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An integrated simulation model to evaluate national policies for the abatement of agricultural nutrients in the Baltic Sea AgEcon
Hyytiainen, Kari; Ahtiainen, Heini; Heikkila, Jaakko; Helin, Janne; Huhtala, Anni; Iho, Antti; Koikkalainen, Kauko; Miettinen, Antti; Pouta, Eija; Vesterinen, Janne.
This study introduces a prototype model for evaluating policies to abate agricultural nutrients in the Baltic Sea from a Finnish national point of view. The stochastic simulation model integrates nutrient dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the sea basins adjoining the Finnish coast, nutrient loads from land and other sources, benefits from nutrient abatement (in the form of recreation and other ecosystem services) and the costs of agricultural abatement activities. The aim of this study is to present the overall structure of the model and to demonstrate its potential using preliminary parameters. The model is made flexible for further improvements in all of its ecological and economic components. Results of a sensitivity analysis suggest that...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Ecosystem services; Nutrient abatement; Monte Carlo simulation; Recreation; Valuation; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Water recreation benefits from reduced eutrophication in Finnish surface waters AgEcon
Vesterinen, Janne; Pouta, Eija.
Eutrophication has been commonly acknowledged as a typical problem of the Baltic Sea, but it is also emerging in Finnish inland waters. As municipal sources of nutrients have been addressed by enhancing waste water treatment, the pressure has focused to agriculture along with the adoption of the EU- Water Framework Directive, which aims to improve surface water quality to “good ecological status” by 2015. The implementation of the directive will likely affect water recreation behavior and benefits. In this study we modeled water recreation participation and water quality econometrically using a hurdle model for three activities: swimming, fishing and boating. In addition, we estimated the consumer surplus for a water recreation day using a travel cost...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Water recreation; Non-market valuation; Eutrophication; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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