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Anomalous Origin of Cystic Artery from Gastroduodenal artery ­ A Case Report International Journal of Morphology
Vishnumaya,G; Bhagath,Kumar Potu; Vasavi,Rakesh Gorantla; Thejodhar,P.
The knowledge of vascular variations, like other anatomical variations, is important during the operative, diagnostic and endovascular procedures in abdomen. Variations in the branching pattern of the common hepatic artery often occur and may be encountered during cholecystectomy. This report describes a variation in the origin of cystic artery from the gastro duodenal artery as found during routine dissection in an approximately 34 years old male cadaver. The embryological development and clinical implications of such a variant have been discussed in the article.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Ysticartery; Gastroduodenal artery; Vascular variations.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Supernumerary Fascicle of Abductor digiti minimi Muscle and Compression of Ulnar Nerve and Ulnar Artery: A Case Report International Journal of Morphology
Thejodhar,P; Sampath,K. Madhyastha; Bhagath,Kumar, Potu; Sreedhar,V; Binod,K. T; Chakravarthy,M; Ramana,V; Satish,N.
The supernumerary fascicles of abductor digiti minimi muscle have been implicated in vascular and nerve compression. During routine dissection of an old male cadaver we observed an anomalous muscle was found to take it's origin from the antebrachial fascia and flexor retinaculum, traversed ulnar canal (Guyon's) superficial to ulnar vessels and nerves to reach the proximal part of abductor digiti minimi. The anomaly is one of a kind. Its course through Guyon's canal could be a cause for Guyon's canal syndrome. It was innervated by the ulnar nerve
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Ulnar nerve; Ulnar artery; Supernumerary fascicle; Abductor digiti minimi; Guyon's canal.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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