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AltiKa: a Ka-band altimetry payload and system for operational altimetry during the GMES period ArchiMer
Vincent, Patrick; Steunou, N; Caubet, E; Phalippou, L; Rey, L; Thouvenot, E; Verron, J.
This paper describes the Ka-band altimetry payload and system that has been studied for several years by CNES, ALCATEL SPACE and some science laboratories. Altimetry is one of the major elements of the ocean observing system to be made sustainable through the GEOSS ( Global Earth Observation System of Systems) and GMES ( Global Monitoring of the Environment and Security) programs. A short review of some mission objectives to be fulfilled in terms of mesoscale oceanography in the frame of the GEOSS and GMES programs is performed. To answer the corresponding requirements, the approach consisting in a constellation of nadir altimeter is discussed. A coupled Ka-band altimeter-radiometer payload is then described; technical items are detailed to explain how...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Altimeter; Radiometer; Ocean mesoscale circulation; Ka-band.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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L'élevage du thon rouge. Expériences japonaises ArchiMer
Vincent, Patrick.
Young bluefin tuna are very resistant to rapid variations of external conditions except to a rapid drop of dissolved oxygen. Juveniles captured in the sea tolerate life in net pens after an adaptation periud duriiig whicih mortality is very high. The first rearing trials, with feeding on ground fish only, have already led to some general conclusions. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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New models for satellite altimeter sea state bias correction developed using global wave model data ArchiMer
Tran, N; Vandemark, D; Chapron, Bertrand; Labroue, S; Feng, H; Beckley, B; Vincent, Patrick.
Sea level determination via satellite altimetry is subject to numerous error sources. One of these is the sea state bias where changing surface wave conditions alter an altimeter's estimate of mean sea level. Recent work suggests that present day methods for correcting this bias, based solely on wave and wind information from the altimeter, may be improved if additional surface gravity wave field measurements become available. This paper tests this hypothesis by developing several new sea state bias correction models using a year long combination of Jason-1 data with wave field statistics generated from an hindcast of the WaveWatch3 ocean wave model. Each candidate model is produced in the same manner; through a nonparametric mapping between Jason-1 sea...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean wave model; Altimetry; Sea state bias.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Performances study of interferometric radar altimeters: from the instrument to the global mission definition ArchiMer
Enjolras, Vivien; Vincent, Patrick; Souyris, Jean-claude; Rodriguez, Ernesto; Phalippou, Laurent; Cazenave, Anny.
The main limitations of standard nadir-looking radar altimeters have been known for long. They include the lack of coverage (intertrack distance of typically 150 km for the T/P / Jason tandem), and the spatial resolution ( typically 2 km for T/P and Jason), expected to be a limiting factor for the determination of mesoscale phenomena in deep ocean. In this context, various solutions using off-nadir radar interferometry have been proposed by Rodriguez and al to give an answer to oceanographic mission objectives. This paper addresses the performances study of this new generation of instruments, and dedicated mission. A first approach is based on the Wide-Swath Ocean Altimeter (WSOA) intended to be implemented onboard Jason-2 in 2004 but now abandoned. Every...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Altimetry; Interferometry; Error budget; System analysis; Ocean; Mesoscale.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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