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A viscoelastic-viscoplastic model to describe creep and strain rate effects on the mechanical behaviour of adhesively-bonded assemblies 5
Ilioni, Alin; Badulescu, C.; Carrere, N.; Davies, Peter; Thevenet, D..
Most of the adhesives used in the marine industry are polymers with a mechanical behaviour which is strongly influenced by the strain rate. Therefore, it is important to predict with accuracy their viscous behaviour. To describe their mechanical behaviour in a bonded joint, a viscoelastic-viscoplastic constitutive law is proposed here. The viscous effects on the elastic behaviour is described using a spectral distribution, which divides the viscous strain as the sum of the strains of several viscous mechanisms, each of them with a different characteristic time and weight. The viscoplastic component of the model permits a better description of the strong non-linear behaviour of the adhesives. The parameters of the constitutive law are obtained using an...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Epoxides; Mechanical properties of adhesives; Creep / mechanical relaxation.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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