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Conception participative de systèmes agricoles associant arbres fruitiers et cultures annuelles Organic Eprints
Castel, Laurie; Sieffert, André; Warlop , Francois; Tchamitchian, Marc.
Innovation in agriculture is needed to face multiple challenges and reach sustainability. We aim at involving farmers in the design of innovative pilot farms, using agroforestry and agroecology to maximize ecosystemic services and minimize reliance to plant protection products. Projects are designed for long channels or for direct selling, with consequences in term of crop diversity and plot size. They started in 2013 and will be run on a long-term basis.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farm economics Cereals; Pulses and oilseeds Social aspects Vegetables Biodiversity and ecosystem services Fruit and berries Crop health; Quality; Protection Weed management.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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EBIO-Network: a web-based platform for knowledge sharing on functional agrobiodiversity in organic apple production. Organic Eprints
Herz, Annette; Matray, Silvia; Sharifova, Hadil; Wolck, Anja; Sigsgaard, Lene; Penvern, Servane; Fernique, Sarah; Tchamitchian, Marc; Warlop, Francois; Pfiffner, Lukas; Kelderer, M.; Kruczynska, Dorota; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Jamar, Laurent; Morcel, Mario.
The web-based platform "EBIO-Network" (European Biodiversity Orchards Network),created within the framework of the CoreOrganic plus project EcoOrchard, will provide an interactive communication tool between stakeholders in European organic fruit production at different levels (practice, science, advisory etc.). The website will offer the opportunity to share, extract and use stakeholder knowledge in Europe in a participatory approach. As an outcome of this ongoing exchange, the aim is to provide technical information how to create, keep and assess functional agrobiodiversity (FAB) in apple production.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general Technology transfer Biodiversity and ecosystem services Education; Extension and communication.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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EcoOrchard – collecting existing knowledge and generating new knowledge on functional biodiversity of organic orchards Organic Eprints
Sigsgaard, Lene; Warlop, Francois; Herz, Annette; Tchamitchian, Marc; Pfiffner, Lukas; Kelderer, Markus; Jamar, Laurent; kruzynska, Dorota; Korsgaard, Maren; tasin, Marco; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura.
Organic fruit growers often suffer economic losses due to insect damages. The available natural pest control products are not always effective; and most important: many organic fruit growers would prefer not to use any pesticide at all. EcoOrchard, a CORE Organic Plus project (2015-18) aims to collect existing knowledge and generate new knowledge in order to use Functional AgroBiodiversity (FAB) successfully in orchards. This includes experimental trials in seven countries on the potential of inter-row flower strips for control of key pests and natural enemy augmentation, the establishment of the EBIO-Network as a European-wide network of stakeholders for collecting, sharing and improving scientific and practical knowledge and experience in FAB...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Biodiversity and ecosystem services Crop health; Quality; Protection Education; Extension and communication.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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EcoOrchard -Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards Organic Eprints
Sigsgaard, Lene; Herz, Annette; Warlop, Francois; Pfiffner, Lukas; Tchamitchian, Marc.
Functional agrobiodiversity (FAB) uses orchard design and management to gain more natural enemies, making orchards more robust to pests. This CORE Organic Plus project aims to collect existing knowledge and generate new knowledge in order to use FAB successfully in orchards.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Technology assessment Technology transfer Biodiversity and ecosystem services Crop health; Quality; Protection.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Functional agrobiodiversity (FAB) in apple pest management in Latvia: what do we know? Organic Eprints
Ralle, Baiba; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Herz, Annette; Penvern, Servane; Warlop, Francois; Porcel, Mario; Tchamitchian, Marc; Pfiffner, Lukas; Jamar, Laurent; Kruczynska, Dorota; Korsgaard, Maren; Kelderer, Markus; Sigsgaard, Lene.
A short view on functional agrobiodiversity, what do we know about it in Latvia. What do Latvian apple orchard owners think about it, what are demands in national laws and regulations. What has been done in project ECOORCHARD in this context.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Functional agrobiodiversity in apple orchards Organic Eprints
Sigsgaard, Lene; Pfiffner, Lukas; Penvern, Servane; Tchamitchian, Marc; WARLOP, FRANCOIS; Herz, Annette; Kelderer, Markus; Jamar, Laurent; Kruzynska, Dorota; Korsgaard, Maren; Tasin, Marco; Jasko, Janis.
Fruit growers often suffer economic losses due to insect damages. The available natural pest control products are not always effective; and for organic fruit growers options for direct control are relatively few. EcoOrchard, a CORE Organic Plus project (2015-18) tracked EU farmers knowledge of Functional AgroBiodiversity (FAB) and generated new knowledge in order to successfully use FAB in orchards by a joint field experiment across seven countries of perennial flower strips to assess impact on natural enemies, codling moths and yield. The project also established the BIONetwork as a European-wide network of stakeholders for collecting, sharing and improving scientific and practical knowledge and experience in FAB management, and developed simple FAB...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Systems research and participatory research Biodiversity and ecosystem services Crop health; Quality; Protection.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Funkcionālā agrobioloģiskā daudzveidība un tās paaugstināšanas pasākumu novērtēšanas metodes: 2015.gada rezultāti Organic Eprints
Ralle, Baiba; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Warlop, Francois; Herz, Annette; Penvern, Servane; Porcel, Mario; Tchamitchian, Marc; Pfiffner, Lukas; Jamar, Laurent; Kruczynska, Dorota; Korsgaard, Maren; Kelderer, Markus; Sigsgaard, Lene.
Stenda ziņojums par Funkcionālo agrobioloģisko daudzveidību un tās paaugstināšanas pasākumu novērtēšanas metodēm, rezultātiem 2015.gadā.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards Organic Eprints
Sigsgaard, Lene; Warlop, Francois; Herz, Annette; Tchamitchian, Marc; Porcel, Mario; Kelderer, Markus; Jamar, Laurent; Korsgaard, Maren; Ralle, Baiba; Penvern, Servane; Pfiffner, Lukas; Weibel, Franco.
Organic fruit growers often suffer economic losses due to insect damages. The available natural pest control products are not always effective; and most important: many organic fruit growers would prefer not to use any pesticide at all. Growing flowers in order to gain more natural enemies, and hence less pests is a technique called Functional Agro-Biodiversity (FAB). Ongoing research in this CORE Organic Plus project aims to collect existing knowledge and generate new knowledge in order to use FAB successfully in orchards.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Indicators and other value-laden measures Systems research and participatory research Technology transfer Biodiversity and ecosystem services Crop health; Quality; Protection.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards : the ECOORCHARD project Organic Eprints
Warlop, Francois; Penvern, Servane; Weibel, Franco; Herz, Annette; Porcel, Mario; Tchamitchian, Marc; Sigsgaard, Lene.
Orchards are perennial cultures, and, especially in organic fruit production it is essential to design and manage orchards in a way which favours beneficials such as insect predators and parasitoids over pests and diseases. As landscape-dominating crops their management affects overall biodiversity in the agricultural landscape. Increasing plant biodiversity and habitats in such a way that beneficials are favoured is called Functional Agro-Biodiversity (FAB). The value of FAB for reducing pesticide use in fruit production is generally acknowledged, and many growers try to increase it. However, they lack situation-specific information about how to drive and assess biodiversity to optimize FAB. ECOORCHARD is therefore combining several approaches: (i)...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Biodiversity and ecosystem services Crop health; Quality; Protection.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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L’écologisation des pratiques en arboriculture et maraîchage. Enjeux et perspectives de recherches Organic Eprints
Navarrete, Mireille; Bellon, Stéphane; Géniaux, Ghislain; Lamine, Claire; Penvern, Servane; Sautereau, Natacha; Tchamitchian, Marc.
L’écologisation des systèmes arboricoles et maraîchers est une nécessité en termes de préservation de l’environnement mais elle est particulièrement contrainte sur un plan technique et économique. Sur la base d’un ensemble de travaux de recherche réalisés à l’Unité Ecodéveloppement depuis une dizaine d’années, nous proposons une analyse des enjeux et des perspectives d’écologisation des pratiques afin d’identifier des voies de transition vers des systèmes horticoles écologisés. Cette analyse s’articule autour de trois questions : (1) l’analyse multidimensionnelle des performances (agronomiques, écologiques, économiques, sociales) que doivent atteindre les systèmes écologisés ; (2) les leviers techniques qu’il est possible de mobiliser pour concevoir ces...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farm economics Systems research and participatory research Social aspects Vegetables Fruit and berries Crop health; Quality; Protection.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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L'écologisation des pratiques en arboriculture et maraichage. Enjeux et perspectives de recherches Organic Eprints
Navarrete, Mireille; Bellon, Stéphane; Géniaux, Ghislain; Lamine, Claire; Penvern, Servane; Sautereau, Natacha; Tchamitchian, Marc.
Les systèmes horticoles (arboriculture et maraîchage) sont parmi les plus intensifs en main d'oeuvre et en intrants ; la production conventionnelle repose sur un usage intense des produits phytosanitaires, pour satisfaire les critères d'accès aux circuits commerciaux des grandes et moyennes surfaces, et en particulier le « zéro défaut visuel ». Le secteur des fruits et légumes est extrêmement concurrentiel du fait de la faible part des aides (européennes, nationales) et souffre d'une forte distorsion des coûts de production entre états membres. Ces dernières années, la problématique de l'écologisation de l'agriculture, pour une meilleure préservation de l'environnement mais aussi de la santé des consommateurs, a particulièrement accru la pression sur le...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Production systems; Farming Systems.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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