-output...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural and rural development policy evaluation; CAP; Input-output analysis; Aggregation bias; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Are the Mediterranean countries competitive in fresh fruit and vegetable exports? AgEcon
Nilsson, Fredrik O.L.; Lindberg, Emma; Surry, Yves R..
The Barcelona Agreement was signed in 1995, setting forth a structure with bilateral agreements between the EU and twelve Mediterranean countries. The agreement also foresaw the creation of a free trade area in the Euro-Mediterranean region by 2010. For many of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean sea, fruit and vegetables are very important products. In light of the increasing trade liberalization and thus increasing competition between countries, this paper aims to investigate further the competitiveness of Mediterranean countries with respect to fresh fruit and vegetables. The results generally show that the competitiveness of the investigated countries has deteriorated over the period. In only two cases, there is an increase in competitiveness.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Cost of production estimates for wheat, milk and pigs in selected EU member states AgEcon
Kleinhanss, Werner; Offermann, Frank; Butault, Jean-Pierre; Surry, Yves R..
Summary: This study summarizes cost estimates based on the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network using the General Cost of Production Model, developed, applied and tested within the FACEPA project. Results are provided for wheat, pigs and milk for the main producer countries of the EU for the period 1999 to 2007. Estimated input-output coefficients are generally based on monetary figures, expressing cost shares referring to total output. Effects of scale, specialization and location can be derived by estimates based on respective sub-samples. Costs per unit are derived based on input-output coefficients and output values, providing costs per hectare or ton for wheat and per ton of milk. There is a considerable variation between Member States not only of...
Tipo: Technical Report Palavras-chave: Econometric analysis; Production costs; Ökonometrische Analyse; Produktionskosten; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Production Economics; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C39; Q12.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Hansen, Heiko; Surry, Yves R..
Aus der regionalen landwirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung der Länder für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland lässt sich nicht entnehmen, wie sich die Vorleistungen auf einzelne Produktions-verfahren verteilen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden mit Hilfe der Maximum-Entropie-Methode verfahrensspezifische Faktoreinsatzmengen aus diesen Daten geschätzt. Die Modell-ergebnisse für die Jahre 1991 bis 2004 zeigen erwartungsgemäß heterogene Koeffizienten für die untersuchten Agrarprodukte. Auffallend ist der starke Rückgang des Einsatzes zugekauf-ter Futtermittel in der Milchproduktion sowie bei Rindern und Kälbern. Der Einsatz innerbe-trieblich erzeugter Futtermittel hat dagegen bei diesen Produktionsverfahren, insbesondere in der Milchproduktion, im Zeitablauf zugenommen.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Do Current U.S. Ethanol Policies Make Sense? AgEcon
Yano, Yuki; Blandford, David; Surry, Yves R..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; Q48; Q42; Q27; Q28.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Farm Cost Allocation Based on the Maximum Entropy Methodology - The Case of Saskatchewan Crop Farms AgEcon
Peeters, Ludo; Surry, Yves R..
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has an ongoing research program to provide information on the effect of potential agricultural policy and technology scenarios on the environment and the economic conditions, behavior and performance in the agriculture sector. Included in this work program is a project to improve our farm level data on cost of production and farm management practices for economic and environmental analysis. As part of this effort to improve our data, this report evaluates an analytical method, called Maximum Entropy (ME), for its effectiveness in extracting detailed, enterprise level, cost of production information from whole-farm data. The ME method has been shown to be a promising and cost-effective option for obtaining these...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Hedonic Housing Prices and Agricultural Pollution: An Empirical Investigation on Semiparametric Models AgEcon
Bontemps, Christophe; Simioni, Michel; Surry, Yves R..
Many empirical studies challenged the parametric approach to estimate nonlinear house price models and to use instead nonparametric or semiparametric model specifications. In the area of environmental analysis using house price models, Stock (1991) and McMillen and Thorsen (2000) applied semi-parametric models to estimate the impact of hazardous wastes on house prices. Furthermore, estimating nonparametricaly house price models is gaining now additional momentum because Ekeland et al. (2002) provided a theoretical justification to use such an empirical approach to estimate hedonic price models. The objective of this paper is to assess the impact of agricultural pollution in a livestock intensive region of France using alternative non-parametric and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Hedonic Housing Prices and Agricultural Pollution: An Empirical Investigation on Semiparametric Models AgEcon
Bontemps, Christophe; Simioni, Michel; Surry, Yves R..
The objective of this paper is to assess the impact on property values of agricultural pollution using alternative semiparametric hedonic price models. The proposed model specifications are made up of two parts: a partially linear component for house characteristics and a non (semi) parametric form to represent the non linear influence of agricultural pollution. A general-to-specific search procedure is adopted to select the best model specification. An application of theses parametric models to rural townships indicates that pollution resulting on livestock operations have a significant nonlinear impact on house prices.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Hedonic pricing; Semiparametric models; Agricultural pollution; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; C14; R21; R32; Q0.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mattas, Konstadinos; Arfini, Filippo; Midmore, Peter; Schmitz, P. Michael; Surry, Yves R..
Expected impacts due to recently introduced CAP reforms can be felt beyond the agricultural sector affecting the entire regional economy. Employment levels will be affected within the farming sector and probably non-agricultural sector will feel the pinch too. Policies influencing employment levels attract the attention of the media and the public. Therefore, policy makers are more sensitive on employment issues than rural and agricultural policies as it is widely admitted that no vibrant regions in Europe can be envisioned without enhancing job opportunities. The influence of CAP reform on employment has not been thoroughly studied within a comprehensive approach, accounting for agricultural and non-agricultural effects and covering the diversity of EU...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: CAP reform; Rural employment; I/O analysis; PMP; Qualitative analysis.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Q12; Q18; R15..
Ano: 2008 URL:
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International Variability in Biofuel Trade: An Assessment of U.S. Policies AgEcon
Yano, Yuki; Blandford, David; Surry, Yves R..
Although the United States has typically been in a position to import ethanol, corn-based ethanol exports are surging as the domestic market becomes saturated and world prices rise due to high prices for sugar, the competing global feedstock. The U.S. is now the world’s leading ethanol producer but domestic demand is constrained because of technical limitations in the current vehicle fleet. Higher ethanol blends have been approved for use (15% rather than 10%) but a limited number of vehicles that can use such higher blends. Infrastructure constraints also affect the potential supply of higher ethanol blends. As a result of these factors, U.S. biofuel policies can have significant implications for the world ethanol market. Usage mandates under the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Ethanol Exports; Biofuel Policies; Variability; International Relations/Trade; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Measuring Support to Agriculture in a Transition Economy in the Southern Balkans: The case of FYR Macedonia AgEcon
Ericson, Tina; Pelling, Erik; Surry, Yves R..
As a candidate country to the EU and a member of the WTO there is a need for a comprehensive, transparent and internationally comparable assessment of the support to agriculture in Macedonia. OECD that has been measuring support to agriculture on a yearly basis, in its member countries as well as some other countries since the mid-1980s, offers a good tool for such a task. The method is known for its most important indicator, the Producer Support Estimate (PSE). Using this method, data on Macedonian agricultural policy measures, in place – partly or entirely - for the period 1999 to 2004, have been gathered and categorized in order to arrive at an estimate of the level of support.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Producer support estimate (PSE); FYR Macedonia; Trade protection; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Semiparametric Cost Allocation Estimation AgEcon
Wikstrom, Daniel; Peeters, Ludo; Surry, Yves R..
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Support to agriculture in FYR Macedonia : an exploratory assessment (1999‐2004) AgEcon
Ericson, Tina; Pelling, Erik; Surry, Yves R..
Macedonia, as a candidate country to the EU and a member of the WTO is in need of a comprehensive, transparent, and internationally comparable assessment of the support to agriculture in the country. OECD that has been measuring support to agriculture on a yearly basis, in its member countries as well as some other countries since the mid-1980s offers a good tool for such a task. The method is known for its most important indicator, the Producer Support Estimate (PSE). Using this method, data on Macedonian agricultural policy measures, in place – partly or entirely - for the period 1999 to 2004, have been gathered and categorized in order to arrive at an estimate of the level of support. This report presents the main findings of this assessment.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: FYR Macedonia; Producer Support Estimate (PSE); Agricultural support; Trade protection; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Testing Separability for Common Wheat Qualities in French Import Demand Market Using Aids and Rotterdam Demand Models AgEcon
Njonou, Rabelais Yankam; Frahan, Bruno Henry de; Surry, Yves R..
This study has used a corrected likelihood ratio, with AIDS and Rotterdam demand models, to test separability in three separable (A, B, C) wheat import demand structures on the French common wheat market. It appears from the study that the three separable Rotterdam structures are accepted by the test, while only two of them (B and C) are accepted in the case of AIDS at 5% level of significance. Meanwhile, model B seems to be more indicated in demand analysis with AIDS since it is the only one accepted at 15% level of significance. The results obtained demonstrate not only the necessity to test separability in demand structures, but also the necessity to know how the allocation models can be used for demand analysis purpose. The study has also shown a great...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Separability; Import demand; Rotterdam and AIDS demand models; Wheat qualities; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The CDET Profit Function: Could it generate a Parsimonious Agricultural Sector Model? AgEcon
Hess, Sebastian; Surry, Yves R..
While the single- output Constant Difference of Elasticities (CDE) cost function has been applied several times, its profit counterpart called “the Constant Difference of Elasticities of Transformation” (CDET) profit frontier has not yet been applied econometrically. It is an indirect, implicit, non-homothetic and non-separable frontier that may be viewed as more flexible than the commonly used CES and Cobb-Douglas specifications, while demanding less parameters to be estimated than fully flexible functional forms commonly do. We therefore introduce the CDET profit function and illustrate its potential usefulness as a parsimonious econometric model of agricultural production in Switzerland. Results indicate plausible elasticities and a satisfactory fit to...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: CDE; Profit function; Agricultural Sector; Functional Form; Switzerland; Agricultural Finance.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Sarker, Rakhal; Surry, Yves R..
Since the early 1990s, researchers have routinely used count data models (such as the Poisson and negative binomial) to estimate the demand for recreational activities. Along with the success and popularity of count data models in recreational demand analysis during the last decade, a number of shortcomings of standard count data models became obvious to researchers. This had led to the development of new and more sophisticated model specifications. Furthermore, semi-parametric and non-parametric approaches have also made their way into count data models. Despite these advances, however, one interesting issue has received little research attention in this area. This is related to the fast decay process of the dependent variable and the associated long...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Fast Decay Process; Recreational Demand; Count Data Models; Borel; Yule; Logarithmic and generalised Poisson regression models; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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The Fast Decay Process in Recreational Demand Activities and the use of Alternative Count Data Models AgEcon
Sarker, Rakhal; Surry, Yves R..
Since the early 1990s, researchers have routinely used count data models (such as the Poisson and negative binomial) to estimate the demand for recreational activities. Along with the success and popularity of count data models in recreational demand analysis during the last decade, a number of shortcomings of standard count data models became obvious to researchers. This had led to the development of new and more sophisticated model specifications. Furthermore, semi-parametric and non-parametric approaches have also made their way into count data models. Despite these advances, however, one interesting issue has received little research attention in this area. This is related to the fast decay process of the dependent variable and the associated long...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Fast decay process; Recreational demand; Count data models; Borel; Yule; Logarithmic and generalised Poisson regression models; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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