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Adult-mediated connectivity and spatial population structure of sardine in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian coast ArchiMer
Silva, Alexandra; Garrido, Susana; Ibaibarriaga, Leire; Pawlowski, Lionel; Riveiro, Isabel; Marques, Vitor; Ramos, Fernando; Duhamel, Erwan; Iglesias, Magdalena; Bryere, Philippe; Mangin, Antoine; Citores, Leire; Carrera, Pablo; Uriarte, Andres.
This work investigated adult-mediated connectivity and spatial population structure of sardine in the European Atlantic waters. The spatial and temporal progress of cohorts was modelled using abundance-at-age survey data by area in the period 2000 to 2016, covering the region from the northern Bay of Biscay to the eastern Gulf of Cadiz. A novel methodology was used to calculate indices of cohort movement between areas. Movement was relatively low between three large regions, the Bay of Biscay, the northern Spanish and Portuguese waters and the Gulf of Cadiz, each hosting a recruitment hotspot. On the other hand, one half of the sardines recruited in North Portugal and a quarter of those recruited in Southwest Portugal moved to northern Spanish waters and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Metapopulation; Source-sink dynamics; Adult-mediated connectivity; Cohort dispersal; Small pelagic fishes; Stock identity; Fisheries management.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Assessing natural mortality of Bay of Biscay anchovy from survey population and biomass estimates ArchiMer
Uriarte, Andres; Ibaibarriaga, Leire; Pawlowski, Lionel; Masse, Jacques; Petitgas, Pierre; Santos, Maria; Skagen, Dankert.
La fermeture de la pêche de l’anchois (Engraulis encrasicolus) du Golfe de Gascogne entre 2005 et 2010, en raison de la faible biomasse du stock, a été une opportunité pour estimer la mortalité naturelle à partir de données de campagnes halieutiques issues de l’observation de la présence d’oeufs (DEPM) et de mesures acoustiques, utilisées pour l’évaluation de cette population depuis 1987. En considérant que la mortalité naturelle est constante au cours du temps et que la capturabilité des deux campagnes est identique pour tous les âges, la mortalité naturelle peut être estimée par des modèles log-linéaires appliquées aux séries temporelles de nombres aux âges issues des campagnes, et par des modèles d’évaluations de stock prenant en compte la saison....
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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Guidelines for the definition of operational management units ArchiMer
Uriarte, Andres; Zarauz, Lucia; Aranda, Martin; Santurtun, Marina; Iriondo, Ane; Berthou, Patrick; Castro, Jose; Delayat, Stephanie; Falcon, Jesus; Garcia, Javier; Gaspar, Miguel; Gonzalez, J.f.; Jimenez, Sebastian; Lordan, Colm; Morandeau, Gilles; Sanchez, Florence; Santamaria, Maria Theresa; Villegas, Noemi.
The objective of fisheries management is the sustainable exploitation of the fish resources over the extent of their spatial distribution. Along with the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) objectives, the socio-economic viability of the fisheries exploiting the resource is also to be achieved. To reach these aims, managers need to define the management units they are going to work with. For the purpose of GEPETO project, we define a management unit (MU) as the set of fishing fleets exploiting a common pool of fish resources with strong spatial overlapping and sharing of habitats, which make them being typically fished together. In other words, a MU is the set of fishing fleets exploiting a common fish community over their spatial distribution. MUs have to be...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Pelagic Survey series for sardine and anchovy in ICES Areas VIII and IX (WGACEGG) 2003-2012. Towards an ecosystem approach - A Cooperative Research Report ArchiMer
Masse, Jacques; Uriarte, Andres; Angelico, Maria Manuel; Carrera, Pablo.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Selection and validation of a complex fishery model using an uncertainty hierarchy ArchiMer
Lehuta, Sigrid; Petitgas, Pierre; Mahevas, Stephanie; Huret, Martin; Vermard, Youen; Uriarte, Andres; Record, Nicholas R..
Assessing the validity of a model is essential for its credibility especially when the model is used as decision making tool. Complex dynamic fishery models are recommended to investigate the functioning of fisheries and to assess the impact of management strategies, particularly spatial fishing regulations. However, their use is limited due to the difficulty and computational cost of parameterizing and gaining confidence, particularly for parameter rich models. These difficulties are compounded by uncertainty regarding parameter values, many of which are often taken from literature or estimated indirectly. Here we propose a methodology to improve confidence and understanding in the model, easily transferable to any complex model. The approach combines...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay anchovy; Dynamic fishery model; Model selection; Uncertainty; Validation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Testing spatial heterogeneity with stock assessment models ArchiMer
Jardim, Ernesto; Eero, Margit; Silva, Alexandra; Ulrich, Clara; Pawlowski, Lionel; Holmes, Steven J.; Ibaibarriaga, Leire; De Oliveir, Jose A. A. A.; Riveiro, Isabel; Alzorriz, Nekane; Citores, Leire; Scott, Finlay; Uriarte, Andres; Carrera, Pablo; Duhamel, Erwan; Mosqueira, Iago.
This paper describes a methodology that combines meta-population theory and stock assessment models to gain insights about spatial heterogeneity of the meta-population in an operational time frame. The methodology was tested with stochastic simulations for different degrees of connectivity between sub-populations and applied to two case studies, North Sea cod (Gadus morua) and Northeast Atlantic sardine (Sardina pilchardus). Considering that the biological components of a population can be partitioned into discrete spatial units, we extended this idea into a property of additivity of sub-population abundances. If the additivity results hold true for putative sub-populations, then assessment results based on sub-populations will provide information to...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
Registros recuperados: 6
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