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Capturing the big picture of Mediterranean marine biodiversity with an end-to-end model of climate and fishing impacts 5
Moullec, Fabien; Velez, Laure; Verley, Philippe; Barrier, Nicolas; Ulses, Caroline; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Esteban, Antonio; Follesa, Cristina; Gristina, Michele; Jadaud, Angelique; Ligas, Alessandro; Díaz, Eduardo López; Maiorano, Porzia; Peristeraki, Panagiota; Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Thasitis, Ioannis; Valls, Maria; Guilhaumon, François; Shin, Yunne-jai.
The Mediterranean Sea is one of the main hotspots of marine biodiversity in the world. The combined pressures of fishing activity and climate change have also made it a hotspot of global change amidst increasing concern about the worsening status of exploited marine species. To anticipate the impacts of global changes in the Mediterranean Sea, more integrated modelling approaches are needed, which can then help policymakers prioritize management actions and formulate strategies to mitigate impacts and adapt to changes. The aim of this study was to develop a holistic model of marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea with an explicit representation of the spatial, multispecies dynamics of exploited resources subject to the combined influence of climate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem model; Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management; OSMOSE model; NEMOMED model; Eco3M-S model; Global change.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Deepwater Horizon oil spill impacts on sea turtles could span the Atlantic 5
Putman, Nathan F.; Abreu-grobois, F. Alberto; Iturbe-darkistade, Inaky; Putman, Emily M.; Richards, Paul M.; Verley, Philippe.
We investigated the extent that the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill potentially affected oceanic-stage sea turtles from populations across the Atlantic. Within an ocean-circulation model, particles were backtracked from the Gulf of Mexico spill site to determine the probability of young turtles arriving in this area from major nesting beaches. The abundance of turtles in the vicinity of the oil spill was derived by forward-tracking particles from focal beaches and integrating population size, oceanic-stage duration and stage-specific survival rates. Simulations indicated that 321 401 (66 199-397 864) green (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) turtles were likely within the spill site. These predictions...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean-circulation model; Sea turtle; Oil spill; Movement ecology; Distribution.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Effect of yolk utilization on the specific gravity of chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii) paralarvae: implications for dispersal on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa 5
Martins, Rodrigo S.; Roberts, Michael J.; Chang, Nicolette; Verley, Philippe; Moloney, Coleen L.; Vidal, Erica A. G..
Specific gravity is an important parameter in the dispersal of marine zooplankton, because the velocity of currents, and therefore the speed of transport, is usually greatest near the surface. For the South African chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii), recruitment is thought to be influenced by the successful transport of paralarvae from the spawning grounds to a food-rich feature known as the cold ridge some 100-200 km away. The role of paralarval specific gravity on such transport is investigated. Specific gravity ranged from 1.0373 to 1.0734 g cm(-3) during the yolk-utilization phase, implying that paralarvae are always negatively buoyant, regardless of yolk content. The data were incorporated into a coupled individual-based model (IBM)-Regional Ocean...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Agulhas Bank; Chokka squid; Dispersal; Paralarvae; Specific gravity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Emergence of negative trophic level-size relationships from a size-based, individual-based multispecies fish model 5
Travers-trolet, Morgane; Coppin, Franck; Cresson, Pierre; Cugier, Philippe; Oliveros-ramos, Ricardo; Verley, Philippe.
Modeling the mechanisms underlying trophic interactions between individuals allows the food web structure to emerge from local interactions, which constitutes a prerequisite for assessing how marine ecosystems respond to various anthropogenic pressures. Using a multispecies spatially explicit individual-based model, the emergence of trophic patterns was explored in the eastern English Channel ecosystem, where pelagic-benthic trophic coupling was recently studied empirically. The OSMOSE model was applied to this ecosystem by explicitly representing the life cycle of 13 fish species and one squid group, forced by pelagic and benthic prey fields that are variable over time and space. A matrix defining possible accessibilities between life stages was added to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Emergent patterns; Pelagic-benthic coupling; Individual-based model; Food web; Fish community.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Global ensemble projections reveal trophic amplification of ocean biomass declines with climate change 5
Lotze, Heike K.; Tittensor, Derek P.; Bryndum-buchholz, Andrea; Eddy, Tyler D.; Cheung, William W. L.; Galbraith, Eric D.; Barange, Manuel; Barrier, Nicolas; Bianchi, Daniele; Blanchard, Julia L; Bopp, Laurent; Buchner, Matthias; Bulman, Catherine M.; Carozza, David A.; Christensen, Villy; Coll, Marta; Dunne, John P.; Fulton, Elizabeth A.; Jennings, Simon; Jones, Miranda C.; Mackinson, Steve; Maury, Olivier; Niiranen, Susa; Oliveros-ramos, Ricardo; Roy, Tilla; Fernandes, Jose A.; Schewe, Jacob; Shin, Yunne-jai; Silva, Tiago A. M.; Steenbeek, Jeroen; Stock, Charles A.; Verley, Philippe; Volkholz, Jan; Walker, Nicola D.; Worm, Boris.
While the physical dimensions of climate change are now routinely assessed through multimodel intercomparisons, projected impacts on the global ocean ecosystem generally rely on individual models with a specific set of assumptions. To address these single-model limitations, we present standardized ensemble projections from six global marine ecosystem models forced with two Earth system models and four emission scenarios with and without fishing. We derive average biomass trends and associated uncertainties across the marine food web. Without fishing, mean global animal biomass decreased by 5% (+/- 4% SD) under low emissions and 17% (+/- 11% SD) under high emissions by 2100, with an average 5% decline for every 1 degrees C of warming. Projected biomass...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate change impacts; Marine food webs; Global ecosystem modeling; Model intercomparison; Uncertainty.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Global mismatch between fishing dependency and larval supply from marine reserves 5
Andrello, Marco; Guilhaumon, Francois; Albouy, Camille; Parravicini, Valeriano; Scholtens, Joeri; Verley, Philippe; Barange, Manuel; Sumaila, U. Rashid; Manel, Stephanie; Mouillot, David.
Marine reserves are viewed as flagship tools to protect exploited species and to contribute to the effective management of coastal fisheries. Yet, the extent to which marine reserves are globally interconnected and able to effectively seed areas, where fisheries are most critical for food and livelihood security is largely unknown. Using a hydrodynamic model of larval dispersal, we predict that most marine reserves are not interconnected by currents and that their potential benefits to fishing areas are presently limited, since countries with high dependency on coastal fisheries receive very little larval supply from marine reserves. This global mismatch could be reversed, however, by placing new marine reserves in areas sufficiently remote to minimize...
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Ano: 2017 URL:
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Implementation of an end-to-end model of the Gulf of Lions ecosystem (NW Mediterranean Sea). I. Parameterization, calibration and evaluation 5
Bănaru, Daniela; Diaz, Fréderic; Verley, Philippe; Campbell, Rose; Navarro, Jonathan; Yohia, Christophe; Oliveros-ramos, Ricardo; Mellon, Capucine; Shin, Yunne-jai.
An end-to-end model named OSMOSE-GoL has been built for the Gulf of Lions, the main French Mediterranean fishing area. This spatialized dynamic model links the coupled hydrodynamic and biogeochemical model Eco3M-S/SYMPHONIE (LTL – low trophic level model) to OSMOSE (HTL – high trophic level model). It includes 15 compartments of living organisms, five from the LTL model (i.e. nanophytoplankton, microphytoplankton, nanozooplankton, microzooplankton and mesozooplankton) and ten from the HTL model (northern krill, southern shortfin squid, European pilchard, European anchovy, European sprat, Atlantic horse mackerel, Atlantic mackerel, blue whiting, European hake and Atlantic bluefin tuna). With the exception of northern krill and European sprat, all HTL...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem modeling; Food web; Fisheries; OSMOSE; Eco3M.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Influence of Biological Factors on Connectivity Patterns for Concholepas concholepas (loco) in Chile 5
Garavelli, Lysel; Colas, Francois; Verley, Philippe; Kaplan, David Michael; Yannicelli, Beatriz; Lett, Christophe.
In marine benthic ecosystems, larval connectivity is a major process influencing the maintenance and distribution of invertebrate populations. Larval connectivity is a complex process to study as it is determined by several interacting factors. Here we use an individual-based, biophysical model, to disentangle the effects of such factors, namely larval vertical migration, larval growth, larval mortality, adults fecundity, and habitat availability, for the marine gastropod Concholepas concholepas (loco) in Chile. Lower transport success and higher dispersal distances are observed including larval vertical migration in the model. We find an overall decrease in larval transport success to settlement areas from northern to southern Chile. This spatial gradient...
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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Magnetic navigation behavior and the oceanic ecology of young loggerhead sea turtles 5
Putman, Nathan F.; Verley, Philippe; Endres, Courtney S.; Lohmann, Kenneth J..
During long-distance migrations, animals navigate using a variety of sensory cues, mechanisms and strategies. Although guidance mechanisms are usually studied under controlled laboratory conditions, such methods seldom allow for navigation behavior to be examined in an environmental context. Similarly, although realistic environmental models are often used to investigate the ecological implications of animal movement, explicit consideration of navigation mechanisms in such models is rare. Here, we used an interdisciplinary approach in which we first conducted lab-based experiments to determine how hatchling loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) respond to magnetic fields that exist at five widely separated locations along their migratory route, and then...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Magnetic orientation; Navigation; Magnetoreception; Caretta caretta; Ocean circulation model.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Reference levels of ecosystem indicators at multispecies maximum sustainable yield 5
Briton, Florence; Shannon, Lynne; Barrier, Nicolas; Verley, Philippe; Shin, Yunne-jai.
We investigate reference points for ecosystem indicators in support of an Ecosystem Approach to Fishery. In particular, we assess indicator capacity to detect when the Multispecies Maximum Sustainable Yield (MMSY) is reached, under a wide range of multispecies fishing strategies. The analysis was carried out using a simulation approach based on the ecosystem model OSMOSE in the southern Benguela. We show that the 13 ecosystem indicators have reference points at MMSY that are highly variable across fishing strategies. The state of the ecosystem at MMSY is so variable across fishing strategies that it is not possible to set reference points without considering the fishing strategy. However, strategy-specific reference points were found to constitute robust...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem-based fishery management; Fishing strategy; Indicator reference point; Multispecies MSY; Southern Benguela.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Risky business: The combined effects of fishing and changes in primary productivity on fish communities 5
Fu, Caihong; Travers-trolet, Morgane; Velez, Laure; Gruss, Arnaud; Bundy, Alida; Shannon, Lynne J.; Fulton, Elizabeth A.; Akoglu, Ekin; Houle, Jennifer E.; Coll, Marta; Verley, Philippe; Heymans, Johanna J.; John, Emma; Shin, Yunne-jai.
There is an increasing need to understand community-level or whole-ecosystem responses to multiple stressors since the impacts of multiple stressors on marine systems depend not only on species- level responses, but also on species interactions and ecosystem structure. In this study, we used a multi-model ecosystem simulation approach to explore the combined effects of fishing and primary productivity on different components of the food-web across a suite of ecosystems and a range of model types. Simulations were carried out under different levels of primary productivity and various fishing scenarios (targeting different trophic levels). Previous work exploring the effects of multiple stressors often assumed that the combined effects of stressors are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine ecosystem; Fishing; Combined effect; Meta-analysis; Synergism; Multiple drivers.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The Cumulative Effects of Fishing, Plankton Productivity, and Marine Mammal Consumption in a Marine Ecosystem 5
Fu, Caihong; Xu, Yi; Guo, Chuanbo; Olsen, Norm; Grüss, Arnaud; Liu, Huizhu; Barrier, Nicolas; Verley, Philippe; Shin, Yunne-jai.
The marine ecosystem off British Columbia (BC), Canada, has experienced various changes in the last two decades, including reduced lipid-rich zooplankton biomass, increased marine mammals, and deteriorated commercial fisheries, particularly those targeting pelagic species such as Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii). Understanding how stressors interactively and cumulatively affect commercially important fish species is key to moving toward ecosystem-based fisheries management. Because it is challenging to assess the cumulative effects of multiple stressors by using empirical data alone, a dynamic, individual-based spatially explicit ecosystem modeling platform such as Object-oriented Simulator of Marine Ecosystems (OSMOSE) represents a valuable tool to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cumulative effect; Ecosystem-based fisheries management; Ecological indicator; Ecosystem modeling; Synergism.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Wind-induced variability in larval retention in a coral reef system: a biophysical modelling study in the South-West Lagoon of New Caledonia 5
Cuif, Marion; Kaplan, David; Lefevre, Jerome; Faure, Vincent Martin; Caillaud, Matthieu; Verley, Philippe; Vigliola, Laurent; Lett, Christophe.
In the present work, a biophysical dispersal model is used to understand the role of the physical environment in determining reef fish larval dispersal patterns in the South-West Lagoon of New Caledonia. We focus on a reef fish species, the humbug damselfish Dascyllus aruanus, to investigate seasonal variability of simulated larval retention at the scale of a reef patch and at the scale of the lagoon, and to explore links between larval retention and wind variability. The model shows that retention exhibits considerable temporal variability and periodically reaches values much larger than anticipated. Non-zero larval settlement occurs over a large part of the lagoon. Nevertheless, settlement values decrease quickly away from the natal reef and mean...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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