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Auzende, Jean-marie; Grandperrin, René; Bouniot, Emmanuel; Henin, Christian; Lafoy, Yves; De Forges, Bertrand; Van De Beuque, Sabrina; Virly, Sabrina. |
The ZoNeCo programme, devoted to the evaluation of living and non-living marine resources within the Economic Zone of New Caledonia, illustrates clearly the Marine Benthic Habitats concept. It exhibits the study of the physical environment and disciplines such as geology and physical oceanography. The results acquired in these fields are used as bases to study the presence and the distribution of living species within a given habitat. The knowledge of all the parameters relative to each discipline is a useful guide for the evaluation and the sustainable management of living and nonliving resources. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ressources marines; Habitat; Nouvelle Calédonie; Ressources Sud Ouest Pacifique; Marine resources; Habitat; New Caledonia; Southwest Pacific. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1999/publication-832.pdf |
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Auzende, Jean-marie; Dickens, Gerald R.; Van De Beuque, Sabrina; Exon, Neville F.; François, Caroline; Lafoy, Yves; Voutay, Olivier. |
The Lord Howe Rise (LHR) is a large, complex, and poorly studied fragment of thinned continental crust submerged 750–3000 m beneath the oligotrophic waters of the central Tasman Sea (Figure 1). Deep seismic profiles taken during recent cruises in the region have revealed an intriguing phenomenon: the eastern slope of the LHR has a prominent and extensive bottom simulating reflector (BSR) that cross‐cuts lithology at 0.65–0.75 s two‐way travel time (twt) [Exon et al., 1998; Lafoy et al., 1998]. Given best estimates for sonic velocity (1600 m/s) and thermal gradients (0.9+0.04°C/m) in sediment on the LHR, predicted temperatures and pressures at the depth of the BSR lie on the CH4‐CH4 hydrate‐seawater equilibrium curve. Thus, the BSR on the LHR most likely... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00451/56251/57822.pdf |
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