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Gradients in intact polar diacylglycerolipids across the Mediterranean Sea are related to phosphate availability ArchiMer
Popendorf, K. J.; Tanaka, T.; Pujo-pay, M.; Lagaria, A.; Courties, C.; Conan, Pascal; Oriol, L.; Sofen, L. E.; Moutin, T.; Van Mooy, B. A. S..
Intact polar membrane lipids compose a significant fraction of cellular material in plankton and their synthesis imposes a substantial constraint on planktonic nutrient requirements. As a part of the Biogeochemistry from the Oligotrophic to the Ultraoligotrophic Mediterranean (BOUM) cruise we examined the distribution of several classes of intact polar diacylglycerolipids (IP-DAGs) across the Mediterranean, and found that phospholipid concentration as a percent of total lipids correlated with phosphate concentration. In addition, the ratios of non-phosphorus lipids to phospholipids - sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol (SQDG) to phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and betaine lipids to phosphatidylcholine (PC) - were also found to increase from west to east across the...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Lack of P-limitation of phytoplankton and heterotrophic prokaryotes in surface waters of three anticyclonic eddies in the stratified Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Tanaka, T.; Thingstad, T. F.; Christaki, U.; Colombet, J.; Cornet-barthaux, V.; Courties, C.; Grattepanche, J. -d.; Lagaria, A.; Nedoma, J.; Oriol, L.; Psarra, S.; Pujo-pay, M.; Van Wambeke, France.
We investigated the identity of the limiting nutrient of the pelagic microbial food web in the Mediterranean Sea using nutrient manipulated microcosms during summer 2008. Experiments were carried out with surface waters at the center of anticyclonic eddies in the Western Basin, the Ionian Basin, and the Levantine Basin. In situ, the ratio of N to P was always higher in both dissolved and particulate organic fractions compared to the Redfield ratio, suggesting a relative P-starvation. In each experiment, four different treatments in triplicates (addition of ammonium, phosphate, a combination of both, and the unamended control) were employed and chemical and biological parameters monitored throughout a 3-4 day incubation. Temporal changes of turnover time of...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Pelagic community production and carbon-nutrient stoichiometry under variable ocean acidification in an Arctic fjord ArchiMer
Silyakova, A.; Bellerby, R. G. J.; Schulz, K. G.; Czerny, J.; Tanaka, T.; Nondal, G.; Riebesell, U.; Engel, A.; De Lange, T.; Ludvig, A..
Net community production (NCP) and carbon to nutrient uptake ratios were studied during a large-scale mesocosm experiment on ocean acidification in Kongsfjorden, western Svalbard, during June-July 2010. Nutrient depleted fjord water with natural plankton assemblages, enclosed in nine mesocosms of similar to 50m(3) in volume, was exposed to pCO(2) levels ranging initially from 185 to 1420 mu atm. NCP estimations are the cumulative change in dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations after accounting for gas exchange and total alkalinity variations. Stoichiometric coupling between inorganic carbon and nutrient net uptake is shown as a ratio of NCP to a cumulative change in inorganic nutrients. Phytoplankton growth was stimulated by nutrient addition half way...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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The effects of nutrient additions on particulate and dissolved primary production and metabolic state in surface waters of three Mediterranean eddies ArchiMer
Lagaria, A.; Psarra, S.; Lefevre, D.; Van Wambeke, France; Courties, C.; Pujo-pay, M.; Oriol, L.; Tanaka, T.; Christaki, U..
We examined the effects of nutrient additions on rates of (14)C-based particulate and dissolved primary production as well as O(2)-based metabolic rates in surface waters (8 m) of three anticyclonic eddies, located in the Western, Central and Eastern Mediterranean. Ship-board microcosm experiments employing additions of inorganic nitrogen (+N) and phosphorus (+P), alone and in combination (+NP), were conducted in June/July 2008 during the BOUM (Biogeochemistry from the Oligotrophic to the Ultra-oligotrophic Mediterranean) cruise. In all three experiments, particulate primary production was significantly stimulated by the additions of nitrogen (+N, +NP) while no effect was observed with the addition of phosphorus alone (+P). Percent extracellular release of...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The vector potential of haemaphysalis longicornis ticks for babesia microti parasites under experimental condition OAK
Kusakisako, K.; Maeda, H.; Galay, R.L.; Matsuo, T.; Tsujio, M.; Umemiya-Shirafuji, R.; Mochizuki, M.; Fujisaki, K.; Tanaka, T..
Palavras-chave: Babesia microti; Haemaphysalis longicornis; Transmission test; Vector.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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