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Adoption of Improved Wheat Technologies by Small-Scale Farmers in Mbeya District, Southern Highlands, Tanzania 31
Mussei, Ahaz; Mwanga, Judicate; Mwangi, Wilfred; Verkuijl, Hugo; Mongi, Rose; Elanga, Anthony.
This study was conducted to gain an understanding of how small-scale farmers in Mbeya District have adopted improved wheat technologies promoted by the wheat research program at MARTI-Uyole. The specific objectives were to assess farmers’ wheat management practices, determine the technical and socioeconomic factors affecting the adoption of improved wheat technologies, and draw implications for research, extension, and policy. A purposive multistage sampling procedure was used to select 202 farmers, 160 from Tembela Division and 42 from Isangati Division, which are two important wheat-growing areas in Mbeya District. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaires and supplemented by secondary information obtained from MARTI-Uyole. Juhudi was...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Tanzania; Wheats; Varieties; Innovation adoption; Technology transfer; Economic indicators; Socioeconomic environment; Plant breeding methods; Research programs; Crop management; Fertilizer application; Food production; Small farms; Highlands; Crop Production/Industries; E14; E30.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Doss, Cheryl R.; Mwangi, Wilfred; Verkuijl, Hugo; De Groote, Hugo.
This paper synthesizes the findings of 22 micro-level studies on technology adoption carried out by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) with national agricultural research systems in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda from 1996-1999. The authors found that technology adoption is taking place across Eastern Africa but considerable scope remains to improve the productivity of smallholder agriculture in higher potential regions with high levels of adoption. Extension was the variable most highly correlated with technology adoption, and extension services continue to play an important role in disseminating information on new varieties and how to manage them. Despite the usefulness of the micro-study results, especially for priority...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Maize; Wheat; Innovation adoption; Technology transfer; Plant Breeding; Small farms; Case studies; Fertilizers; Private sector; Nongovernmental organizations; Research institutions; International organizations; Kenya; Tanzania; Uganda; Farm Management.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Adoption of Maize Production Technologies in the Coastal Lowlands of Kenya 31
Wekesa, E.; Mwangi, Wilfred; Verkuijl, Hugo; Danda, Milton Kengo; De Groote, Hugo.
Maize is the major food crop grown in the coastal region of Kenya and constitutes a major component of the diet of the population in the region. However, average yields are far below the potential for the region and low production levels create serious food deficits. Over the years, new technologies have been introduced but adoption has remained low, especially for fertilizer. This paper examined current maize-farming practices and technological and socioeconomic factors that influenced adoption in the Kilifi and Kwale Districts of the Coast Province, that together account for half of maize production in the region. The study found low adoption levels for improved maize varieties and technology, especially fertilizer, among farmers in the area. Farmers...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Maize; Crops; Innovation adoption; Technology transfer; Food production; Production economics; Production factors; Plant breeding; Fertilizers; Yields; Kenya; Crop Production/Industries; E14; E16.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Kaliba, Aloyce R.; Verkuijl, Hugo; Mwangi, Wilfred.
This paper examines factors influencing the adoption of improved maize seeds and the use of inorganic fertilizer for maize production by farmers in the intermediate and lowland zones of Tanzania. The results indicate that availability of extension services, on-farm field trials, variety characteristics and rainfall were the most important factors that influenced the extent of adopting improved maize seeds and the use of inorganic fertilizer for maize production. Farmers preferred those varieties which minimize field loss rather than maximizing yields. Future research and extension policies should emphasize farmer participation in the research process and on-farm trials for varietal evaluation and demonstration purposes.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Adoption; Agroecological zones; Improved maize seeds; New technology; Tanzania; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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The Seed Industry for Dryland Crops in Eastern Kenya 31
Muhammad, Lutta; Njoroge, Kiarie; Bett, Charles; Mwangi, Wilfred; Verkuijl, Hugo; De Groote, Hugo.
The development and promotion of improved crop varieties as well as efficient seed production, distribution, and marketing systems have contributed significantly to increased agricultural production and food security in Kenya. However, these impacts have not been replicated in the semi-arid midlands due to climatic, soil, and institutional factors. Following the liberalization of agriculture in the late 1980s, there has been greater participation of the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and voluntary agencies in the area. This study examined the extent to which these developments affected farmers’ access to dryland crops. The study found that the low quantity of seed traded, high cost of production, and high seed supply prices constrained the...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Agricultural situation; Seed industry; Seed production; Food security; Marketing; Production costs; Distribution costs; Private sector; Public sector; Farmers; Farming systems; Dry farming; Crop husbandry; Kenya; Crop Production/Industries; E16; F01.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Wheat Farmers' Seed Management and Varietal Adoption in Kenya 31
Gamba, Paul; Ngugi, Caroline; Verkuijl, Hugo; Mwangi, Wilfred; Kiriswa, Frank.
Wheat is the second most important crop in Kenya after maize and is becoming an important source of food both for humans and livestock. Despite increasing wheat production, only 50% of domestic consumption requirements are being met. While the National Plant Breeding Research Centre at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute has released more than 100 wheat varieties since it began operations in 1927, adoption has been slow in spite of better performance of new varieties. This study examined factors that influence farmers' adoption of new varieties in the Narok, Nakuru, and Uasin Gishu Districts that account for 80% of Kenya's domestic wheat production. The study found that most farmers in these Districts neither knew nor grew new wheat varieties,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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