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Genotoxicity assessment and detoxification induction in Dreissena polymorpha exposed to benzo[a]pyrene ArchiMer
Chatel, Amelie; Faucet-marquis, Virginie; Perret, Marine; Gourlay-france, Catherine; Uher, Emmanuelle; Pfohl-leszkowicz, Annie; Vincent-hubert, Francoise.
The use of DNA adduct analysis has previously focused on the use of marine organisms for biomonitoring, whereas similar investigations in freshwater organisms are sparse. In that context, we have investigated the relevance of DNA adducts as biomarkers of genotoxicity in the freshwater mussels Dreissena polymorpha. The objective of the present study is to determine the stability of DNA adducts induced by benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) in zebra mussels. Mussels were exposed to dissolved B[a]P (10100 mu g/l) for 4 days. Afterwards, mussels were kept in clean water for 28 days and DNA adduct levels were subsequently measured in two different organs, the digestive glands and the gills, using the P-32-postlabelling technique. In parallel, the expression of genes...
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Ano: 2012 URL:
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Le risque écotoxicologique dans le bassin de la Seine. Comprendre et diagnostiquer l'impact de la contamination sur les organismes ArchiMer
Gourlay France, Catherine; Vincent-hubert, Francoise; Tusseau-vuillemin, Marie-helene; Sanchez, Wilfried; Geffard, Alain; Levi, Yves; Oziol, Lucie; Labadie, Pierre; Mouchel, Jean-marie; Raguet, Mireille; Thery, Sylvain.
Le PIREN-Seine s’intéresse à la présence dans le bassin versant de la Seine de contaminants d’origines agricole, industrielle et domestique depuis une vingtaine d’années. Ces polluants, qui se retrouvent parfois à des concentrations très faibles dans l’eau, peuvent avoir des impacts sur l’homme et l’environnement qui restent peu connus. La présence de ces substances toxiques suscite un intérêt majeur auprès des gestionnaires de la ressource comme des consommateurs. Les perturbations endocriniennes, les effets cancérigènes, la présence de résidus de médicaments sont autant de sujets d’inquiétude largement médiatisés et débattus. Pour garantir la protection de la santé humaine et du milieu aquatique, la réglementation a défini des normes de qualité...
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Metallothionein mRNA induction is correlated with the decrease of DNA strand breaks in cadmium exposed zebra mussels ArchiMer
Vincent-hubert, Francoise; Chatel, Amelie; Gourlay-france, Catherine.
We have previously shown that cadmium (Cd) and Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) induced early DNA damages in zebra mussels, and that the level of DNA strand breaks (SB) returned to a basal level after 3 days of exposure to Cd. The aim of the present study was to go further in the mechanisms of Cd and BaP detoxification. For that purpose, expression of genes encoding for metallothionein (MT), Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AHR), P-gP, catalase, glutathione S-transferase and Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) proteins have been measured using RT-qPCR. Data reported here show that Cd is a strong inducer of MT and HSP70 genes, and that BaP is a strong inducer of P-gP and AHR genes. Exposure to Cd and BaP resulted in moderate changes in antioxidant enzymes mRNA. Since the increase...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benzo[a]pyrene; Cadmium; Metallothionein; Aryl hydrocarbon receptor; Antioxidant enzymes; RT-qPCR.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Use of low density polyethylene membranes for assessment of genotoxicity of PAHs in the Seine River ArchiMer
Vincent-hubert, Francoise; Uher, Emmanuelle; Di Giorgio, Carole; Michel, Cecile; De Meo, Michel; Gourlay-france, Catherine.
The genotoxicity of river water dissolved contaminants is usually estimated after grab sampling of river water. Water contamination can now be obtained with passive samplers that allow a time-integrated sampling of contaminants. Since it was verified that low density polyethylene membranes (LDPE) accumulate labile hydrophobic compounds, their use was proposed as a passive sampler. This study was designed to test the applicability of passive sampling for combined chemical and genotoxicity measurements. The LDPE extracts were tested with the umu test (TA1535/pSK1002 ± S9) and the Ames assay (TA98, TA100 and YG1041 ± S9). We describe here this new protocol and its application in two field studies on four sites of the Seine River. Field LDPE extracts were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Genotoxicity; River water; Passive samplers; PAHs; Ames assay; Umu test.
Ano: 2017 URL:
Registros recuperados: 4
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