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First report of the invasive jellyfish Gonionemus vertens A. Agassiz, 1862 in the Berre Lagoon, southeast France ArchiMer
Marchessaux, Guillaume; Gadreaud, Justine; Martin-garin, Bertrand; Thiery, Alain; Ourgaud, Melanie; Belloni, Bruno; Thibault, Delphine.
The hydromedusa Gonionemus vertens A. Agassiz, 1862 was first detected in the Berre Lagoon, south of France, in July 2016. Early June 2017, following an early rise in temperature, much higher numbers of specimens were reported leading to several beach goers being stung and one going into anaphylactic shock. Effort to rehabilitate this highly anthropogenically altered lagoon has led to the redevelopment of the Zostera meadows, which might be favoring the clinging jellyfish. Developmental aberrations of specimens were noted, which could be linked to the remaining presence of chemicals from the industrial development period. Impact of this predator species on the functioning of the lagoon ecosystem should also be studied.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydromedusae; Mediterranean lagoon; Occurrence; Invasive species; Human's health impacts.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Guide DCSMM d’aide à la détermination des principaux types/espèces de macro- et mégazooplancton gélatineux ArchiMer
Aubert, Anaïs; Thibault, Delphine.
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Ano: 2017 URL:
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Micronektonic fish species over three seamounts in the southwestern Indian Ocean ArchiMer
Cherel, Yves; Romanov, Evgeny V.; Annasawmy, Pavanee; Thibault, Delphine; Ménard, Frédéric.
Taxonomic composition, abundance and biological features of micronektonic fish were investigated using pelagic trawls conducted near and over the summits of three seamounts located in the western Indian Ocean (La Pérouse, MAD-Ridge and Walters Shoal). Mesopelagic fish from three families accounted for 80% by number of the total catch (5714 specimens, 121 taxa), namely myctophids (59%), gonostomatids (12%) and sternoptychids (9%). Whereas the gonostomatid Sigmops elongatus was the most abundant species around La Pérouse seamount, myctophids were the most diverse and dominant group by number in all three studied areas. Most myctophids were high-oceanic species, which included the numerically dominant Benthosema suborbitale, Ceratoscopelus warmingii, Diaphus...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ceratoscopelus warmingii; Diaphus suborbitalis; Sigmops elongatus; Lanternfish; Tropical waters.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Occurrence of microplastics in surface waters of the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea) ArchiMer
Schmidt, Natascha; Thibault, Delphine; Galgani, Francois; Paluselli, Andrea; Sempere, Richard.
Between 2014 and 2016 a total of 43 microplastic samples were collected at six sampling stations in the eastern section of the Gulf of Lion (located in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea), as well as upstream of the Rhône River. Microplastics were found in every sample with highly variable concentrations and masses. Concentrations ranged from 6 · 103 items km−2 to 1 · 106 items km−2 (with an average of 112 · 103 items km−2), and mass ranged from 0.30 g km−2 to 1018 g km−2 DW (mean 61.92 ± 178.03 g km−2). The samples with the highest and lowest microplastic count originate both from the Bay of Marseille. For the Bay of Marseille, it is estimated that the total microplastic load consist of 519 · 103 –101 · 106 items weighing 0.07–118 kg. Estimations for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine litter; Microplastic; Mediterranean Sea; Gulf of Lion; Marseille Bay.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Ocean current connectivity propelling the secondary spread of a marine invasive comb jelly across western Eurasia ArchiMer
Jaspers, Cornelia; Huwer, Bastian; Antajan, Elvire; Hosia, Aino; Hinrichsen, Hans-harald; Biastoch, Arne; Angel, Dror; Asmus, Ragnhild; Augustin, Christina; Bagheri, Siamak; Beggs, Steven E.; Balsby, Thorsten J. S.; Boersma, Maarten; Bonnet, Delphine; Christensen, Jens T.; Daenhardt, Andreas; Delpy, Floriane; Falkenhaug, Tone; Finenko, Galina; Fleming, Nicholas E. C.; Fuentes, Veronica; Galil, Bella; Gittenberger, Arjan; Griffin, Donal C.; Haslob, Holger; Javidpour, Jamileh; Kamburska, Lyudmila; Kube, Sandra; Langenberg, Victor T.; Lehtiniemi, Maiju; Lombard, Fabien; Malzahn, Arne; Marambio, Macarena; Mihneva, Veselina; Moller, Lene Friis; Niermann, Ulrich; Okyar, Melek Isinibilir; Ozdemir, Zekiye Birinci; Pitois, Sophie; Reusch, Thorsten B. H.; Robbens, Johan; Stefanova, Kremena; Thibault, Delphine; Van Der Veer, Henk W.; Vansteenbrugge, Lies; Van Walraven, Lodewijk; Wozniczka, Adam.
Aim Invasive species are of increasing global concern. Nevertheless, the mechanisms driving further distribution after the initial establishment of non‐native species remain largely unresolved, especially in marine systems. Ocean currents can be a major driver governing range occupancy, but this has not been accounted for in most invasion ecology studies so far. We investigate how well initial establishment areas are interconnected to later occupancy regions to test for the potential role of ocean currents driving secondary spread dynamics in order to infer invasion corridors and the source–sink dynamics of a non‐native holoplanktonic biological probe species on a continental scale. Location Western Eurasia. Time period 1980s–2016. Major taxa studied ‘Comb...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biological invasions; Gelatinous zooplankton; Invasion corridors; Invasive species; Jellyfish; Marine connectivity; Mnemiopsis leidyi; Range expansion; Source populations; Source-sink dynamics.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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