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Strategies in Financial Services, the Shareholders and the System Is Bigger and Broader Better? AgEcon
Walter, Ingo.
The financial services industry is "special" in a variety of ways, including the fiduciary nature of the business, its role at the center of the payments and capital allocation process with all its static and dynamic implications for economic performance, and the systemic nature of problems that can arise in the industry. So the structure, conduct and performance of the industry has unusually important public interest dimensions. One facet of the discussion has focused on size of financial firms, however measured, and the range of activities conducted by them. Is size positively related to total returns to shareholders? If so, does this involve gains in efficiency or transfers of wealth to shareholders from other constituencies, or maybe both? Does greater...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Financial services; Shareholders; Size of financial firms; Financial Economics; G20; L10.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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