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A glimpse of the future in animal nutrition science. 1. Past and future challenges 96
Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo; Almeida,Amélia Katiane de; Atzori,Alberto Stanislao; Muir,James Pierre; Fonseca,Mozart Alves; Cannas,Antonello.
ABSTRACT If the world population continues to increase exponentially, wealth and education inequalities might become more pronounced in the developing world. Thus, offering affordable, high-quality protein food to people will become more important and daunting than ever. Past and future challenges will increasingly demand quicker and more innovative and efficient solutions. Animal scientists around the globe currently face many challenging issues: from ensuring food security to prevent excess of nutrient intake by humans, from animal welfare to working with genetic-engineered animals, from carbon footprint to water footprint, and from improved animal nutrition to altering the rumen microbiome. Many of these issues are most likely to continue (or to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Challenges; Issues; Livestock; Ruminant; Production.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A glimpse of the future in animal nutrition science. 2. Current and future solutions 96
Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo; Fonseca,Mozart Alves; Muir,James Pierre; Poppi,Dennis P.; Carstens,Gordon E.; Angerer,Jay P.; Fox,Danny Gene.
ABSTRACT Despite tremendous advancements in the livestock sector, additional opportunities exist to improve even further livestock production around the globe. Forecasting is not an exact science and it relies heavily on past and current knowledge. Improvements in the nutritional sciences (both human and animal) include a better understanding of agents that cause deterioration of human health, improving the quality of animal products, applying effective fetal programming, developing new feeds and feeding strategies, and revisiting longstanding technologies. Improvements in the understanding of the rumen microbiome will enable scientists to increase the fermentation efficiency and, hopefully, select microbial species of greater interest. Improvements in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forecasting; Livestock; Ruminant; Solutions; Production; Vision.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A nutrition mathematical model to account for dietary supply and requirements of energy and nutrients for domesticated small ruminants: the development and evaluation of the Small Ruminant Nutrition System 96
Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo; Cannas,Antonello; Fox,Danny Gene.
A mechanistic model that predicts nutrient requirements and biological values of feeds for sheep (Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System; CNCPS-S) was expanded to include goats and the name was changed to the Small Ruminant Nutrition System (SRNS). The SRNS uses animal and environmental factors to predict metabolizable energy (ME) and protein, and Ca and P requirements. Requirements for goats in the SRNS are predicted based on the equations developed for CNCPS-S, modified to account for specific requirements of goats, including maintenance, lactation, and pregnancy requirements, and body reserves. Feed biological values are predicted based on carbohydrate and protein fractions and their ruminal fermentation rates, forage, concentrate and liquid...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Comparing plastic syringes and disposable columns to extract n-alkanes in forage and concentrate feeds 65
Oliveira,Dimas Estrasulas de; Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo.
Saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) were extracted from feed, orts, and bovine fecal samples using disposable, plastic 5mL-syringes as an alternative material to disposable columns, which are normally used in the liquid-solid extraction phase of n-alkanes. For both methods, the n-alkane extracts (carbon chain length between 31 and 36 atoms) were identified using gas chromatography. The linear regression between methods were: 1) feces: column Alkane=2.63+0.92×syringeAlkane [r²=0.94, square root of the mean square error (RMSE)=13.7mg kg-1, n=30] from which the intercept and the slope did not simultaneously differ from zero and unity (P>0.05), respectively; 2) feeds: column Alkane=0.36+1.12×syringeAlkane (r²=0.85, RMSE=1.9mg kg-1, n=21) from which...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Analysis; Digestibility; Intake; Hydrocarbons; N-alkane determination.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Developing a continuous adjustment factor for dry matter intake of gestating and lactating ewes 63
Gallo,Sarita Bonagurio; Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo.
ABSTRACT: Intake is a multifactorial process that is influenced by animal type, environmental factors, and diet characteristics. Sheep, especially, have specific eating habits, with a greater selection of ingested feed compared to cattle. Thus, predictive equations for dry matter intake (DMI) must constantly be reviewed. The objective of this study was to combine different adjustment factors to develop one continuous adjustment factor for predicting the DMI of pregnant, dry, and lactating ewes. The equations evaluated for non-lactation ewes accounts for metabolic body weight and weight gain, and the equation for lactating ewes includes milk production and its fat content. The database used in this study was pooled from hair sheep ewes, two to four years...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mathematical model; Nutrition model; Prediction; Requirement; Sheep.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Estimating forage intake of lactating dual-purpose cows using chromium oxide and n-alkanes as external markers 63
Oliveira,Dimas Estrasulas de; Medeiros,Sérgio Raposo de; Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo; Aroeira,Luís Januário Magalhães; Silva,Sila Carneiro da.
The n-alkanes have been used to estimate forage dry matter intake, digestibility and the diet composition in grazing animals. The objective this study was to compare chromium oxide and n-alkanes techniques used to estimate forage intake. Twenty lactating dual-purpose cows receiving two sources of fat (treatments: conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) or Megalac (control)) plus 4 kg of concentrate were dosed with n-alkanes and chromium oxide to estimate the intake of stargrass (Cynodon nlemfüensis Vanderyst var. nlemfüensis). The in vitro dry matter (DM) digestibility of the stargrass and concentrate were used to estimate the nutritive value of the digesta. The n-alkanes between C23 and C36 were quantified in the digesta and feces. The regression between...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diet composition; Digestibility; Grazing.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Evaluation of mathematical models to describe growth of grazing young bulls 96
Fernandes,Henrique Jorge; Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo; Paulino,Mário Fonseca; Detmann,Edenio; Paiva,Luisa Melville; Valadares Filho,Sebastião de Campos; Silva,Aline Gomes da; Azevêdo,José Augusto Gomes.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of different mathematical models to describe growth of grazing beef cattle. Data of 20 Nellore bulls with initial weight of 129±28.1 kg and final weight of 405±62.0 kg were used. The animals were randomly divided into four plots and placed on B. decumbens Stapf pastures. Three plots received concentrate supplement with different protein profiles and the fourth plot received only mineral supplement. Animals were weighed every 28 days to design growth curve of full body weight. Five mathematical models were evaluated to describe animal growth: Multiphase, Linear, Logarithmic, Gompertz and Logistic models. Assessment of adequacy of the models was performed by using coefficient of determination, simultaneous...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Grazing beef cattle; Modeling; Seasonality.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Evaluation of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System model on the prediction of dry matter intake and milk production of grazing crossbred cows 96
Morenz,Mirton José Frota; Silva,José Fernando Coelho da; Aroeira,Luiz Januário Magalhães; Deresz,Fermino; Vásquez,Hernán Maldonado; Lopes,Fernando César Ferraz; Paciullo,Domingos Sávio Campos; Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo.
The Cornel Net Carbohydrate and Protein System model version 5.0 was assessed as for its prediction of dry matter intake and milk production of grazing lactating Holstein × Zebu cows. Eight lactating cows grazing elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum., cv. Napier) were used in two experiments of 30 days each. The experimental design was of randomized blocks (subplots). Dry matter intake was estimated using the chromium oxide and in vitro dry matter digestibility techniques. The estimated dry matter intake was compared with the values predicted by the model. Extrusa samples of the elephant grass pasture were obtained from a cow with esophageal fistula during nine days in each experimental period. Carbohydrate and nitrogenous fractions were analyzed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chromium oxide; Elephant grass; Lactating cows; Rotational stocking.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Lanna,Dante Pazzanese Duarte; Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo; Beltrame Filho,João Antônio.
O custo de produção de bovinos de corte confinados foi comparado para: 1) dietas de custo mínimo (DCM), formuladas pelo método tradicional de programação linear; e 2) dietas de lucro máximo (DLM) formuladas por programa não-linear de simulação do crescimento baseado no "Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System" ajustado para condições brasileiras. Este programa (RLM 1.0) formula dietas minimizando o custo por unidade de crescimento e atendendo exigências de energia, proteína e minerais. Custos de produção foram simulados para as DCM e DLM utilizando animais e alimentos disponíveis no Brasil Central. Foram utilizados preços históricos dos alimentos e da carne para três estados brasileiros. As DCM continham 68% de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) e 13%...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Custo mínimo; Lucro máximo; Rações; Ruminantes.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Models of protein and amino acid requirements for cattle 96
Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo; Fox,Danny Gene; Fonseca,Mozart Alves; Cavalcanti,Luigi Francis Lima.
Protein supply and requirements by ruminants have been studied for more than a century. These studies led to the accumulation of lots of scientific information about digestion and metabolism of protein by ruminants as well as the characterization of the dietary protein in order to maximize animal performance. During the 1980s and 1990s, when computers became more accessible and powerful, scientists began to conceptualize and develop mathematical nutrition models, and to program them into computers to assist with ration balancing and formulation for domesticated ruminants, specifically dairy and beef cattle. The most commonly known nutrition models developed during this period were the National Research Council (NRC) in the United States, Agricultural...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Modeling; Nutrition; Prediction; Ruminants; Simulation.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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N-alkanes to estimate voluntary forage intake of cattle using controlled-release capsules 63
Oliveira,Dimas Estrasulas de; Manella,Marcelo de Queiroz; Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo; Silva,Sila Carneiro da; Lanna,Dante Pazzanese Duarte.
N-alkanes have been used as internal markers in digestibility trials with ruminants and non-ruminants for more than 20 years. In this study, two trials were conducted under different feeding regimes to (i) evaluate the release rate of n-alkanes of controlled-release capsules in the rumen of rumen-cannulated steers either grazing or restrained in metabolic stalls and (ii) estimate voluntary forage intake of the same steers in metabolic stalls. Six rumen-cannulated Nelore steers were allocated to individual metabolic stalls and were fed diets with varying forage to concentrate ratios (80:20, 60:40, and 40:60; respectively). Corn silage was the only forage source. In the grazing trial, the same steers were evaluated under three feeding managements (Brachiaria...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovine; Fecal recovery; Hydrocarbons; Markers; Dry matter intake.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Níveis de inclusão e tempo de exposição da cana-de-açúcar ao óxido de cálcio sobre parâmetros digestivos e o desempenho de novilhas Nelore 96
Pina,Douglas dos Santos; Valadares Filho,Sebastião de Campos; Tedeschi,Luis Orlindo; Barbosa,Analívia Martins; Azevêdo,José Augusto Gomes; Valadares,Rilene Ferreira Diniz; Souza,Natália Krish de Paiva; Fonseca,Mozart Alves.
Avaliou-se nesta pesquisa o efeito da inclusão de óxido de cálcio (cal) e dos tempos de exposição da cana-de-açúcar à cal sobre o desempenho de novilhas Nelore, a digestibilidade dos componentes da dieta e a síntese de proteína microbiana ruminal (PBMic) e comparou-se o dióxido de titânio ao óxido crômico para estimar o consumo individual de concentrado. Utilizaram-se 30 fêmeas Nelore com aproximadamente 24 meses de idade e pesos médios de 285 ± 31 kg, alojadas em seis baias coletivas. As dietas foram arranjadas em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, com três níveis de cal (0; 0,5 ou 1% na matéria natural) e dois tempos de exposição (zero e três dias). Os tempos de exposição da cana-de-açúcar à cal não tiveram efeitos sobre as quantidades de nitrogênio microbiano, os...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Digestibilidade; Dióxido de titânio; Ganho de peso; Óxido crômico.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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