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Report on opportunities and applications of unmanned observatories for usage across RIs ArchiMer
Carotenuto, Federico; Delauney, Laurent; Dussud, Loic; Gioli, Benamino; Turpin, Victor; Zaldei, Alessandro.
Unmanned vehicles (UVs) are mobile platforms that can be either piloted remotely, either move autonomously using certain degrees of onboard/online intelligence. These kinds of platforms are progressively getting cheaper and accessible and they are penetrating more and more also in the world of scientific research. UVs in fact allow to investigate areas that are hardly accessible (or hazardous) for human researcher, and they are especially relevant for atmospheric, biosphere and marine domains since they allow spatialized sampling in terms of vertical profiles, horizontal transects or a combination of both. Unfortunately, the legislation regulating the usage of these kind of platforms are not moving as fast as their technical development and their spreading...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The CORA dataset: validation and diagnostics of in-situ ocean temperature and salinity measurements ArchiMer
Cabanes, Cecile; Grouazel, Antoine; Von Schuckmann, Karina; Hamon, Michel; Turpin, Victor; Coatanoan, Christine; Paris, Francois; Guinehut, Stephanie; Boone, C.; Ferry, N.; De Boyer Montegut, Clement; Carval, Thierry; Reverdin, Gilles; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Le Traon, Pierre-yves.
The French program Coriolis, as part of the French operational oceanographic system, produces the COriolis dataset for Re-Analysis (CORA) on a yearly basis. This dataset contains in-situ temperature and salinity profiles from different data types. The latest release CORA3 covers the period 1990 to 2010. Several tests have been developed to ensure a homogeneous quality control of the dataset and to meet the requirements of the physical ocean reanalysis activities (assimilation and validation). Improved tests include some simple tests based on comparison with climatology and a model background check based on a global ocean reanalysis. Visual quality control is performed on all suspicious temperature and salinity profiles identified by the tests, and quality...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2013 URL:
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