Maureaud, Aurore; Frelat, Romain; Pécuchet, Laurène; Shackell, Nancy; Mérigot, Bastien; Pinsky, Malin L.; Amador, Kofi; Anderson, Sean C.; Arkhipkin, Alexander; Auber, Arnaud; Barri, Iça; Bell, Richard J.; Belmaker, Jonathan; Beukhof, Esther; Camara, Mohamed L.; Guevara‐carrasco, Renato; Choi, Junghwa; Christensen, Helle T.; Conner, Jason; Cubillos, Luis A.; Diadhiou, Hamet D.; Edelist, Dori; Emblemsvåg, Margrete; Ernst, Billy; Fairweather, Tracey P.; Fock, Heino O.; Friedland, Kevin D.; Garcia, Camilo B; Gascuel, Didier; Gislason, Henrik; Goren, Menachem; Guitton, Jérôme; Jouffre, Didier; Hattab, Tarek; Hidalgo, Manuel; Kathena, Johannes N.; Knuckey, Ian; Kidé, Saïkou O.; Koen‐alonso, Mariano; Koopman, Matt; Kulik, Vladimir; León, Jacqueline P; Levitt‐barmats, Ya’arit; Lindegren, Martin; Llope, Marcos; Massiot‐granier, Félix; Masski, Hicham; Mclean, Matthew; Meissa, Beyah; Mérillet, Laurene; Mihneva, Vesselina; Nunoo, Francis K. E.; O'Driscoll, Richard; O'Leary, Cecilia A.; Petrova, Elitsa; Ramos, Jorge E.; Refes, Wahid; Román‐marcote, Esther; Siegstad, Helle; Sobrino, Ignacio; Sólmundsson, Jón; Sonin, Oren; Spies, Ingrid; Steingrund, Petur; Stephenson, Fabrice; Stern, Nir; Tserkova, Feriha; Tserpes, Georges; Tzanatos, Evangelos; Rijn, Itai; Zwieten, Paul A. M.; Vasilakopoulos, Paraskevas; Yepsen, Daniela V.; Ziegler, Philippe; Thorson, James. |
Marine biota are redistributing at a rapid pace in response to climate change and shifting seascapes. While changes in fish populations and community structure threaten the sustainability of fisheries, our capacity to adapt by tracking and projecting marine species remains a challenge due to data discontinuities in biological observations, lack of data availability, and mismatch between data and real species distributions. To assess the extent of this challenge, we review the global status and accessibility of ongoing scientific bottom trawl surveys. In total, we gathered metadata for 283,925 samples from 95 surveys conducted regularly from 2001 to 2019. We identified that 59% of the metadata collected are not publicly available, highlighting that the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bottom trawl survey; Climate change; Demersal fish; Fisheries policy; Global data synthesis; Open science; Species distribution; Transboundary conservation. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00658/76971/78197.pdf |
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Rindorf, Anna; Dichmont, Catherine M.; Thorson, James; Charles, Anthony; Clausen, Lotte Worsoe; Degnbol, Poul; Garcia, Dorleta; Hintzen, Niels T.; Kempf, Alexander; Levin, Phillip; Mace, Pamela; Maravelias, Christos; Minto, Coilin; Mumford, John; Pascoe, Sean; Prellezo, Raul; Punt, Andre E.; Reid, David G.; Roeckmann, Christine; Stephenson, Robert L.; Thebaud, Olivier; Tserpes, George; Voss, Ruediger. |
Targets and limits for long-term management are used in fisheries advice to operationalize the way management reflects societal priorities on ecological, economic, social and institutional aspects. This study reflects on the available published literature as well as new research presented at the international ICES/Myfish symposium on targets and limits for long term fisheries management. We examine the inclusion of ecological, economic, social and institutional objectives in fisheries management, with the aim of progressing towards including all four objectives when setting management targets or limits, or both, for multispecies fisheries. The topics covered include ecological, economic, social and governance objectives in fisheries management, consistent... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ecosystem-based fisheries management; Multiple objectives; Reference points; Sustainability; Variability. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00381/49262/49838.pdf |
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