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Heat Content Anomaly and Decay of Warm‐core Rings: the Case of the Gulf of Mexico ArchiMer
Meunier, Thomas; Sheinbaum, Julio; Pallàs Sanz, Enric; Tenreiro, Miguel; Ochoa, José; Angulo, Angel Ruiz; Carton, Xavier; Marez, Charly.
In this study, we harness the 25‐year satellite‐altimeter record, in concert with a vast array of in‐situ measurements, to estimate the heat content anomaly of 32 warm‐core rings in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). The decay rate of these mesoscale eddies is studied in detail, and it is shown that they release the majority of their heat as they drift in the central GoM (away from topographic obstacles). The surface heat fluxes from the eddies is shown to be small in comparison to the total rate of heat loss from the eddies, suggesting that heat is primarily released towards the surrounding watermasses. Integrating the total heat evolution equation over the warm‐core rings yields an estimate of their effective lateral diffusivity coefficient. The long term impact...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Observations of Layering under a Warm-Core Ring in the Gulf of Mexico ArchiMer
Meunier, Thomas; Pallas Sanz, Enric; Tenreiro, Miguel; Ochoa, Jose; Angulo, Angel Ruiz; Buckingham, Christian.
Two glider transects in the Gulf of Mexico reveal fine-vertical-scale thermohaline structures within a Loop Current eddy (LCE). Partially compensating temperature and salinity anomalies are shown to organize as thin layers below the eddy and near its edges. The anomalies have vertical scales ranging from 2 to 60 m and extend laterally over distances up to 120 km. These structures are evident in synthetic acoustic reflectivity derived from the glider data and are reminiscent of the intense layering observed in seismic imagery around meddies, Agulhas rings, and warm-core Kuroshio rings. The observed layers are aligned with the geostrophic streamfunction rather than isopycnals and develop preferentially in zones of intense vertical shear. These observations...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eddies; Mesoscale processes; Small scale processes; In situ oceanic observations; Quasigeostrophic models; Tracers.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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