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Eating quality of bull calves fed only grass or herbs match that of concentrate-fed veal calves 21
Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K.; Vestergaard, M..
The meat from herb calves contained less oleic acid and more linolenic acid compared with conventional calves.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farming Systems Food security; Food quality and human health Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Eating quality of filet and round from grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers 21
Therkildsen, M.; Vestergaard, M..
Production of organic beef from young cattle is not very developed in Denmark, in spite of a well-established organic dairy production with male off-spring. These calves are sold to conventional production, because of low performance in organic production systems. The purpose of this study was to test a concept for production of organic beef based on crossbred animals from dairy cows sired with a beef breed. The experiment included a comparison between spring-born pure-bred Holstein bulls (HB), crossbred Limousin x Holstein bulls (CB) and heifers (CH), 15 of each group. After weaning the calves were raised outdoor on pasture the 1st summer and indoor on a low energy grass-haylage ration over winter followed by pasture the 2nd summer and slaughter at a...
Tipo: Proceedings Palavras-chave: Production systems Food security; Food quality and human health Beef cattle.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Eating quality of filet and round from grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein Bulls and Heifers 21
Therkildsen, M.; Vestergaard, M..
Crossbred Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers may be an alternative to purebred Holstein bulls in organic beef production of young cattle because of the improved gain, carcass conformation and taste, but the fatness and texture of the crossbred bulls need to be improved through changes in the production strategy, especially feeding prior to slaughter, and in the pre and post mortem handling.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Production systems Food security; Food quality and human health Beef cattle.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Eating quality of Holstein bull calves fed only grass or purely herbs matches that of concentrate-fed veal calves 21
Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K.; Vestergaard, M..
Organic meat production from Holstein calves born in dairy herds require that the bull calves are raised outdoor at least 6 months a year, and on large quantities of roughage in the diet. This study aimed at elucidating if Holstein bull calves fed either purely grass or purely herbs prior to slaughter would differ in meat quality traits, fatty acid composition and sensory profile and if they differed in quality aspects from concentrate-fed veal calves.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farming Systems Food security; Food quality and human health Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Eating quality of meat from grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers 21
Therkildsen, M.; Vestergaard, M..
We examined the eating quality of meat from spring-born crossbred Limousine x Holstein bulls (CB) and heifers (CH) compared with Holstein bulls (HB) raised over two grazing seasons on high-yielding pastures and slaughtered directly from pasture after the 2nd grazing season at a fixed slaughter age (16.9 months). The meat quality was evaluated by a nine-member trained sensory panel on an unstructured scale from 0 to 15, with 0 representing minor aroma and taste characteristics and tough meat and 15 representing intense aroma and taste characteristics as well as tender meat. The evaluation was done on M. longissimus dorsi (LD) and M. semimembranosus (SM) sampled from 8 HB, 8 CB and 8 CH animals 24 h post mortem and aged at 4C for additional 13 days. The...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Beef cattle.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Eating quality of meat from organic beef based on crossbred animals 21
Therkildsen, M.; Vestergaard, M..
Production of organic beef from young cattle is not very developed in Denmark, in spite of a well-established organic dairy production that could deliver bull calves for use in organic beef production. Instead these calves are sold to conventional beef producers, because of low performance in organic production systems. The purpose of this study was to test a concept for production of organic beef based on crossbred animals from dairy cows sired with a beef breed. The results show that crossbred Limousine X Holstein bulls and heifers may be an alternative to purebred Holstein bulls in organic beef production of young cattle because of improved gain and carcass conformation, aroma and taste. However, the fatness and texture of the crossbred bulls need to...
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Beef cattle.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Effect of genotype and feed allowance on behavior, performance and meat quality of free-range pigs 21
Kongsted, Anne Grete; Therkildsen, M..
Use of traditional breeds and free-range systems based on natural foraging may be one way to improve the quuality of organic pork in a broad sense and thereby justify the larger price.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food systems; Pigs.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Forsøg med frilandsgrise på kløvergræs, urter, kål og jordskokker 21
Kongsted, A.G.; Therkildsen, M..
Grise er altædende. I dag fodres langt de fleste grise hovedsageligt med korn og soja. Det står i kontrast til grisens natur og belaster miljøet og klimaet. Grise er af natur altædende og æder med stort velbehag mange forskellige fødeemner, inklusiv regnorme og biller.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Pigs.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Kongsted, A.G.; Therkildsen, M.; Hermansen, J.E..
Scientific Workshop on Organic Pig Production, Hovborg Kro, Holmeåvej 2, 6682 Hovborg, DK June 12th and 13th 2013 Programme: June 12th 2013: 9-9.30: Coffee, bread, and welcome (Marianne Bonde, UHF) 9.30-10: Sandra Edwards (UK): Future challenges in organic pig production 10-11.30: Theme 1: Production of entire male pigs / Chaired by Jan Tind Sørensen The aim of organic pig production is to ensure high animal welfare and natural products. Banning castration is thus a logical step forward, but the risk of boar taint in the meat is a major barrier for marketing meat from entire male pigs. Is it possible to use genetic tools and breeding strategies to prevent boar taint? What is the effect of feeding, management, housing and hygiene? Is...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Pigs.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Fulfilling demand about organic meat: physical product development with a consumer mind 21
Therkildsen, M..
ORGANIC MEAT FROM BEEF AND PORK TO FULFIL SOCIETY AND CONSUMER EXPECTATIONS Objective: The objective is to optimize the efficiency in organic meat production with respect for organic principles and product quality traits. Anticipated results and impact related to both science and society. Organic meat from pigs and cattle that that are produced efficiently and in a volume so it can contribute to eg. the 300.000 public meals and also become a profitable export product, because of exploration of specific muscle. characteristics and content of health beneficial composition – fatty acids and vitamins.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Markets and trade.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Green veal is not dark red 21
Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K.; Vestergaard, M..
Among many farmers, butchers and consumers, the expectation is that meat arising from grazing cattle generally is darker than meat from cattle primarily fed cereals. Without necessarily being the truth, this dogma is a constraint to the marketing of ‘green’ meat. In an attempt to increase the supply of organic meat from young cattle, we need to know which quality parameters are the characteristics for this type of meat, including colour characteristics.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Farming Systems Food security; Food quality and human health Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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GreenPork - Økologisk svinekød produceret med græsprotein. 21
Therkildsen, M..
Præsentation af det foreløbige arbejde med testning af kødkvaliteten hos slagtesvin fodret med græsprotein.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Feeding and growth; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Grønt kalvekød er ikke mørkerødt 21
Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K.; Vestergaard, M..
Forsøg har vist, at græs/urte-fodring til økologiske slagtekalve i en to-måneders periode forud for slagtning kan forbedre fedtsyresammensætning og vitaminindholdet i kødet. Desuden giver fodringen mørt kød med en god smag og viser ingen tegn på, at kødet skulle blive mørkere. Disse resultater er vigtige i markedsføringen af økologisk produceret kalve- og oksekød.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Farming Systems Food security; Food quality and human health Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Grønt kalvekød er ikke mørkerødt 21
Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K.; Vestergaard, M..
Forsøg har vist, at græs/urte-fodring til økologiske slagtekalve i en to-måneders periode forud for slagtning kan forbedre fedtsyresammensætning og vitaminindholdet i kødet. Desuden giver fodringen mørt kød med en god smag og viser ingen tegn på, at kødet skulle blive mørkere. Disse resultater er vigtige i markedsføringen af økologisk produceret kalve- og oksekød.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Farming Systems Food security; Food quality and human health Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Grønt kalvekød er ikke mørkerødt 21
Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K.; Vestergaard, M..
Blandt mange landmænd, slagtere og forbrugere er forventningerne, at kød fra græssende kvæg er mørkere end kød fra kvæg primært fodret med kraftfoder. Dette er ikke nødvendigvis sandt, men dette dogme florerer og er en begrænsning i markedsføringen af "grønt" kød. For at kunne øge forbruget af økologisk kød fra ungkvæg er vi nødt til at vide,hvilke kvalitetsparametre og hvilke karakteristika, der er gældende for denne type af kød - herunder også kødfarve.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Farming Systems Food security; Food quality and human health Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Improved texture of breast meat after a short finishing feeding period of broilers in an organic free-range system 21
Therkildsen, M.; Horsted, K.; Steenfeldt, S..
In order to develop an organic broiler product with high ethical value, high meat quality and based on locally produced feed, we tested if a long period without high quality protein feed followed by a finishing period with a high quality protein ration would affect the meat quality. Two genotypes were included in the experiment (The Hubbard breed ‘JA757’ and the Sasso breed ‘T851’), and only female broilers were included. The chickens were raised in groups in a free range system with more than 10 square meters per chicken covered with grass and herbs. The chickens were offered free access to either an optimized organic concentrate ration (HP) or an organic ration based on locally produced ingredients (peas, rapeseed, lupine, wheat and oat) (LP). The...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Poultry.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Kongsted, A.G.; Therkildsen, M..
Temadagen var en dansksproget forlængelse af en videnskabelig workshop om økologisk svineproduktion, som blev holdt på engelsk dagen forud. (Temadagen afsluttedes desuden med det ene - af to halvårsmøder - for Friland) Temadagen gav producenter og andre interesserede mulighed for at få indblik i den nyeste forskning inden for økologisk svineproduktion. Folkene frafem igangværende forskningsprojekter var sammen om at arrangere dagen, som startede med besætningsbesøg hos Nicolaj Pedersen, Hovborg.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Pigs.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Meat quality of hull calves fed only grass or only herbs for 8 weeks prior to slaughter matches that of concentrate-fed bull calves 21
Vestergaard, M.; Jensen, S.K.; Therkildsen, M..
The organic rules require that bull calves are raised outdoor at least 6 months a year in Denmark and are fed at least 60% roughage of the total diet. These rules are a constraint for an organic production of beef based on the bull calves born in the organic dairy herds because of extra labor costs, expected lower growth rate, difficulties in raising bull calves outdoor, possibly lower meat quality and lack of sufficiently high organic premium payment for the carcass. Thus, the bull calves are sold for conventional fattening. The supply of organic beef from young cattle is concomitantly very limited. However, in order to obtain the necessary higher payment for beef from organic-raised young cattle, it is important that consumers like the beef from grass-...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Animal husbandry.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Økologi skal smages 21
Therkildsen, M..
Dyrevelfærd og smag driver det økologiske kødindkøb. Forbrugere vægter sundhed, god kvalitet og et godt måltid højt.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Production systems Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Økologisk kødproduktion og kvalitet - resultater fra GUDP projekt 21
Therkildsen, M..
Genotype as well as growth rate is important for the final meat texture in broilers. Texture of breast fillet can be optimised in broilers raised on locally produced protein sources with a short period of 2 weeks with free access to an optimised organic feed. This suggest that compensatory growth in broilers can be used to optimise the final texture of the meat – and may be a strategy to fulfill consumer expectations of organic broliers.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Beef cattle Pigs Poultry.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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