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Acoustical estimation of the Antarctic krill swarms spatial distribution and biomass 13
Tokarev, Yu. N.; Vasilenko, V. I.; Zhuk, V. F.; Sokolov, V. G.; Slipetsky, D. Ya..
The method of acoustic express-evaluation of the krill (Euphausia superba Dana) population spatial structure and determination of its accumulations biomass, with 80 kHz echosounding frequencies has been worked out during the 7-th Ukrainian Antarctic expedition. The method error does not exceed 10 %, which permits to recommend it for usage under the Antarctic krill fishery conditions. The principal possibility to acoustically express-evaluate chorological structure of the Antarctic krill population has been shown. Formation by krill of dense accumulations of different form, elongated for 6 miles, appeared to be an expressed feature of krill behaviour during observations. The school type in krill distribution was observed as well. Parallel to this the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Acoustic; Antarctic krill; Abundance; Biomass; Акустика; Антарктический криль; Распределение; Биомасса Acoustic data Abundance Biomass Krill fisheries Biomass
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Influence of seamounts at the Atlantic Ocean on modification of the bioluminiscence and plankton characteristics 13
Tokarev, Yu. N.; Bityukov, E. P.; Williams, R..
The bioluminescence and plankton characteristics in the euphotic layer over 11 seamounts in the Atlantic Ocean were studied. Investigations were carried out along the axis of flow over the mounts. Bathyphotometric measurements (1606 casts) were taken from 2 m to 100 m depths at 87 stations over the various seamounts with a vertical resolution of 1 m. Plankton samples were taken with Juday nets and submersible electric pumps with 36 m3• •h-1 performance. The bioluminescence characteristics varied over seamounts with different geomorphological features. The hydrodynamic gyres, created by the bottom elevations, and the upwelling of water with biogenic elements, also seem to have effects on the quantitative characteristics of the plankton. The largest changes...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Atlantic Ocean; Seamounts; Bioluminescence; Plankton; Атлантический океан; Подводные возвышенности; Биолюминесценция; Планктон Seamounts Bioluminescence Plankton Plankton
Ano: 2003 URL:
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