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S100A8 inhibits PDGF-induced proliferation of airway smooth muscle cells dependent on the receptor for advanced glycation end-products Biol. Res.
Xu,Yu‑Dong; Wang,Yu; Yin,Lei‑Miao; Peng,Ling‑Ling; Park,Gyoung‑Hee; Yang,Yong‑Qing.
Abstract Background Airway remodeling is a key feature of asthma, characterized by increased proliferation of airway smooth muscle cells (ASMCs). S100A8 is a calcium‑binding protein with a potential to regulate cell proliferation. Here, the effect of exogenous S100A8 protein on the proliferation of ASMCs induced by platelet‑derived growth factor (PDGF) and the underlying molecular mechanism was investigated. Methods Rat ASMCs were cultured with or without a neutralizing antibody to the receptor for advanced glycation end‑products (RAGE), a potential receptor for S100A8 protein. Purified recombinant rat S100A8 protein was then added into the cultured cells, and the proliferation of ASMCs induced by PDGF was detected by...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: S100A8 Airway smooth muscle cells Cell proliferation The receptor for advanced glycation end‑ Products Platelet‑ Derived growth factor.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Simultaneous application of BrdU and WST-1 measurements for detection of the proliferation and viability of airway smooth muscle cells Biol. Res.
Yin,Lei-Miao; Wei,Ying; Wang,Wen-Qian; Wang,Yu; Xu,Yu-Dong; Yang,Yong-Qing.
BACKGROUND: BrdU is a commonly used reagent in cell proliferation assays, and WST-1 measurement is widely used to detect cell viability. However, no previous study has formally reported the combination of the two assays, which may be used to detect the proliferation and viability simultaneously. In this study, we examined the effect of adding BrdU 2 h prior to the WST-1 assay and tried to test the possibility of the combined detection using rat airway smooth muscle cells. RESULTS: The WST-1 measurements obtained from the combined detection were consistent with those obtained from the separate detection, which suggested that the addition of BrdU 2 h prior to the WST-1 analysis did not affect the WST-1 results. The BrdU measurements obtained from the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: BrdU; WST-1; Cell proliferation; Cell viability; Airway smooth muscle cells.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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