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A review of potential impacts of submarine power cables on the marine environment: Knowledge gaps, recommendations and future directions ArchiMer
Taormina, Bastien; Bald, Juan; Want, Andrew; Thouzeau, Gerard; Lejart, Morgane; Desroy, Nicolas; Carlier, Antoine.
Submarine power cables (SPC) have been in use since the mid-19th century, but environmental concerns about them are much more recent. With the development of marine renewable energy technologies, it is vital to understand their potential impacts. The commissioning of SPC may temporarily or permanently impact the marine environment through habitat damage or loss, noise, chemical pollution, heat and electromagnetic field emissions, risk of entanglement, introduction of artificial substrates, and the creation of reserve effects. While growing numbers of scientific publications focus on impacts of the marine energy harnessing devices, data on impacts of associated power connections such as SPC are scarce and knowledge gaps persist. The present study (1)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Submarine power cables; Marine renewable energy; Environmental impacts; Ecosystem functioning; Benthic habitats.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Impact of magnetic fields generated by AC/DC submarine power cables on the behavior of juvenile European lobster (Homarus gammarus) ArchiMer
Taormina, Bastien; Di Poi, Carole; Agnalt, Ann-lisbeth; Carlier, Antoine; Desroy, Nicolas; Escobar-lux, Rosa Helena; D’eu, Jean-françois; Freytet, Florian; Durif, Caroline M.f..
The number of submarine power cables using either direct or alternating current is expected to increase drastically in coming decades. Data concerning the impact of magnetic fields generated by these cables on marine invertebrates are scarce. In this context, the aim of this study was to explore the potential impact of anthropogenic static and time-varying magnetic fields on the behavior of recently settled juvenile European lobsters (Homarus gammarus) using two different behavioral assays. Day-light conditions were used to stimulate the sheltering behavior and facilitate the video tracking. We showed that juvenile lobsters did not exhibit any change of behavior when submitted to an artificial magnetic field gradient (maximum intensity of 200 µT) compared...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anthropogenic impact; Behavior; Homarus gammarus; Magnetic field; Submarine power cable.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Impacts potentiels des câbles électriques sous-marins des projets d’énergies marines renouvelables sur les écosystèmes benthiques ArchiMer
Taormina, Bastien.
renewable energy projects, the aim of this PhD thesis was to better characterise the potential impacts of submarine power cables on coastal benthic ecosystems. The work specifically focused on the impacts associated with the operational phase. The major part of this work was dedicated to the reef effect created by these cables and their protective and stabilising structures on sessile epibenthic communities and mobile megafauna. This work was mainly based on underwater imagery, either video or photo collected in situ by divers. The challenge of working with underwater imagery has led me to optimise image analyses so as to effectively monitor benthic colonisation and to quantify artificial reef habitat provision to commercial species. In addition to this...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Communauté benthique Champs électromagnétiques Récif artificiel Effet « réserve »; Energies marines Renouvelables Imagerie sous-marine Benthic communities Electromagnetic field Artificial reef Reserve effect Marine renewable energy Underwater imagery.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Optimizing image-based protocol to monitor macroepibenthic communities colonizing artificial structures ArchiMer
Taormina, Bastien; Marzloff, Martin; Desroy, Nicolas; Caisey, Xavier; Dugornay, Olivier; Metral Thiesse, Emmanuelle; Tancray, Aurelien; Carlier, Antoine.
Underwater imagery is increasingly used as an effective and repeatable method to monitor benthic ecosystems. Nevertheless, extracting ecologically relevant information from a large amount of raw images remains a time-consuming and somewhat laborious challenge. Thus, underwater imagery processing needs to strike a compromise between time-efficient image annotation and accuracy in quantifying benthic community composition. Designing and implementing robust image sampling and image annotation protocols are therefore critical to rationally address these trade-offs between ecological accuracy and processing time. The aim of this study was to develop and to optimize a reliable image scoring strategy based on the point count method using imagery data acquired on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic monitoring; Fouling community; Sampling design; Taxonomic resolution; Underwater imagery.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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