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Characterization of <i>Artemia</i> from different localities in Tunisia with regard to their use in local aquaculture OMA
Van Ballaer, E.; Versichele, D.; Vanhaecke, P.; Léger, P.; Ben Abdelkader, N.; Turki, S.; Sorgeloos, P..
<i>Artemia</i> cysts have been collected from different saltworks and natural salt lakes in Tunisia. The cyst material was processed and used for the following characterization analyses: cyst and naupliar biometrics, cyst hatching characteristics, fatty acid pattern of the nauplii, nutritional value of the nauplii for mysid shrimp, naupliar growth rate and temperature resistance, mode of reproduction, and characterization of sibling species. The cross-breeding tests and cyst biometrics reveal that only <i>Artemia tunisiana</i> occurs in Tunisia. Although quality improvements may be expected through improved harvesting, Tunisian <i>Artemia</i> have acceptable hatching characteristics and are a good food for mysid shrimp....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artemia; Tunisia.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Improvements in the decapsulation technique of <i>Artemia</i> cysts OMA
Bruggeman, E.; Sorgeloos, P.; Vanhaecke, P..
Because bleaching powder is the cheapest source of hypochlorite in many countries of the world, a decapsulation procedure has been worked out in which technical calciumhypochlorite Ca(OCl)<sub>2</sub> is utilized.A standard procedure has been developed for the deactivation of the chlorine residues adsorbed on the decapsulated cysts. Proper dehydration and storage of the decapsulated cysts assure maximum viability of the embryos in diapause. A prototype system for routine decapsulation and processing of large quantities of cysts is proposed.Beneficial effects of the decapsulation process on both the hatching percentage and the individual dry weight of the hatched nauplii are discussed in detail.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artemia.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i>: 14. Growth and survival of <i>Artemia</i> larvae of different geographical origin in a standard culture test OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
For characterization of strains of the brine shrimp <i>Artemia</i> of different geographical origin, a standard culture test has been developed in order to compare statistically growth and survival of larvae of different strains. 25 geographical strains have been studied so far -including, for 3 strains, analyses of cysts harvested at different times. Important differences in rates of growth and survival were observed between strains but not among batches of the same strain. Best performances were noted for strains from Bahia Salinas (Puerto Rico), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Chaplin Lake (Canada), Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA), Galera Zamba and Manaure (Colombia).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Growth; Larvae; Survival; Artemia.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i> : 15. Effect of light intensity on hatching rate of <i>Artemia</i> cysts from different geographical origin OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Cooreman, A.; Sorgeloos, P..
<i>Artemia cysts</i> from 4 geographical strains were incubated under standard hatching rates increased with increasing light intensities. The light-intensity threshold at which the maximal hatching rate was attained, varied from strain to strain. Differences in light sensitivity between the <i>Artemia</i> strains studied can, at least partly, be attributed to variation in chorion characteristics. The hypothesis is discussed that light might act as a diapause inhibitor in marine and freshwater branchiopods.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cysts; Hatching; Light intensity; Artemia.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i> : 17. Energy consumption in cysts and early larval stages of various geographical strains of <i>Artemia</i> OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Lavens, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
Variations in dry weight, caloric content and ash content during cyst hatching and early larval development have been studied for various geographical strains of <i>Artemia</i> . In general, decapsulated cysts contain 30 to 40% more energy than freshly hatched nauplii; for Chaplin Lake and Buenos Aires <i>Artemia</i> this difference amounts to 57%. Ash contents increase as decapsulated cysts hatch into instar I and molt into instar II-III nauplii. Over a 24h larval developmental period individual dry weights and energy content of the nauplii decrease with 16-34% and 22-37% respectively.A small but significant correlation exists between the survival rate of starved nauplii and either the energy content of instar I and instar II-III...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cysts; Energy budget; Larval stages; Artemia.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i> : 18. The hatching rate of <i>Artemia</i> cysts: a comparative study OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
A comparative study has been carried out on the hatching rate of <i>Artemia</i> cysts of different geographical origin and on different batches of the same source. Substantial variation, among as well as within geographical strains, indicates that the hatching-rate criterion is not strain specific. In an attempt to identify the parameters which influence the hatching rate, it was found that the cyst-drying technique as well as the storage conditions may significantly affect this criterion. It has also been demonstrated that the cysts' hatchability is influenced by their previous drying and storing conditions. Optimal hatching results are guaranteed when a fluidized bed dryer is used and the cysts are stored under vacuum or nitrogen.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Comparative studies; Hatching; Artemia.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i>: 19. Hatching data for ten commercial sources of brine shrimp cysts and re-evaluation of the "hatching efficiency" concept OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
A comparative hatching study has been carried out with reference <i>Artemia</i> cysts as well as cysts from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, the People' s Republic of China, the Philippines and the USA. Hatching rate, percentage and efficiency vary considerably from one cyst source to another. These hatching criteria are, however, not strainspecific since significant variation is found among cyst batches from the same geographical origin. The limitations of the "hatching efficiency" concept are discussed and a new criterion "hatching output", i.e. the biomass of nauplii expressed in mg dry weight produced per gram cyst product, is proposed for evaluation of the hatching quality of <i>Artemia</i> cyst brands. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Efficiency; Hatching; Artemia.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i> : 24. Cold storage of live <i>Artemia</i> nauplii from various geographical sources: potentials and limits in aquaculture OMA
Léger, P.; Vanhaecke, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
Freshly-hatched <i>Artemia</i> nauplii from various geographical sources survived storage in a refrigerator (2-4°C) at densities of 2000 per ml and above. Except for <i>Artemia</i> from Chaplin Lake and Buenos Aires, naupliar viability was very high even after 48 h storage, and did not decrease significantly after a 24 h post-storage transfer to 25°C. Neither the naupliar dry weight nor biochemical composition changed significantly during refrigeration for most strains tested. Comparative culture-tests with stored and freshly-hatched nauplii as food for juvenile marine mysids <i>Mysidopsis bahia</i> M. and larval carp <i>Cyprinus carpio</i> L. revealed similar production performances.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquaculture techniques; Cold storage; Nauplii; Artemia.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i>: 3. The use of Coulter Counter<sup>®</sup> equipment for the biometrical analysis of <i>Artemia</i> cysts: methodology and mathematics OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Steyaert, H.; Sorgeloos, P..
Geographical strains of the brine shrimp, <i>Artemia</i> , can be characterized by the diameter of their cysts, their cyst volume and chorion thickness. The paper describes the routine procedure that has been worked out for an accurate size-analysis of <i>Artemia</i> cyst batches using Coulter Counter<sup>®</sup> equipment.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biometrics; Cysts; Methodology; Artemia.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i> : 30. Bio-economic evaluation of the nutritional value for carp (<i>Cyprinus carpio</i> L.) larvae of nine <i>Artemia</i> strains OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
The nutritional value of fresh hatched nauplii from nine geographical strains of brine shrimp, <i>Artemia</i> , was determined for larvae of the carp (<i>Cyprinus carpio</i>). After 2 weeks of culture, the survival of carp larvae was over 90% and no significant differences in survival among treatments were detected. The growth rate of the larvae, however, was a function of the <i>Artemia</i> strain used. The highest weight gains were recorded with parthenogenetic <i>Artemia</i> , to the lowest with Chaplin Lake brine shrimp and intermediate results with the other bisexual strains. With the exception of the Chaplin lake strain, the growth results were positively correlated with the size and weight of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Feed efficiency; Nutritional requirements; Artemia; Cyprinus carpio.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i> : 32. Combined effects of temperature and salinity on the survival of <i>Artemia</i> of various geographical origin OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Siddall, S.E.; Sorgeloos, P..
The brine shrimp inhabits geographically isolated biotopes with specific biotic and abiotic conditions. This has resulted in various geographical strains between which marked genetica, biological and chemical differentiation exists. The response of 13 different <i>Artemia</i> strains to the combined effect of temperature and salinity has been studied. Experimental temperatures tested ranged from 18 to 34°C and salinities from 5 to 120 promille. Except for Chaplin Lake (Canada) <i>Artemia</i> , all strains showed high survival over a wide range of salinities (35-110 promille). For all strains the common temperature optimum was between 20 and 25°C. Interaction between temperature and salinity was negligible or very limited....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Salinity effects; Survival; Temperature effects; Artemia.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i>: 4. The biometrics of <i>Artemia</i> strains from different geographical origin OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
The cosmopolitan distribution of brine shrimp in coastal lagoons and island salt lakes has resulted in numerous geographical strains. In the framework of the characterization study of different <i>Artemia</i> strains which is the objective of the laboratories participating into the "International Study on <i>Artemia</i> " the following biometrical parameters have been studied by the <i>Artemia</i> Reference Center:- volume and diameter of hydrated, untreated and decapsulated cysts; - chorion thickness; - length, dry weight and ash free weight of freshly hatched nauplii; - volume index of freshly hatched nauplii. For all parameters, important differences were observed between the <i>Artemia</i> strains...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artemia.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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International study on <i>Artemia</i> : 48. The effect of temperature on cyst hatching larval survival and biomass production for different geographical strains of brine shrimp <i>Artemia</i> spp. OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
The effect of temperature on different geographical strains of <i>Artemia</i> has been studied for the following criteria: the hatchability of the cysts, the resistance of the larvae to high temperature (34°C) and the biomass production of larvae cultured under standard conditions. Experimental temperatures ranged from 25° to 37°C for the hatching criteria and from 20° to 32.5°C for the biomass production.Both the hatching percentage and growth performance are affected by temperature. However, the relative and quantitative impact of temperature varies widely among <i>Artemia</i> strains. This is also the case for the temperature resistance of the larvae. The impact of increasing temperatures on cyst hatching as well as the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquaculture techniques; Biomass; Brine shrimp culture; Growth; Larvae; Survival; Temperature effects; Artemia.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Preliminary data on the heritability of some quantitative characteristics in <i>Artemia</i> OMA
Tackaert, W.; Vanhaecke, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
A standard method has been developed to produce F<sub>1</sub>-generation cysts from different zygogenetic strains and their cross-breeds. The F<sub>1</sub> cysts were used to determine the quantitative heritability of the following characteristics: cyst hatchability, cyst diameter, larval growth, and temperature resistance of the freshly-hatched nauplii.Data are given for cysts produced from nine strains and seven cross-breeds. Important differences for all characteristics studied were noted between the cross-bred and the parental strains.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artemia.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Proposal for a short-term toxicity test with <i>Artemia</i> nauplii OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Persoone, G.; Claus, C.; Sorgeloos, P..
Although standardization of toxicity tests on aquatic organisms is an urgent necessity, very little has yet been achieved for the marine environment. As a first step in this direction, a simple, inexpensive and reliable short-term routine test with <i>Artemia</i> larvae is proposed. This test is the result of an extensive study in our laboratory, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of <i>Artemia</i> bioassays published by various authors. The major advantage of the brine shrimp as a test species is its continuous availability under the form of dry cysts which can be hatched very easily; this eliminates all biological, technological, and financial problems of stock recruitment and/or culturing. The acute test...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nauplii; Toxicity tests; Artemia.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Report on an intercalibration exercise on a short-term standard toxicity test with <i>Artemia</i> nauplii (ARC-test) OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Persoone, G..
Considering the necessity for standardization of toxicity tests and the need for simple and reliable routine tests, the <i>Artemia</i> Reference Center at the State University of Ghent in Belgium has developed a short term standard toxicity test with <i>Artemia</i> nauplii. This simple and inexpensive bioassay which can be used as a screening test to determine the toxicity of chemicals to aquatic organisms, has been discussed in detail during a special workshop devoted to toxicity tests with brine shrimp, at the occasion of the "International Symposium on the brine shrimp <i><i>Artemia</i> salina</i>"(Corpus Christi, Texas, USA; August 1979). Besides a few minor modifications, the test methodology was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Intercalibration; Nauplii; Toxicity tests; Artemia.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Research on the development of a short term standard toxicity test with <i>Artemia</i> nauplii OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Persoone, G.; Claus, C.; Sorgeloos, P..
Standardization of toxicity tests on aquatic organisms to detect the impact of chemicals on freshwater or marine ecosystems is an urgent necessity. From the variety of methods, criteria, and test species proposed, simple standardized tests for algae, crustaceans, and fish are now close to being adopted at the international level for the freshwater environment. Despite the same urgency, very little has been achieved for the marine environment. <i>Artemia</i> is an extremely suitable test-species since, contrary to all other organisms, it does not require continuous maintenance of stock cultures. Unfortunately none of the <i>Artemia</i> toxicity tests that have been worked out so far can be adopted as such as a representative standard...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nauplii; Toxicity tests; Artemia.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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The ARC-test: a standardized short-term routine toxicity test with <i>Artemia</i> nauplii: methodology and evaluation OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Persoone, G..
Considering the need for reliable standardized routine toxicity tests for the marine environment, a short-term bioassay with <i>Artemia</i> nauplii has been developed for routine testing. The major reason for the selection of brine shrimp as test species is the continuous availability of <i>Artemia</i> under the form of dry cysts from which the larvae are hatched very easily. This unique advantage solves one of the major problems of aquatic ecotoxicological tests, namely stock recruitment and/or culturing; the <i>Artemia</i> test can be performed anywhere and at any time from dry biological material available "on the shelf".An extensive study has been performed on various brine shrimp tests published in scientific...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Methodology; Nauplii; Toxicity tests; Artemia.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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The biogeography of <i>Artemia</i> : an updated review OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; Tackaert, W.; Sorgeloos, P..
An updated list of more than 350 <i>Artemia</i> sites is provided. It includes geographical coordinates of the sites and available data on the mode of reproduction of the locally occurring brine shrimp.The geographical distribution of <i>Artemia</i> is related to different types of climate. The classification of climate according to Thornthwaite provides a good correlation with the geographical occurrence of <i>Artemia</i> , as a result of which the world distribution pattern of <i>Artemia</i> can be predicted. Moreover, areas with possible <i>Artemia</i> sites and areas suited for transplantation and/or inoculation with <i>Artemia</i> can be identified on the basis of water balance...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biogeography; Artemia.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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The use of decapsulated cysts of the brine shrimp <i>Artemia</i> as direct food for carp <i>Cyprinus carpio</i> L. larvae OMA
Vanhaecke, P.; De Vrieze, L.; Tackaert, W.; Sorgeloos, P..
Decapsulated <i>Artemia</i> cysts have been evaluated as a direct food source for larvae of the carp <i>Cyprinus carpio</i> L. All decapsulated cyst diets gave excellent survival of carp larvae during the first two weeks of culturing. Unlike traditionally brine-stored decapsulated cysts, dried <i>Artemia</i> embryos provided growth results comparable to those obtained with freshly hatched <i>Artemia</i> nauplii. Furthermore, except for <i>Artemia</i> embryos that lost their hatchability after long-term storage in air, several other inactivation treatments, simulating improper harvesting and processing of cysts, did not produce a significant decrease in the nutritional quality of the decapsulated...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brine shrimp culture Cysts Diets Fish culture Fish larvae Artemia Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus; 1758.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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