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Characteristics of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) catches achieved by experimental fishing using instrumented longline in the Seychelles exclusive economic zone (EEZ):preliminary results of an experimental long line fishing program: « Programme d’Action de la Pêche Palangrière Seychelloise – PAPPS » ArchiMer
Wendling, Bertrand; Lucas, Vincent; Bargain, Rose Marie; Poisson, Francois; Taquet, Marc.
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Ano: 2003 URL:
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PROJET GALION. Gestion alternative de la pêcherie chalutière du Golfe du Lion ArchiMer
Wendling, Bertrand; Marchand, Morgane; Cuvilliers, Perrine; Cornella, Delphine; Vaz, Sandrine; Genu, Mathieu; Medieu, Anais; Guillerme, Chloe; Llapasset, Margaud; Holley, Jean-franois; Soulat, Nelly; Sacchi, Jacques; Scourzic, Thomas; Lesage, Claire-marine; Baranger, Laurent.
Améliorer la gestion des ressources marines est donc un impératif au maintien des entreprises de pêche, c’est pourquoi les pêcheurs chalutiers du golfe du Lion ont lancé l’initiative du projet GALION pour permettre de définir de nouveaux modes de gestion pour cette pêcherie. Le projet intègre plusieurs phases de collecte de données en mer dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre scientifiques, pêcheurs et économistes. Plusieurs actions sont menées au cours des trois années du projet : 1. Cartographier la distribution des captures et rejets. 2. Définir des habitats sensibles ou à risque. 3. Analyser la sélectivité des engins de pêche et leur impact économique. 4. Proposer des stratégies de pêche limitant les rejets. Ainsi le projet GALION vise à fournir aux...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Systèmes halieutiques et DCP dans l'océan Indien: une revue de la diversité des trajectoires et des résultats en termes d'intégration et de durabilité ArchiMer
Tessier, E; Rey-valette, H; Ah-nieme, D; Bargain, Rm; Venkatasamy, A; Wendling, Bertrand.
The first fad's in the islands of the South West Indian Ocean were moored in the fifties. The area under study forms part of the Indian Ocean Commission which include Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Reunion and the island of Mayotte. After a few isolated trials that turned to be inconclusive, especially for lack of reliability of the devices moored, trials were pursued under the auspices of International Organizations. A new type of fad was successfully designed and implemented in Mauritius. This model was then applied in the Comoros in 1987, in la Reunion and Madagascar in 1988 and in Mayotte in 1989. The various programmes have had various results. In some cases such as la Reunion and Mauritius, they have played a key role in the development...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing Attracting techniques Fishery development Oceanic islands Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: Comoro Is. Comoro Is.; Mayotte ISW; Indian Ocean Madagascar Mascarene Is.; Reunion Mascarine Is.; Mauritius Seychelles.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Tagging Atlantic bluefin tuna from a farming cage: An attempt to reduce handling times for large scale deployments ArchiMer
Rouyer, Tristan; Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Giordano, Nicolas; Ellul, Saviour; Ellul, Giovanni; Deguara, Simeon; Wendling, Bertrand; Belhaj, Mohamed Moez; Kerzerho, Vincent; Bernard, Serge.
Our knowledge on the biology and ecology of marine species have improved greatly through the use of archival tags by enabling the collection on information from individual in the wild. This is specifically true for large pelagic species such as the Atlantic Bluefin tuna (ABFT, Thunnus thynnus) where, for the first time, it has been possible to confirm through fisheries-independent data, migration patterns, reproductive and feeding behaviours and habitat use. However, large-scale tagging experiments that would enable researchers to tackle group behaviour are difficult to set up. On the one hand, the impact of the actual tagging operation should be as minimal as possible to avoid any change in behaviour of the fish which could influence tag data analyses. On...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Large Atlantic bluefin tuna; Electronic tagging; Release; Farming.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Tagging Atlantic bluefin tuna from a Mediterranean spawning ground using a purse seiner ArchiMer
Rouyer, Tristan; Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Giordano, Nicolas; Giordano, François; Ellul, Saviour; Ellul, Giovanni; Deguara, Simeon; Wendling, Bertrand; Bernard, Serge; Kerzerho, Vincent.
Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, is as an emblematic and commercially valuable large pelagic species. In the past ten years, the purse seine fishery in the Mediterranean represents more than 50 % of the catch. Nowadays, purse seines target large fish and operate during the spawning season in the spawning grounds. Electronic tagging has shed a considerable amount of light on the ecology and behaviour of bluefin tuna over the past twenty years. However, such technique has rarely been applied on large bluefin tunas caught by the Mediterranean purse seine fishery despite its major importance. The logistical constraints related to this specific fishery, combined with the timing of migration of the fish and the requirements related to the handling of big...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Large Atlantic bluefin tuna; Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stock; Electronic tagging; Purse seine; Migrations.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Technologie et utilisation des DCP ancres dans les eaux de la collectivite territoriale de Mayotte (archipel des Comores, canal du Mozambique, ocean Indien) ArchiMer
Wendling, Bertrand; Le Calve, S.
The volcanic island of Mayotte (374 km super(2)) is part of the Comoros Archipelago, which is situated on the North of Mozambic's Canal (Indian Ocean). Mayotte is composed of two islands and some thirty small islands distributed in a lagoon of more than 1,000 km super(2). Being one of the French Republic's Territorial Collectivity, this island is characterized by a very fast demographic evolution (growth rate : 5.8 %), which constitutes the foundation of the development problematic. Most of local halieutic production comes from the reef (nearly 2,000 t in 1999), the technic of "palangrotte" (deep line) is still dominating. The fishing fleet is composed of monoxyl pirogues and polyester fishing boats for the 1,200 fishermen. The first FADs (Fish Aggregating...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing Attracting techniques Lagoon fisheries Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: Comoro Is.; Mayotte ISW; Indian Ocean ISW; West Indian Ocean; Mozambique Channel.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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