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Isolation and characterization of the tissue and development-specific potato snakin-1 promoter inducible by temperature and wounding 69
Almasia,Natalia I; Narhirñak,Vanesa; Hopp,H. Esteban; Vazquez-Rovere,Cecilia.
Snakin-1 (StSN1) is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide isolated from Solanum tuberosum. Homologous proteins have been identified in a wide range of species but there is no apparent consensus in the roles they play. A 1394 bp fragment of the 5’upstream region of StSN1 gene, designated PStSN1, was isolated from the potato genome and sequenced. Bioinformatics analyses revealed a total of 55 potential regulatory motifs related to tissue-specificity, stress, defence and hormone responsiveness, among others. PStSN1 spatial and temporal activity was studied in transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing a reporter gene under this promoter control (PStSN1::GUS). Histochemical staining revealed PStSN1::GUS expression in the root vasculature, cotyledons,...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Antimicrobial peptide; Inducible promoter; Potato; Snakin/GASA.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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