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Assessing the internal consistency of the CARINA database in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean ArchiMer
Lo Monaco, C.; Álvarez, M.; Key, R. M.; Lin, X.; Tanhua, T.; Tilbrook, B.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Van Heuven, S.; Hoppema, M.; Metzl, N.; Ríos, A. F.; Sabine, C. L.; Velo, A..
Carbon and carbon-relevant hydrographic and hydrochemical ancillary data from previously not publicly available cruises were retrieved and recently merged to a new data base, CARINA. The initial North Atlantic project, an international effort for ocean carbon synthesis, was extended to include the Arctic Mediterranean Seas (Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas) and all three sectors of the Southern Ocean. From a total of 188 cruises, 37 cruises are part of the Southern Ocean. The present work focuses on data collected in the Indian sector (20° S–70° S; 30° E–150° E). The Southern Indian Ocean dataset covers the period 1992–2004 and includes seasonal repeated observations. Parameters including dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2), total alkalinity (TA), oxygen,...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Assessing the internal consistency of the CARINA database in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean ArchiMer
Lo Monaco, C.; Álvarez, M.; Key, R. M.; Lin, X.; Tanhua, T.; Tilbrook, B.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Van Heuven, S.; Hoppema, M.; Metzl, N.; Ríos, A. F.; Sabine, C. L.; Velo, A..
Carbon and carbon-relevant hydrographic and hydrochemical ancillary data from previously not publicly available cruises were retrieved and recently merged to a new data base, CARINA (CARbon IN the Atlantic). The initial North Atlantic project, an international effort for ocean carbon synthesis, was extended to include the Arctic Mediterranean Seas (Arctic Ocean and Nordic Seas) and all three sectors of the Southern Ocean. Of a total of 188 cruises, 37 cruises are part of the Southern Ocean. The present work focuses on data collected in the Indian sector (20° S–70° S; 30° E–150° E). The Southern Indian Ocean dataset covers the period 1992–2004 and includes seasonal repeated observations. Parameters including salinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2),...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Consistency of cruise data of the CARINA database in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean ArchiMer
Hoppema, M.; Velo, A.; Van Heuven, S.; Tanhua, T.; Key, R. M.; Lin, X.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Perez, F. F.; Ríos, A. F.; Lo Monaco, C.; Sabine, C. L.; Álvarez, M.; Bellerby, R. G. J..
Initially a North Atlantic project, the CARINA carbon synthesis was extended to include the Southern Ocean. Carbon and relevant hydrographic and geochemical ancillary data from cruises all across the Arctic Mediterranean Seas, Atlantic and Southern Ocean were released to the public and merged into a new database as part of the CARINA synthesis effort. Of a total of 188 cruises, 37 cruises are part of the Southern Ocean, including 11 from the Atlantic sector. The variables from all Southern Ocean cruises, including dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2), total alkalinity, oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and silicate, were examined for cruiseto- cruise consistency in one collective effort. Seawater pH and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are also part of the database, but...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Observed acidification trends in North Atlantic water masses ArchiMer
Vazquez-rodriguez, M.; Perez, F.f.; Velo, A.; Rios, A. F.; Mercier, Herle.
The lack of observational pH data has made it difficult to assess recent rates of ocean acidification, particularly in the high latitudes. Here we present a time series that spans over 27 yr (1981-2008) of high-quality carbon system measurements in the North Atlantic, which comprises fourteen cruises and covers the important water mass formation areas of the Irminger and Iceland Basins. We provide direct quantification of acidification rates in upper and intermediate North Atlantic waters. The highest rates were associated with surface waters and with Labrador Sea Water (LSW). The Subarctic Intermediate and Subpolar Mode Waters (SAIW and SPMW) showed acidification rates of -0.0019 +/- 0.0001 and -0.0012 +/- 0.0002 yr(-1), respectively. The deep convection...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Processes Driving Global Interior Ocean pH Distribution ArchiMer
Lauvset, S. K.; Carter, B. R.; Perez, Ff; Jiang, L-q; Feely, R. A.; Velo, A.; Olsen, A..
Ocean acidification evolves on the background of a natural ocean pH gradient that is the result of the interplay between ocean mixing, biological production and remineralization, calcium carbonate cycling, and temperature and pressure changes across the water column. While previous studies have analyzed these processes and their impacts on ocean carbonate chemistry, none have attempted to quantify their impacts on interior ocean pH globally. Here we evaluate how anthropogenic changes and natural processes collectively act on ocean pH, and how these processes set the vulnerability of regions to future changes in ocean acidification. We use the mapped data product from the Global Ocean Data Analysis Project version 2, a novel method to estimate preformed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PH; Remineralization; CaCO3; Anthropogenic; Global ocean.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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The CARINA data synthesis project: introduction and overview ArchiMer
Key, R. M.; Tanhua, T.; Olsen, A.; Hoppema, M.; Jutterström, S.; Schirnick, C.; Van Heuven, S.; Kozyr, A.; Lin, X.; Velo, A.; Wallace, D. W. R.; Mintrop, L..
The original goal of the CARINA (Carbon in Atlantic Ocean) data synthesis project was to create a merged calibrated data set from open ocean subsurface measurements by European scientists that would be generally useful for biogeochemical investigations in the North Atlantic and in particular, studies involving the carbon system. Over time the geographic extent expanded to include the entire Atlantic, the Arctic and the Southern Ocean and the international collaboration broadened significantly. In this paper we give a brief history of the project, a general overview of data included and an outline of the procedures used during the synthesis. The end result of this project was a set of 3 data products, one for each of the listed ocean regions. It is critical...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Trends of anthropogenic CO2 storage in North Atlantic water masses ArchiMer
Perez, F. F; Vazquez-rodriguez, M.; Mercier, Herle; Velo, A.; Lherminier, Pascale; Rios, A. F..
A high-quality inorganic carbon system database, spanning over three decades (1981-2006) and comprising of 13 cruises, has allowed the applying of the phi C degrees(T) method and coming up with estimates of the anthropogenic CO2 (C-ant) stored in the main water masses of the North Atlantic. In the studied region, strong convective processes convey surface properties, like C-ant, into deeper ocean layers and grants this region an added oceanographic interest from the point of view of air-sea CO2 exchanges. Generally, a tendency for decreasing C-ant storage rates towards the deep layers has been observed. In the Iberian Basin, the North Atlantic Deep Water has low C-ant concentrations and negligible storage rates, while the North Atlantic Central Water in...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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