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Bioimpedance as a Non-Invasive Method to Evaluate Eggs and Poultry Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Klein,DR; Vale,MM; Silva,LP; Santos,JPA; Branco,T; Fernandes,MO.
ABSTRACT The need to comply with animal welfare has motivated the research for non-invasive methods that allow the evaluation of poultry and eggs to be painless while providing accurate measurements. In this scenario, bioelectrical impedance was tested as a minimally invasive tool for sexing day-old chicks of two different chicken strains and for evaluating the quality of eggs submitted to different days of storage relative to their hatchability. The resistance and phase angle measured allowed the differentiation between chicken strains, but not between sexes. Eggs stored for seven days showed higher resistance and lower phase angle those stored for only one day. Although the bioimpedance method seems to be a promising method to evaluate egg and chick...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Conductance; Day-old chicks; Egg storage; Reactance; Sexing.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Characterization of heat waves affecting mortality rates of broilers between 29 days and market age Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Vale,MM; Moura,DJ; Nääs,IA; Pereira,DF.
Climate may affect broiler production, especially where there are heat waves, which may cause high mortality rates due to the heat stress. Heat wave prediction and characterization may allow early mitigation actions to be taken. Data Mining is one of the tools used for such a characterization, particularly when a large number of variables is involved. The objective of this study was to classify heat waves that promote broiler chicken mortality in poultry houses equipped with minimal environmental control. A single day of heat, a heat-shock day, is capable of producing high broiler mortality. In poultry houses equipped with fans and evaporative cooling, the characterization of heat waves affecting broiler mortality between 29 days of age and market age...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Heat shock day; Heat wave; Mortality; Productivity losses.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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