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Egyptian Marine Gastrotricha OceanDocs
Leasi, F.; Todaro, M.A..
Order MACRODASYIDA Remane, 1925 [Rao and Clausen, 1970] Family DACTYLOPODOLIDAE Strand, 1929 Genus Dactylopodola Strand, 1929 Dactylopodola baltica Remane, 1926 Mediterranean Sea
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Fish.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Reproductive system and spermatozoa ultrastructure support the phylogenetic proximity of Megadasys and Crasiella (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) Naturalis
Guidi, L.; Todaro, M.A.; Ferraguti, M.; Balsamo, M..
The reproductive system and the spermatozoon of Megadasys sterreri from Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain) were studied at structural and ultrastructural levels. The species is a simultaneous hermaphrodite with cross-fertilization and shows paired gonads, the male anterior and the female posterior, and both gametes mature in a caudo-cephalic direction. Sperm ducts converge on the midline and open into a ventral common pore. Two sexual accessory organs are present in the caudal trunk. A pipe-like frontal organ lies between the ovaries and the caudal organ, and is composed of a long, thin region connected to a large zone containing mature and degenerating spermatozoa. The cigar-like caudal organ is elongate, bulky and is made of an anterior glandulo-muscular...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cephalodasyidae; Phylogeny; Planodasyidae; Reproductive traits; Spermatogenesis; 42.79; 42.62.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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