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A uniform, quality controlled Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) ArchiMer
Pfeil, B.; Olsen, A.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Hankin, S.; Koyuk, H.; Kozyr, A.; Malczyk, J.; Manke, A.; Metzl, N.; Sabine, C. L.; Akl, J.; Alin, S. R.; Bates, N.; Bellerby, R. G. J.; Borges, A.; Boutin, J.; Brown, P. J.; Cai, W. -j.; Chavez, F. P.; Chen, A.; Cosca, C.; Fassbender, A. J.; Feely, R. A.; Gonzalez-davila, M.; Goyet, C.; Hales, B.; Hardman-mountford, N.; Heinze, C.; Hood, M.; Hoppema, M.; Hunt, C. W.; Hydes, D.; Ishii, M.; Johannessen, T.; Jones, S. D.; Key, R. M.; Koertzinger, A.; Landschuetzer, P.; Lauvset, S. K.; Lefevre, N.; Lenton, A.; Lourantou, A.; Merlivat, L.; Midorikawa, T.; Mintrop, L.; Miyazaki, C.; Murata, A.; Nakadate, A.; Nakano, Y.; Nakaoka, S.; Nojiri, Y.; Omar, A. M.; Padin, X. A.; Park, G. -h.; Paterson, K.; Perez, Fiz F; Pierrot, D.; Poisson, A.; Rios, A. F.; Santana-casiano, J. M.; Salisbury, J.; Sarma, V. V. S. S.; Schlitzer, R.; Schneider, B.; Schuster, U.; Sieger, R.; Skjelvan, I.; Steinhoff, T.; Suzuki, T.; Takahashi, T.; Tedesco, K.; Telszewski, M.; Thomas, H.; Tilbrook, B.; Tjiputra, J.; Vandemark, D.; Veness, T.; Wanninkhof, R.; Watson, A. J.; Weiss, R.; Wong, C. S.; Yoshikawa-inoue, H..
A well-documented, publicly available, global data set of surface ocean carbon dioxide (CO2) parameters has been called for by international groups for nearly two decades. The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) project was initiated by the international marine carbon science community in 2007 with the aim of providing a comprehensive, publicly available, regularly updated, global data set of marine surface CO2, which had been subject to quality control (QC). Many additional CO2 data, not yet made public via the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), were retrieved from data originators, public websites and other data centres. All data were put in a uniform format following a strict protocol. Quality control was carried out according to clearly...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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An update to the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT version 2) ArchiMer
Bakker, D. C. E.; Pfeil, B.; Smith, K.; Hankin, S.; Olsen, A.; Alin, S. R.; Cosca, C.; Harasawa, S.; Kozyr, A.; Nojiri, Y.; O'Brien, K. M.; Schuster, U.; Telszewski, M.; Tilbrook, B.; Wada, C.; Akl, J.; Barbero, L.; Bates, N. R.; Boutin, J.; Bozec, Y.; Cai, W. -j.; Castle, R. D.; Chavez, F. P.; Chen, L.; Chierici, M.; Currie, K.; De Baar, H. J. W.; Evans, W.; Feely, R. A.; Fransson, A.; Gao, Z.; Hales, B.; Hardman-mountford, N. J.; Hoppema, M.; Huang, W. -j.; Hunt, C. W.; Huss, B.; Ichikawa, T.; Johannessen, T.; Jones, E. M.; Jones, S. D.; Jutterstrom, S.; Kitidis, V.; Koertzinger, A.; Landschuetzer, P.; Lauvset, S. K.; Lefevre, N.; Manke, A. B.; Mathis, J. T.; Merlivat, L.; Metzl, N.; Murata, A.; Newberger, T.; Omar, A. M.; Ono, T.; Park, G. -h.; Paterson, K.; Pierrot, D.; Rios, A. F.; Sabine, C. L.; Saito, S.; Salisbury, J.; Sarma, V. V. S. S.; Schlitzer, R.; Sieger, R.; Skjelvan, I.; Steinhoff, T.; Sullivan, K. F.; Sun, H.; Sutton, A. J.; Suzuki, T.; Sweeney, C.; Takahashi, T.; Tjiputra, J.; Tsurushima, N.; Van Heuven, S. M. A. C.; Vandemark, D.; Vlahos, P.; Wallace, D. W. R.; Wanninkhof, R.; Watson, A. J..
The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT), an activity of the international marine carbon research community, provides access to synthesis and gridded fCO(2) (fugacity of carbon dioxide) products for the surface oceans. Version 2 of SOCAT is an update of the previous release (version 1) with more data (increased from 6.3 million to 10.1 million surface water fCO(2) values) and extended data coverage (from 1968-2007 to 1968-2011). The quality control criteria, while identical in both versions, have been applied more strictly in version 2 than in version 1. The SOCAT website ( has links to quality control comments, metadata, individual data set files, and synthesis and gridded data products. Interactive online tools allow visitors to explore...
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Ano: 2014 URL:
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Demonstration of ocean surface salinity microwave measurements from space using AMSR-E data over the Amazon plume ArchiMer
Reul, Nicolas; Saux Picart, Stephane; Chapron, Bertrand; Vandemark, D.; Tournadre, Jean; Salisbury, J..
Microwave Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) measurements can be performed by isolating the emissivity response to salinity changes from numerous geophysical effects, including surface temperature and wind waves. At L-band frequencies (1 to 2 GHz), the sensitivity to SSS is sufficient but it falls off quickly as frequency is increased. Nevertheless, methods using higher microwave frequencies with much lower SSS sensitivity than at L band, can already be tested. In particular, combining 6 and 10 GHz data in vertical polarization efficiently minimizes sea surface roughness and thermal impacts. Using AMSR-E data, the retrieved bi-monthly maps of SSS at 0.5 degrees resolution over the region of the Amazon plume show relative accuracy in-line with the future L-band...
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Ano: 2009 URL:
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Global Carbon Budget 2015 ArchiMer
Le Quere, C.; Moriarty, R.; Andrew, R. M.; Canadell, J. G.; Sitch, S.; Korsbakken, J. I.; Friedlingstein, P.; Peters, G. P.; Andres, R. J.; Boden, T. A.; Houghton, R. A.; House, J. I.; Keeling, R. F.; Tans, P.; Arneth, A.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Barbero, L.; Bopp, L.; Chang, J.; Chevallier, F.; Chini, L. P.; Ciais, P.; Fader, M.; Feely, R. A.; Gkritzalis, T.; Harris, I.; Hauck, J.; Ilyina, T.; Jain, A. K.; Kato, E.; Kitidis, V.; Goldewijk, K. Klein; Koven, C.; Landschuetzer, P.; Lauvset, S. K.; Lefevre, N.; Lenton, A.; Lima, I. D.; Metzl, N.; Millero, F.; Munro, D. R.; Murata, A.; Nabel, J. E. M. S.; Nakaoka, S.; Nojiri, Y.; O'Brien, K.; Olsen, A.; Ono, T.; Perez, Florian; Pfeil, B.; Pierrot, D.; Poulter, B.; Rehder, G.; Roedenbeck, C.; Saito, S.; Schuster, U.; Schwinger, J.; Seferian, R.; Steinhoff, T.; Stocker, B. D.; Sutton, A. J.; Takahashi, T.; Tilbrook, B.; Van Der Laan-luijkx, I. T.; Van Der Werf, G. R.; Van Heuven, S.; Vandemark, D.; Viovy, N.; Wiltshire, A.; Zaehle, S.; Zeng, N..
Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere is important to better understand the global carbon cycle, support the development of climate policies, and project future climate change. Here we describe data sets and a methodology to quantify all major components of the global carbon budget, including their uncertainties, based on the combination of a range of data, algorithms, statistics, and model estimates and their interpretation by a broad scientific community. We discuss changes compared to previous estimates as well as consistency within and among components, alongside methodology and data limitations. CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and industry...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Sea state bias in altimeter sea level estimates determined by combining wave model and satellite data ArchiMer
Tran, N.; Vandemark, D.; Labroue, S.; Feng, H.; Chapron, Bertrand; Tolman, H. L.; Lambin, J.; Picot, N..
This study documents a method for increasing the precision of satellite-derived sea level measurements. Results are achieved using an enhanced three-dimensional (3-D) sea state bias (SSB) correction model derived from both Jason-1 altimeter ocean observations (i.e., sea state and wind) and estimates of mean wave period from a numerical ocean wave model, NOAA's WAVEWATCH III. A multiyear evaluation of Jason-1 data indicates sea surface height variance reduction of 1.26 (+/- 0.2) cm(2) in comparison to the commonly applied two-parameter SSB model. The improvement is similar for two separate variance reduction metrics and for separate annual data sets spanning 2002-2004. Spatial evaluation of improvement shows skill increase at all latitudes. Results indicate...
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Ano: 2010 URL:
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Spatial and temporal coherence between Amazon River discharge, salinity, and light absorption by colored organic carbon in western tropical Atlantic surface waters ArchiMer
Salisbury, J.; Vandemark, D.; Campbell, J.; Hunt, C.; Wisser, D.; Reul, Nicolas; Chapron, Bertrand.
The temporal evolution and spatial distribution of surface salinity and colored detrital matter (cdm) were evaluated within and adjacent to the Amazon River Plume. Study objectives were as follows: first, to document the spatial coherence between Amazon discharge, salinity, cdm, and the nature of the salinity-cdm relationship; second, to document the temporal and spatial variability of cdm along the trajectory of the low-salinity Amazon Plume, and third, to explore the departure of cdm from conservative mixing behavior along the plume trajectory into the open ocean. Time series (2003-2007) of surface salinity estimated using the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System and corresponding satellite cdm absorption (acdm) data documented a...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Gridded Data Products ArchiMer
Sabine, C. L.; Hankin, S.; Koyuk, H.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Pfeil, B.; Olsen, A.; Metzl, N.; Kozyr, A.; Fassbender, A.; Manke, A.; Malczyk, J.; Akl, J.; Alin, S. R.; Bellerby, R. G. J.; Borges, A.; Boutin, J.; Brown, P. J.; Cai, W. -j.; Chavez, F. P.; Chen, A.; Cosca, C.; Feely, R. A.; Gonzalez-davila, M.; Goyet, C.; Hardman-mountford, N.; Heinze, C.; Hoppema, M.; Hunt, C. W.; Hydes, D.; Ishii, M.; Johannessen, T.; Key, R. M.; Koertzinger, A.; Landschuetzer, P.; Lauvset, S. K.; Lefevre, N.; Lenton, A.; Lourantou, A.; Merlivat, L.; Midorikawa, T.; Mintrop, L.; Miyazaki, C.; Murata, A.; Nakadate, A.; Nakano, Y.; Nakaoka, S.; Nojiri, Y.; Omar, A. M.; Padin, X. A.; Park, G. -h.; Paterson, K.; Perez, F.f.; Pierrot, D.; Poisson, A.; Rios, A. F.; Salisbury, J.; Santana-casiano, J. M.; Sarma, V. V. S. S.; Schlitzer, R.; Schneider, B.; Schuster, U.; Sieger, R.; Skjelvan, I.; Steinhoff, T.; Suzuki, T.; Takahashi, T.; Tedesco, K.; Telszewski, M.; Thomas, H.; Tilbrook, B.; Vandemark, D.; Veness, T.; Watson, A. J.; Weiss, R.; Wong, C. S.; Yoshikawa-inoue, H..
A well documented, publicly available, global data set for surface ocean carbon dioxide (CO2) parameters has been called for by international groups for nearly two decades. The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) project was initiated by the international marine carbon science community in 2007 with the aim of providing a comprehensive, publicly available, regularly updated, global data set of marine surface CO2, which had been subject to quality control (QC). SOCAT version 1.5 was made public in September 2011 and holds 6.3 million quality controlled surface CO2 data from the global oceans and coastal seas, spanning four decades (1968–2007). The SOCAT gridded data is the second data product to come from the SOCAT project. Recognizing that some groups may have...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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